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Creators/Authors contains: "Popov, Ivan A."

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  1. We report the experimental observation and spectroscopic characterization, and structure and bonding analyses of copper–borozene complexes.

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  2. Structural distortion of the secondary coordination sphere driven by the incorporation of an alkali metal in Ce3+imidophosphorane complexes tunes the Ce3+/4+oxidation potential.

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  3. The molecular tetravalent oxidation state for praseodymium is observed in solution via oxidation of the anionic trivalent precursor [K][Pr 3+ (NP(1,2-bis- t Bu-diamidoethane)(NEt 2 )) 4 ] (1-Pr(NP*)) with AgI at −35 °C. The Pr 4+ complex is characterized in solution via cyclic voltammetry, UV-vis-NIR electronic absorption spectroscopy, and EPR spectroscopy. Electrochemical analyses of [K][Ln 3+ (NP(1,2-bis- t Bu-diamidoethane)(NEt 2 )) 4 ] (Ln = Nd and Dy) by cyclic voltammetry are reported and, in conjunction with theoretical modeling of electronic structure and oxidation potential, are indicative of principal ligand oxidations in contrast to the metal-centered oxidation observed for 1-Pr(NP*). The identification of a tetravalent praseodymium complex in in situ UV-vis and EPR experiments is further validated by theoretical modeling of the redox chemistry and the UV-vis spectrum. The latter study was performed by extended multistate pair-density functional theory (XMS-PDFT) and implicates a multiconfigurational ground state for the tetravalent praseodymium complex. 
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  4. null (Ed.)