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  1. Abstract

    Weathering and erosion processes are crucial to Critical Zone (CZ) evolution, landscape formation and availability of natural resources. Although many of these processes take place in the deep CZ (∼10–100 m), direct information about its architecture remain scarce. Near‐surface geophysics offers a cost‐effective and minimally intrusive alternative to drilling that provides information about the physical properties of the CZ. We propose a novel workflow combining seismic measurements, petrophysical modelling and geostatistical analysis to characterize the architecture of the deep CZ at the catchment scale, on the volcanic tropical island of Basse‐Terre (Guadeloupe, France). With this original workflow, we are for the first time able to jointly produce maps of the water table and the weathering front across an entire catchment, by means of a single geophysical method. This integrated view of the CZ highlights complex weathering patterns that call for going beyond “simple” hillslope CZ models.

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  2. Abstract

    Subsurface weathering has traditionally been measured using cores and boreholes to quantify vertical variations in weathered material properties. However, these measurements are typically available at only a few, potentially unrepresentative points on hillslopes. Geophysical surveys, conversely, span many more points and, as shown here, can be used to obtain a representative, site‐integrated perspective on subsurface weathering. Our approach aggregates data from multiple seismic refraction surveys into a single frequency distribution of porosity and depth for the surveyed area. We calibrated the porosities at a site where cores are coincident with seismic refraction surveys. Modeled porosities from the survey data match measurements at the core locations but reveal a frequency distribution of porosity and depth that differs markedly from the cores. Our results highlight the value of using the site‐integrated perspective obtained from the geophysical data to quantify subsurface weathering and water‐holding capacity.

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