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Creators/Authors contains: "Pixley, J. H."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We study non-local measures of spectral correlations and their utility in characterizing and distinguishing between the distinct eigenstate phases of quantum chaotic and many-body localized systems. We focus on two related quantities, the spectral form factor and the density of all spectral gaps, and show that they furnish unique signatures that can be used to sharply identify the two phases. We demonstrate this by numerically studying three one-dimensional quantum spin chain models with (i) quenched disorder, (ii) periodic drive (Floquet), and (iii) quasiperiodic detuning. We also clarify in what ways the signatures are universal and in what ways they are not. More generally, this thorough analysis is expected to play a useful role in classifying phases of disorder systems.

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  3. We study one-dimensional hybrid quantum circuits perturbed by quenched quasiperiodic (QP) modulations across the measurement-induced phase transition (MIPT). Considering non-Pisot QP structures, characterized by unbounded fluctuations, allows us to tune the wandering exponent β to exceed the Luck bound ν ≥ 1/(1−β) for the stability of the MIPT, where ν = 1.28(2). Via robust numerical simulations of random Clifford circuits interleaved with local projective measurements, we find that sufficiently large QP structural fluctuations destabilize the MIPT and induce a flow to a broad family of critical dynamical phase transitions of the infinite QP type that is governed by the wandering exponent β. We numerically determine the associated critical properties, including the correlation length exponent consistent with saturating the Luck bound, and a universal activated dynamical scaling with activation exponent ψ ≅ β, finding excellent agreement with the conclusions of real-space renormalization group calculations. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 20, 2024