Abstract. Climate variability is typically amplified towards polar regions. The underlying causes, notably albedo and humidity changes, are challenging to accurately quantify with observations or models, thus hampering projections of future polar amplification. Polar amplification reconstructions from the ice-free early Eocene (∼56–48 Ma) can exclude ice albedo effects, but the required tropical temperature records for resolving timescales shorter than multi-million years are lacking. Here, we reconstruct early Eocene tropical sea surface temperature variability by presenting an up to ∼4 kyr resolution biomarker-based temperature record from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 959, located in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. This record shows warming across multiple orbitally paced carbon cycle perturbations, coeval with high-latitude-derived deep-ocean bottom waters, showing that these events represent transient global warming events (hyperthermals). This implies that orbital forcing caused global temperature variability through carbon cycle feedbacks. Importantly, deep-ocean temperature variability was amplified by a factor of 1.7–2.3 compared to the tropical surface ocean, corroborating available long-term estimates. This implies that fast atmospheric feedback processes controlled meridional temperature gradients on multi-million year, as well as orbital, timescales during the early Eocene. Our combined records have several other implications. First, our amplification factor is somewhat larger than the same metric in fully coupled simulations of the early Eocene (1.1–1.3), suggesting that models slightly underestimate the non-ice-related – notably hydrological – feedbacks that cause polar amplification of climate change. Second, even outside the hyperthermals, we find synchronous eccentricity-forced temperature variability in the tropics and deep ocean that represent global mean sea surface temperature variability of up to 0.7 °C, which requires significant variability in atmospheric pCO2. We hypothesize that the responsible carbon cycle feedbacks that are independent of ice, snow, and frost-related processes might play an important role in Phanerozoic orbital-scale climate variability throughout geological time, including Pleistocene glacial–interglacial climate variability.
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Abstract Large Oligocene Antarctic ice sheets co-existed with warm proximal waters offshore Wilkes Land. Here we provide a broader Southern Ocean perspective to such warmth by reconstructing the strength and variability of the Oligocene Australian-Antarctic latitudinal sea surface temperature gradient. Our Oligocene TEX 86 -based sea surface temperature record from offshore southern Australia shows temperate (20–29 °C) conditions throughout, despite northward tectonic drift. A persistent sea surface temperature gradient (~5–10 °C) exists between Australia and Antarctica, which increases during glacial intervals. The sea surface temperature gradient increases from ~26 Ma, due to Antarctic-proximal cooling. Meanwhile, benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope decline indicates ice loss/deep-sea warming. These contrasting patterns are difficult to explain by greenhouse gas forcing alone. Timing of the sea surface temperature cooling coincides with deepening of Drake Passage and matches results of ocean model experiments that demonstrate that Drake Passage opening cools Antarctic proximal waters. We conclude that Drake Passage deepening cooled Antarctic coasts which enhanced thermal isolation of Antarctica.more » « less
The end-Permian mass extinction event (∼252 Mya) is associated with one of the largest global carbon cycle perturbations in the Phanerozoic and is thought to be triggered by the Siberian Traps volcanism. Sizable carbon isotope excursions (CIEs) have been found at numerous sites around the world, suggesting massive quantities of 13 C-depleted CO 2 input into the ocean and atmosphere system. The exact magnitude and cause of the CIEs, the pace of CO 2 emission, and the total quantity of CO 2 , however, remain poorly known. Here, we quantify the CO 2 emission in an Earth system model based on new compound-specific carbon isotope records from the Finnmark Platform and an astronomically tuned age model. By quantitatively comparing the modeled surface ocean pH and boron isotope pH proxy, a massive (∼36,000 Gt C) and rapid emission (∼5 Gt C yr −1 ) of largely volcanic CO 2 source (∼−15%) is necessary to drive the observed pattern of CIE, the abrupt decline in surface ocean pH, and the extreme global temperature increase. This suggests that the massive amount of greenhouse gases may have pushed the Earth system toward a critical tipping point, beyond which extreme changes in ocean pH and temperature led to irreversible mass extinction. The comparatively amplified CIE observed in higher plant leaf waxes suggests that the surface waters of the Finnmark Platform were likely out of equilibrium with the initial massive centennial-scale release of carbon from the massive Siberian Traps volcanism, supporting the rapidity of carbon injection. Our modeling work reveals that carbon emission pulses are accompanied by organic carbon burial, facilitated by widespread ocean anoxia.more » « less
Abstract Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), both archaeal isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs) and bacterial branched GDGTs (brGDGTs), have been used in paleoclimate studies to reconstruct environmental conditions. Since GDGTs are produced in many types of environments, their relative abundances also depend on the depositional setting. This suggests that the distribution of GDGTs also preserves useful information that can be used more broadly to infer these depositional environments in the geological past. Here, we combined existing iso‐ and brGDGT relative abundance data with newly analyzed samples to generate a database of 1,153 samples from several modern sedimentary settings. We observed a robust relationship between the depositional environment and the relative abundances of GDGTs in our samples. This data set was used to train and test the
B ranched andisoGDGT Ma chine learningC lassification (BIGMaC) algorithm, which identifies the environment a sample comes from based on the distribution of GDGTs with high precision and recall (F 1 = 0.95). We tested the model on the sedimentary record from the Giraffe kimberlite pipe, an Eocene maar in subantarctic Canada, and found that the BIGMaC reconstruction agrees with independent stratigraphic and palynological information, provides new information about the paleoenvironment of this site, and helps improve its paleotemperature reconstruction. In contrast, we also include an example from the PETM‐aged Cobham lignite as a cautionary example that illustrates the limitations of the algorithm. We propose that in cases where paleoenvironments are unknown or are changing, BIGMaC can be applied in concert with other proxies to generate more refined paleoclimate records.