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Creators/Authors contains: "Ravikumar, P."

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  1. The unsupervised task of aligning two or more distributions in a shared latent space has many applications including fair representations, batch effect mitigation, and unsupervised domain adaptation. Existing flow-based approaches estimate multiple flows independently, which is equivalent to learning multiple full generative models. Other approaches require adversarial learning, which can be computationally expensive and challenging to optimize. Thus, we aim to jointly align multiple distributions while avoiding adversarial learning. Inspired by efficient alignment algorithms from optimal transport (OT) theory for univariate distributions, we develop a simple iterative method to build deep and expressive flows. Our method decouples each iteration into two subproblems: 1) form a variational approximation of a distribution divergence and 2) minimize this variational approximation via closed-form invertible alignment maps based on known OT results. Our empirical results give evidence that this iterative algorithm achieves competitive distribution alignment at low computational cost while being able to naturally handle more than two distributions. 
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  2. Agents trained by reinforcement learning (RL) often fail to generalize beyond the environment they were trained in, even when presented with new scenarios that seem similar to the training environment. We study the query complexity required to train RL agents that generalize to multiple environments. Intuitively, tractable generalization is only possible when the environments are similar or close in some sense. To capture this, we introduce Weak Proximity, a natural structural condition that requires the environments to have highly similar transition and reward functions and share a policy providing optimal value. Despite such shared structure, we prove that tractable generalization is impossible in the worst case. This holds even when each individual environment can be efficiently solved to obtain an optimal linear policy, and when the agent possesses a generative model. Our lower bound applies to the more complex task of representation learning for the purpose of efficient generalization to multiple environments. On the positive side, we introduce Strong Proximity, a strengthened condition which we prove is sufficient for efficient generalization. 
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  3. We study the problem of reconstructing a causal graphical model from data in the presence of latent variables. The main problem of interest is recovering the causal structure over the latent variables while allowing for general, potentially nonlinear dependencies. In many practical problems, the dependence between raw observations (e.g. pixels in an image) is much less relevant than the dependence between certain high-level, latent features (e.g. concepts or objects), and this is the setting of interest. We provide conditions under which both the latent representations and the underlying latent causal model are identifiable by a reduction to a mixture oracle. These results highlight an intriguing connection between the well-studied problem of learning the order of a mixture model and the problem of learning the bipartite structure between observables and unobservables. The proof is constructive, and leads to several algorithms for explicitly reconstructing the full graphical model. We discuss efficient algorithms and provide experiments illustrating the algorithms in practice. 
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  4. Many modern machine learning tasks require models with high tail performance, i.e. high performance over the worst-off samples in the dataset. This problem has been widely studied in fields such as algorithmic fairness, class imbalance, and risk-sensitive decision making. A popular approach to maximize the model’s tail performance is to minimize the CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) loss, which computes the average risk over the tails of the loss. However, for classification tasks where models are evaluated by the 0/1 loss, we show that if the classifiers are deterministic, then the minimizer of the average 0/1 loss also minimizes the CVaR 0/1 loss, suggesting that CVaR loss minimization is not helpful without additional assumptions. We circumvent this negative result by minimizing the CVaR loss over randomized classifiers, for which the minimizers of the average 0/1 loss and the CVaR 0/1 loss are no longer the same, so minimizing the latter can lead to better tail performance. To learn such randomized classifiers, we propose the Boosted CVaR Classification framework which is motivated by a direct relationship between CVaR and a classical boosting algorithm called LPBoost. Based on this framework, we design an algorithm called alpha-AdaLPBoost. We empirically evaluate our proposed algorithm on four benchmark datasets and show that it achieves higher tail performance than deterministic model training methods. 
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  5. Boosting is a widely used learning technique in machine learning for solving classification problems. In boosting, one predicts the label of an example using an ensemble of weak classifiers. While boosting has shown tremendous success on many classification problems involving tabular data, it performs poorly on complex classification tasks involving low-level features such as image classification tasks. This drawback stems from the fact that boosting builds an additive model of weak classifiers, each of which has very little predictive power. Often, the resulting additive models are not powerful enough to approximate the complex decision boundaries of real-world classification problems. In this work, we present a general framework for boosting where, similar to traditional boosting, we aim to boost the performance of a weak learner and transform it into a strong learner. However, unlike traditional boosting, our framework allows for more complex forms of aggregation of weak learners. In this work, we specifically focus on one form of aggregation - function composition. We show that many popular greedy algorithms for learning deep neural networks (DNNs) can be derived from our framework using function compositions for aggregation. Moreover, we identify the drawbacks of these greedy algorithms and propose new algorithms that fix these issues. Using thorough empirical evaluation, we show that our learning algorithms have superior performance over traditional additive boosting algorithms, as well as existing greedy learning techniques for DNNs. An important feature of our algorithms is that they come with strong theoretical guarantees. 
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  6. Motivated by problems in data clustering, we establish general conditions under which families of nonparametric mixture models are identifiable, by introducing a novel framework involving clustering overfitted parametric (i.e. misspecified) mixture models. These identifiability conditions generalize existing conditions in the literature, and are flexible enough to include for example mixtures of Gaussian mixtures. In contrast to the recent literature on estimating nonparametric mixtures, we allow for general nonparametric mixture components, and instead impose regularity assumptions on the underlying mixing measure. As our primary application, we apply these results to partition-based clustering, generalizing the notion of a Bayes optimal partition from classical parametric model-based clustering to nonparametric settings. Furthermore, this framework is constructive so that it yields a practical algorithm for learning identified mixtures, which is illustrated through several examples on real data. The key conceptual device in the analysis is the convex, metric geometry of probability measures on metric spaces and its connection to the Wasserstein convergence of mixing measures. The result is a flexible framework for nonparametric clustering with formal consistency guarantees. 
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  7. We develop a framework for learning sparse nonparametric directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from data. Our approach is based on a recent algebraic characterization of DAGs that led to a fully continuous program for scorebased learning of DAG models parametrized by a linear structural equation model (SEM). We extend this algebraic characterization to nonparametric SEM by leveraging nonparametric sparsity based on partial derivatives, resulting in a continuous optimization problem that can be applied to a variety of nonparametric and semiparametric models including GLMs, additive noise models, and index models as special cases. Unlike existing approaches that require specific modeling choices, loss functions, or algorithms, we present a completely general framework that can be applied to general nonlinear models (e.g. without additive noise), general differentiable loss functions, and generic black-box optimization routines. 
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