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Abstract. The observing system design of multidisciplinary fieldmeasurements involves a variety of considerations on logistics, safety, andscience objectives. Typically, this is done based on investigator intuitionand designs of prior field measurements. However, there is potential forconsiderable increases in efficiency, safety, and scientific success byintegrating numerical simulations in the design process. Here, we present anovel numerical simulation–environmental response function (NS–ERF)approach to observing system simulation experiments that aidssurface–atmosphere synthesis at the interface of mesoscale and microscalemeteorology. In a case study we demonstrate application of the NS–ERFapproach to optimize the Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-balanceStudy Enabled by a High-density Extensive Array of Detectors 2019(CHEESEHEAD19). During CHEESEHEAD19 pre-field simulation experiments, we considered theplacement of 20 eddy covariance flux towers, operations for 72 h oflow-altitude flux aircraft measurements, and integration of various remotesensing data products. A 2 h high-resolution large eddy simulationcreated a cloud-free virtual atmosphere for surface and meteorologicalconditions characteristic of the field campaign domain and period. Toexplore two specific design hypotheses we super-sampled this virtualatmosphere as observed by 13 different yet simultaneous observing systemdesigns consisting of virtual ground, airborne, and satellite observations.We then analyzed these virtual observations through ERFs to yield an optimalaircraft flight strategy for augmenting a stratified random flux towernetwork in combination with satellite retrievals. We demonstrate how the novel NS–ERF approach doubled CHEESEHEAD19'spotential to explore energy balance closure and spatial patterning scienceobjectives while substantially simplifying logistics. Owing to its modularextensibility, NS–ERF lends itself to optimizing observing system designs alsofor natural climate solutions, emission inventory validation, urban airquality, industry leak detection, and multi-species applications, among otheruse cases.more » « less
Abstract During the summer of 2018, the upward-pointing Wyoming Cloud Lidar (WCL) was deployed on board the University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) research aircraft for the Biomass Burning Flux Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols (BB-FLUX) field campaign. This paper describes the generation of calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficients and aerosol extinction coefficients from the WCL measurements. The retrieved aerosol extinction coefficients at the flight level strongly correlate (correlation coefficient, rr > 0.8) with in situ aerosol concentration and carbon monoxide (CO) concentration, providing a first-order estimate for converting WCL extinction coefficients into vertically resolved CO and aerosol concentration within wildfire smoke plumes. The integrated CO column concentrations from the WCL data in nonextinguished profiles also correlate (rr = 0.7) with column measurements by the University of Colorado Airborne Solar Occultation Flux instrument, indicating the validity of WCL-derived extinction coefficients. During BB-FLUX, the UWKA sampled smoke plumes from more than 20 wildfires during 35 flights over the western United States. Seventy percent of flight time was spent below 3 km above ground level (AGL) altitude, although the UWKA ascended up to 6 km AGL to sample the top of some deep smoke plumes. The upward-pointing WCL observed a nearly equal amount of thin and dense smoke below 2 km and above 5 km due to the flight purpose of targeted fresh fire smoke. Between 2 and 5 km, where most of the wildfire smoke resided, the WCL observed slightly more thin smoke than dense smoke due to smoke spreading. Extinction coefficients in dense smoke were 2–10 times stronger, and dense smoke tended to have larger depolarization ratio, associated with irregular aerosol particles.