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Creators/Authors contains: "Ren, Shangping"

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  1. Anonymization of event logs facilitates process mining while protecting sensitive information of process stakeholders. Existing techniques, however, focus on the privatization of the control-flow. Other process perspectives, such as roles, resources, and objects are neglected or subject to randomization, which breaks the dependencies between the perspectives. Hence, existing techniques are not suited for advanced process mining tasks, e.g., social network mining or predictive monitoring . To address this gap, we propose PMDG, a framework to ensure privacy for multi-perspective process mining through data generalization. It provides group-based privacy guarantees for an event log, while preserving the characteristic dependencies between the control-flow and further process perspectives. Unlike existing privatization techniques that rely on data suppression or noise insertion, PMDG adopts data generalization: a technique where the activities and attribute values referenced in events are generalized into more abstract ones, to obtain equivalence classes that are sufficiently large from a privacy point of view. We demonstrate empirically that PMDG outperforms state-of-the-art anonymization techniques, when mining handovers and predicting outcomes. 
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  2. Process Mining is a technique for extracting process models from event logs. Event logs contain abundant explicit information related to events, such as the timestamp and the actions that trigger the event. Much of the existing process mining research has focused on discovering the process models behind these event logs. However, Process Mining relies on the assumption that these event logs contain accurate representations of an ideal set of processes. These ideal sets of processes imply that the information contained within the log represents what is really happening in a given environment. However, many of these event logs might contain noisy, infrequent, missing, or false process information that is generally classified as outliers. Extending beyond process discovery, there are many research efforts towards cleaning the event logs to deal with these outliers. In this paper, we present an approach that uses hidden Markov models to filter out outliers from event logs prior to applying any process discovery algorithms. Our proposed filtering approach can detect outlier behavior, and consequently, help process discovery algorithms return models that better reflect the real processes within an organization. Furthermore, we show that this filtering method outperforms two commonly used filtering approaches, namely the Matrix Filter approach and the Anomaly Free Automation approach for both artificial event logs and real-life event logs. 
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  3. Event logs contain abundant information, such as activity names, time stamps, activity executors, etc. However, much of existing trace clustering research has been focused on applying activity names to assist process scenarios discovery. In addition, many existing trace clustering algorithms commonly used in the literature, such as k-means clustering approach, require prior knowledge about the number of process scenarios existed in the log, which sometimes are not known aprior. This paper presents a two-phase approach that obtains timing information from event logs and uses the information to assist process scenario discoveries without requiring any prior knowledge about process scenarios. We use five real-life event logs to compare the performance of the proposed two-phase approach for process scenario discoveries with the commonly used k-means clustering approach in terms of model’s harmonic mean of the weighted average fitness and precision, i.e., the F1 score. The experiment data shows that (1) the process scenario models obtained with the additional timing information have both higher fitness and precision scores than the models obtained without the timing information; (2) the two-phase approach not only removes the need for prior information related to k, but also results in a comparable F1 score compared to the optimal k-means approach with the optimal k obtained through exhaustive search. 
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  4. Process mining is a technique for extracting process models from event logs. Event logs contain abundant information related to an event such as the timestamp of the event, the actions that triggers the event, etc. Much of existing process mining research has been focused on discoveries of process models behind event logs. How to uncover the timing constraints from event logs that are associated with the discovered process models is not well-studied. In this paper, we present an approach that extends existing process mining techniques to not only mine but also integrate timing constraints with process models discovered and constructed by existing process mining algorithms. The approach contains three major steps, i.e., first, for a given process model constructed by an existing process mining algorithm and represented as a workflow net, extract a time dependent set for each transition in the workflow net model. Second, based on the time dependent sets, develop an algorithm to extract timing constraints from event logs for each transition in the model. Third, extend the original workflow net into a time Petri net where the discovered timing constraints are associated with their corresponding transitions. A real-life road traffic fine management process scenario is used as a case study to show how timing constraints in the fine management process can be discovered from event logs with our approach. 
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