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  1. Abstract

    Collective behaviour of electrons, frustration induced quantum fluctuations and entanglement in quantum materials underlie some of the emergent quantum phenomena with exotic quasi-particle excitations that are highly relevant for technological applications. Herein, we present our thermodynamic and muon spin relaxation measurements, complemented by ab initio density functional theory and exact diagonalization results, on the recently synthesized frustrated antiferromagnet Li4CuTeO6, in which Cu2+ions (S= 1/2) constitute disordered spin chains and ladders along the crystallographic [101] direction with weak random inter-chain couplings. Our thermodynamic experiments detect neither long-range magnetic ordering nor spin freezing down to 45 mK despite the presence of strong antiferromagnetic interaction between Cu2+moments leading to a large effective Curie-Weiss temperature of − 154 K. Muon spin relaxation results are consistent with thermodynamic results. The temperature and magnetic field scaling of magnetization and specific heat reveal a data collapse pointing towards the presence of random-singlets within a disorder-driven correlated and dynamic ground-state in this frustrated antiferromagnet.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. Despite the fact that Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) is a major component of the Interstellar Medium our knowledge about it and its relationship with H II regions is very limited. Understanding the WIM better will give us insight into the formation of galaxies and evolution of high-mass star formation regions. Previous surveys of the WIM and H II regions had low spectral and spatial resolutions or looked at Hα, which suffers from extinction. In this project we attempt to get additional value from the GBT Diffuse Ionized Gas Survey (GDIGS), by making continuum maps using the existing data. The goal is to assess whether the GDIGS data can be used to measure the radio recombination line to continuum emission ratio for the diffuse ionized gas. 
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  4. The Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) is a low density, diffuse ionized component of the Milky Way. The WIM is the last major component of the interstellar medium to be studied at high spatial and spectral resolution, and therefore many of its fundamental properties are not clear. Radiation from massive, OB-type stars, which live in the inner galaxy, is thought to escape discrete HII regions to ionize the WIM. However, the inner Galaxy has not been well studied due to extinction from dust at optical wavelengths. GDIGS is a fully-sampled Radio Recombination Line (RRL) survey of the inner Galactic Plane at C-band (4-8 GHz). RRL emission is not affected by extinction from dust, and GDIGS has sufficient spatial resolution to distinguish between HII regions and the WIM emission. Here we discuss the status of GDIGS and some preliminary results from the spectral analysis of the RRLs. 
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  5. Abstract

    Two large volcanic eruptions contributed to extreme cold temperatures during the early 1800s, one of the coldest phases of the Little Ice Age. While impacts from the massive 1815 Tambora eruption in Indonesia are relatively well‐documented, much less is known regarding an unidentified volcanic event around 1809. Here, we describe the spatial extent, duration, and magnitude of cold conditions following this eruption in northwestern North America using a high‐resolution network of tree‐ring records that capture past warm‐season temperature variability. Extreme and persistent cold temperatures were centered around the Gulf of Alaska, the adjacent Wrangell‐St Elias Mountains, and the southern Yukon, while cold anomalies diminished with distance from this core region. This distinct spatial pattern of temperature anomalies suggests that a weak Aleutian Low and conditions similar to a negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation could have contributed to regional cold extremes after the 1809 eruption.

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  6. Abstract

    Large impact‐melt pockets in shergottites contain both Martian regolith components and sulfide/sulfite bleb clusters that yield high sulfur concentrations locally compared to bulk shergottites. The regolith may be the source of excess sulfur in the shergottite melt pockets. To explore whether shock and release of secondary Fe‐sulfates trapped in host rock voids is a plausible mechanism to generate the shergottite sulfur bleb clusters, we carried out shock recovery experiments on an analog mixture of ferric sulfate and Columbia River basalt at peak pressures of 21 and 31 GPa. The recovered products from the 31 GPa experiment show mixtures of Fe‐sulfide and Fe‐sulfite blebs similar to the sulfur‐rich bleb clusters found in shergottite impact melts. The 21 GPa experiment did not yield such blebs. The collapse of porosity and local high‐strain shear heating in the 31 GPa experiment presumably created high‐temperature hotspots (~2000 °C) sufficient to reduce Fe3+to Fe2+and to decompose sulfate to sulfite, followed by concomitant reduction to sulfide during pressure release. Our results suggest that similar processes might have transpired during shock production of sulfur‐rich bleb clusters in shergottite impact melts. It is possible that very small CO presence in our experiments could have catalyzed the reduction process. We plan to repeat the experiments without CO.

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  7. Abstract

    Warming in Central Asia has been accelerating over the past three decades and is expected to intensify through the end of this century. Here, we develop a summer temperature reconstruction for western Mongolia spanning eight centuries (1269–2004 C.E.) using delta blue intensity measurements from annual rings of Siberian larch. A significant cooling response is observed in the year following major volcanic events and up to five years post‐eruption. Observed summer temperatures since the 1990s are the warmest over the past eight centuries, an observation that is also well captured in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) climate model simulations. Projections for summer temperature relative to observations suggest further warming of between ∼3°C and 6°C by the end of the century (2075–2099 cf. 1950–2004) under the representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5 (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) emission scenarios. We conclude that projected future warming lies beyond the range of natural climate variability for the past millennium as estimated by our reconstruction.

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