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Creators/Authors contains: "Rempel, A W"

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  1. Abstract

    Glaciers and ice streams flowing over sediment beds commonly have a layer of ice‐rich debris adhered to their base, known as a “frozen fringe,” but its impact on basal friction is unknown. We simulated basal slip over granular beds with a cryogenic ring shear device while ice infiltrated the bed to grow a fringe, and measured the frictional response under different effective stresses and slip speeds. Frictional resistance increased with increasing slip speed until it plateaued at the frictional strength of the till, closely resembling the regularized Coulomb slip law associated with clean ice over deformable beds. We hypothesize that this arises from deformation in a previously unidentified zone of weakly frozen sediments at the fringe's base, which is highly sensitive to temperature and stress gradients. We show how a rheologic model for ice‐rich debris coupled with the thermomechanics of fringe growth can account for the regularized Coulomb behavior.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 28, 2025
  2. Abstract

    In unglaciated terrain, the imprint of past glacial periods is difficult to discern. The topographic signature of periglacial processes, such as solifluction lobes, may be erased or hidden by time and vegetation, and thus their import diminished. Belowground, periglacial weathering, particularly frost cracking, may have imparted a profound influence on weathering and erosion rates during past climate regimes. By combining a mechanical frost‐weathering model with the full suite of Last Glacial Maximum climate simulations, we elucidate the meters‐deep magnitude and continent‐spanning expanse of frost weathering across unglaciated North America at ∼21 ka. The surprising extent of modeled frost weathering suggests, by proxy, the broad legacy of diverse periglacial processes. Complementing previous studies that championed the role of precipitation‐driven changes in Critical Zone evolution, our results imply an additional strong temperature control on surficial process efficacy across much of modern North America, both during glacial periods and modern climes.

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