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Creators/Authors contains: "Popescu, Voicu"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 16, 2025
  4. null (Ed.)
    We propose CoRE, a 360° video streaming approach that reduces bandwidth requirements compared to transferring the entire 360° video. CoRE uses non-linear sampling in both the spatial and temporal domains to achieve robustness to view direction prediction error and to transient wireless network bandwidth fluctuation. Each CoRE frame samples the environment in all directions, with full resolution over the predicted field of view and gradually decreasing resolution at the periphery, so that missing pixels are avoided, irrespective of the view prediction error magnitude. A CoRE video chunk has a main part at full frame rate, and an extension part at a gradually decreasing frame rate, which avoids stalls while waiting for a delayed transfer. We evaluate a prototype implementation of CoRE through trace-based experiments and a user study, and find that, compared to tiling with low-resolution padding, CoRE reduces data transfer amounts, stalls, and H.264 decoding overhead, increases frame rates, and eliminates missing pixels. 
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  5. Abstract

    Telementoring platforms can help transfer surgical expertise remotely. However, most telementoring platforms are not designed to assist in austere, pre-hospital settings. This paper evaluates the system for telementoring with augmented reality (STAR), a portable and self-contained telementoring platform based on an augmented reality head-mounted display (ARHMD). The system is designed to assist in austere scenarios: a stabilized first-person view of the operating field is sent to a remote expert, who creates surgical instructions that a local first responder wearing the ARHMD can visualize as three-dimensional models projected onto the patient’s body. Our hypothesis evaluated whether remote guidance with STAR could lead to performing a surgical procedure better, as opposed to remote audio-only guidance. Remote expert surgeons guided first responders through training cricothyroidotomies in a simulated austere scenario, and on-site surgeons evaluated the participants using standardized evaluation tools. The evaluation comprehended completion time and technique performance of specific cricothyroidotomy steps. The analyses were also performed considering the participants’ years of experience as first responders, and their experience performing cricothyroidotomies. A linear mixed model analysis showed that using STAR was associated with higher procedural and non-procedural scores, and overall better performance. Additionally, a binary logistic regression analysis showed that using STAR was associated to safer and more successful executions of cricothyroidotomies. This work demonstrates that remote mentors can use STAR to provide first responders with guidance and surgical knowledge, and represents a first step towards the adoption of ARHMDs to convey clinical expertise remotely in austere scenarios.

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