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Creators/Authors contains: "Peyton, Brent M."

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  1. Microbial diversity estimation involves extracting nucleic acids from intricate sample matrices. Preparing nucleic acid samples is time-consuming, necessitating effective cell lysis and obtaining pure, inhibitor-free nucleic acid purifications before further use. An automated system offers advantages for field deployment due to its ease of use and quick autonomous results. This is especially beneficial for rapid measurement ofin situmicrobial diversity in remote areas. Our study aimed to assess microbial diversity of Yellowstone hot springs using a field-deployable lab in a resource-limited remote setting and demonstrate on-site nucleic acid sample processing and sequencing. We collected microbial mat and sediment samples from several Yellowstone National Park hot springs, focusing on the Five Sister Springs (FSS), spring LNN010, and Octopus Spring (OS). The samples were processed for DNA extraction on-site and further sequenced in the lab for microbial diversity. In addition, DNA extracted from one sample was sequenced and analyzed on-site as proof-of-concept. Using either Illumina or Oxford Nanopore Technology sequencing, we found similar microbial diversities. Bacteria (over 90%) were predominant at the FSS and OS sites, with archaea accounting for less than 10%. Metagenomic results were taxonomically categorized based on the closest known organism with a sequenced genome. The dominant archaeal community member wasCandidatusCaldiarchaeum subterraneum, and among bacteria,Roseiflexussp. RS-1 was abundant in mat samples. Interestingly, Bacterium HR17 was also frequently found, suggesting the need for more research on this newly recognized bacterial community member. The presence of Bacterium HR17 in these hot springs suggests its potential role in nitrogen cycling, informing both ecological understanding and industrial potential. This pioneering study assessed the microbiome of Yellowstone hot springs in about 8-9 hours using an automated system for nucleic acid extraction. By its deployment, the system’s value in elucidating the microbial diversity of extreme environments without the need to bring samples to the lab for processing had been highlighted. Sample processing and sequencing had been included in the benefits of the field-deployable lab, and the Nanopore platform had been utilized.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 9, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Research focused on microbial populations of thermoalkaline springs has been driven in a large part by the lure of discovering functional enzymes with industrial applications in high-pH and high temperature environments. While several studies have focused on understanding the fundamental ecology of these springs, the small molecule profiles of thermoalkaline springs have largely been overlooked. To better understand how geochemistry, small molecule composition, and microbial communities are connected, we conducted a three-year study of the Five Sisters (FS) springs that included high-resolution geochemical measurements, 16S rRNA sequencing of the bacterial and archaeal community, and mass spectrometry-based metabolite and extracellular small molecule characterization. Integration of the four datasets facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the interwoven thermoalkaline spring system. Over the course of the study, the microbial population responded to changing environmental conditions, with archaeal populations decreasing in both relative abundance and diversity compared to bacterial populations. Decreases in the relative abundance of Archaea were associated with environmental changes that included decreased availability of specific nitrogen- and sulfur-containing extracellular small molecules and fluctuations in metabolic pathways associated with nitrogen cycling. This multi-factorial analysis demonstrates that the microbial community composition is more closely correlated with pools of extracellular small molecules than with the geochemistry of the thermal springs. This is a novel finding and suggests that a previously overlooked component of thermal springs may have a significant impact on microbial community composition.

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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. Abstract

    The need for sustainable agricultural practices to meet the food, feed, and fuel demands of a growing global population while reducing detrimental environmental impacts has driven research in multi‐faceted approaches to agricultural sustainability. Perennial cropping systems and microbial biofertilizer supplements are two emerging strategies to increase agricultural sustainability that are studied in tandem for the first time in this study. During the establishment phase of a perennial switchgrass stand in SW Montana, USA, we supplemented synthetic fertilization with a nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacterial biofertilizer (CBF) and were able to maintain aboveground crop productivity in comparison to a synthetic only (urea) fertilizer treatment. Soil chemical analysis conducted at the end of the growing season revealed that late‐season nitrogen availability in CBF‐supplemented field plots increased relative to urea‐only plots. High‐throughput sequencing of bacterial/archaeal and fungal communities suggested fine‐scale responses of the microbial community and sensitivity to fertilization among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. Given their critical role in plant productivity and soil nutrient cycling, soil microbiome monitoring is vital to understand the impacts of implementation of alternative agricultural practices on soil health.

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