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Abstract Background Despite recent progress in basecalling of Oxford nanopore DNA sequencing data, its wide adoption is still being hampered by its relatively low accuracy compared to short read technologies. Furthermore, very little of the recent research was focused on basecalling of RNA data, which has different characteristics than its DNA counterpart. Results We fill this gap by benchmarking a fully convolutional deep learning basecalling architecture with improved performance compared to Oxford nanopore’s RNA basecallers. Availability The source code for our basecaller is available at: .more » « less
Light signals perceived by a group of photoreceptors have profound effects on the physiology, growth, and development of plants. The red/far-red light–absorbing phytochromes (phys) modulate these aspects by intricately regulating gene expression at multiple levels. Here, we report the identification and functional characterization of an RNA-binding splicing factor, SWAP1 (SUPPRESSOR-OF-WHITE-APRICOT/SURP RNA-BINDING DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN1). Loss-of-function swap1-1 mutant is hyposensitive to red light and exhibits a day length–independent early flowering phenotype. SWAP1 physically interacts with two other splicing factors, (SFPS) SPLICING FACTOR FOR PHYTOCHROME SIGNALING and (RRC1) REDUCED RED LIGHT RESPONSES IN CRY1CRY2 BACKGROUND 1 in a light-independent manner and forms a ternary complex. In addition, SWAP1 physically interacts with photoactivated phyB and colocalizes with nuclear phyB photobodies. Phenotypic analyses show that the swap1sfps , swap1rrc1, and sfpsrrc1 double mutants display hypocotyl lengths similar to that of the respective single mutants under red light, suggesting that they function in the same genetic pathway. The swap1sfps double and swap1sfpsrrc1 triple mutants display pleiotropic phenotypes, including sterility at the adult stage. Deep RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses show that SWAP1 regulates the gene expression and pre–messenger RNA (mRNA) alternative splicing of a large number of genes, including those involved in plant responses to light signaling. A comparative analysis of alternative splicing among single, double, and triple mutants showed that all three splicing factors coordinately regulate the alternative splicing of a subset of genes. Our study uncovered the function of a splicing factor that modulates light-regulated alternative splicing by interacting with photoactivated phyB and other splicing factors.more » « less
null (Ed.)Improvements in yield and quality of rice are crucial for global food security. However, global rice production is substantially hindered by various biotic and abiotic stresses. Making further improvements in rice yield is a major challenge to the rice research community, which can be accomplished through developing abiotic stress-resilient rice varieties and engineering durable agrochemical-independent pathogen resistance in high-yielding elite rice varieties. This, in turn, needs increased understanding of the mechanisms by which stresses affect rice growth and development. Alternative splicing (AS), a post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanism, allows rapid changes in the transcriptome and can generate novel regulatory mechanisms to confer plasticity to plant growth and development. Mounting evidence indicates that AS has a prominent role in regulating rice growth and development under stress conditions. Several regulatory and structural genes and splicing factors of rice undergo different types of stress-induced AS events, and the functional significance of some of them in stress tolerance has been defined. Both rice and its pathogens use this complex regulatory mechanism to devise strategies against each other. This review covers the current understanding and evidence for the involvement of AS in biotic and abiotic stress-responsive genes, and its relevance to rice growth and development. Furthermore, we discuss implications of AS for the virulence of different rice pathogens and highlight the areas of further research and potential future avenues to develop climate-smart and disease-resistant rice varieties.more » « less
null (Ed.)RNAs transmit information from DNA to encode proteins that perform all cellular processes and regulate gene expression in multiple ways. From the time of synthesis to degradation, RNA molecules are associated with proteins called RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). The RBPs play diverse roles in many aspects of gene expression including pre-mRNA processing and post-transcriptional and translational regulation. In the last decade, the application of modern techniques to identify RNA–protein interactions with individual proteins, RNAs, and the whole transcriptome has led to the discovery of a hidden landscape of these interactions in plants. Global approaches such as RNA interactome capture (RIC) to identify proteins that bind protein-coding transcripts have led to the identification of close to 2000 putative RBPs in plants. Interestingly, many of these were found to be metabolic enzymes with no known canonical RNA-binding domains. Here, we review the methods used to analyze RNA–protein interactions in plants thus far and highlight the understanding of plant RNA–protein interactions these techniques have provided us. We also review some recent protein-centric, RNA-centric, and global approaches developed with non-plant systems and discuss their potential application to plants. We also provide an overview of results from classical studies of RNA–protein interaction in plants and discuss the significance of the increasingly evident ubiquity of RNA–protein interactions for the study of gene regulation and RNA biology in plants.more » « less
