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Creators/Authors contains: "Pluth, Michael D."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 7, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 10, 2025
  3. Surfactants solubilize S8 in water and promote thiol-mediated reduction to form H2S. Anionic and cationic surfactants have different impacts on the resultant reactive sulfur species distribution.

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  4. Mechanistic differences in S/Se chemistry enable direct H2Se release from selenocarbamates.

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  5. Several phosphaquinolinone derivatives have been synthesized and characterized to explore their usefulness in the realm of cell imaging. Solution-state photophysical properties in both aqueous and organic solutions were collected for these derivatives. Additionally, CCK-8 cell viability assays and fluorescent imaging in HeLa cells incubated with the new heterocyclic derivatives show evidence of favorable cell permeability, cell viability, and moderate intracellular localization when appended with the well-known morpholine targeting motif. 
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  6. Bambusuril-containing ChemFET sensor membranes show excellent selectivity for HSand inform on its placement in the Hofmeister series. 
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  7. The [ Ph B( t BuIm) 3 ] 1− ligand has gained increased attention since it was first reported in 2006 due to its ability to stabilize highly reactive first row transition metal complexes. In this work, we investigate the coordination chemistry of this ligand with redox-inert zinc to understand how a zinc metal center behaves in such a strong coordinating environment. The Ph B( t BuIm) 3 ZnCl (1) complex can be formed via deprotonation of [ Ph B( t BuIm) 3 ][OTf] 2 followed by the addition of ZnCl 2 . Salt metathesis reaction with nucleophilic n -BuLi yields the highly carbon-rich zinc coordination complex Ph B( t BuIm) 3 ZnBu (2) with three carbene atom donors and one carbanion donor. In contrast, reaction of complex 1 with a less nucleophilic polysulfide reagent, [K.18-C-6] 2 [S 4 ], leads to the formation of a tetrahedral zinc tetrasulfido complex via protonation of one carbene donor to form Ph B( t BuIm) 2 ( t BuImH)Zn(κ 2 -S 4 ) (3). 
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