Abstract Background Accurate and comprehensive annotation of transcript sequences is essential for transcript quantification and differential gene and transcript expression analysis. Single-molecule long-read sequencing technologies provide improved integrity of transcript structures including alternative splicing, and transcription start and polyadenylation sites. However, accuracy is significantly affected by sequencing errors, mRNA degradation, or incomplete cDNA synthesis. Results We present a new and comprehensive Arabidopsis thaliana Reference Transcript Dataset 3 (AtRTD3). AtRTD3 contains over 169,000 transcripts—twice that of the best current Arabidopsis transcriptome and including over 1500 novel genes. Seventy-eight percent of transcripts are from Iso-seq with accurately defined splice junctions and transcription start and end sites. We develop novel methods to determine splice junctions and transcription start and end sites accurately. Mismatch profiles around splice junctions provide a powerful feature to distinguish correct splice junctions and remove false splice junctions. Stratified approaches identify high-confidence transcription start and end sites and remove fragmentary transcripts due to degradation. AtRTD3 is a major improvement over existing transcriptomes as demonstrated by analysis of an Arabidopsis cold response RNA-seq time-series. AtRTD3 provides higher resolution of transcript expression profiling and identifies cold-induced differential transcription start and polyadenylation site usage. Conclusions AtRTD3 is the most comprehensive Arabidopsis transcriptome currently. It improves the precision of differential gene and transcript expression, differential alternative splicing, and transcription start/end site usage analysis from RNA-seq data. The novel methods for identifying accurate splice junctions and transcription start/end sites are widely applicable and will improve single-molecule sequencing analysis from any species.more » « less
Abstract Calcium (Ca2+) signals are decoded by the Ca2+-sensor protein calmodulin (CaM) and are transduced to Ca2+/CaM-binding transcription factors to directly regulate gene expression necessary for acclimation responses in plants. The molecular mechanisms of Ca2+/CaM signal transduction processes and their functional significance remains enigmatic. Here we report a novel Ca2+/CaM signal transduction mechanism that allosterically regulates DNA-binding activity of GT2-LIKE 1 (GTL1), a transrepressor of
STOMATAL DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION 1 (SDD1 ), to repress stomatal development in response to water stress. We demonstrated that Ca2+/CaM interaction with the 2ndhelix of the GTL1 N-terminal trihelix DNA-binding domain (GTL1N) destabilizes a hydrophobic core of GTL1N and allosterically inhibits 3rdhelix docking to theSDD1 promoter, leading to osmotic stress-induced Ca2+/CaM-dependent activation (de-repression) ofSDD1 expression. This resulted in GTL1-dependent repression of stomatal development in response to water-deficit stress. Together, our results demonstrate that a Ca2+/CaM-regulated transcriptional switch on a trihelix transrepressor directly transduces osmotic stress to repress stomatal development to improve plant water-use efficiency as an acclimation response. -
Summary Alternative polyadenylation (APA) regulates diverse developmental and physiological processes through its effects on gene expression, mRNA stability, translatability, and transport.
Sorghum is a major cereal crop in the world and, despite its importance, not much is known about the role of post‐transcriptional regulation in mediating responses to abiotic stresses inSorghum . A genome‐wide APA analysis unveiled widespread occurrence of APA inSorghum in response to drought, heat, and salt stress. Abiotic stress treatments incited changes in poly(A) site choice in a large number of genes. Interestingly, abiotic stresses led to the re‐directing of transcriptional output into non‐productive pathways defined by the class of poly(A) site utilized. This result revealed APA to be part of a larger global response ofSorghum to abiotic stresses that involves the re‐direction of transcriptional output into non‐productive transcriptional and translational pathways. Large numbers of stress‐inducible poly(A) sites could not be linked with known, annotated genes, suggestive of the existence of numerous unidentified genes whose expression is strongly regulated by abiotic stresses. Furthermore, we uncovered a novel stress‐specificcis ‐element in intronic poly(A) sites used in drought‐ and heat‐stressed plants that might play an important role in non‐canonical poly(A) site choice in response to abiotic stresses.