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    Strong gravitational lensing magnifies the light from a background source, allowing us to study these sources in detail. Here, we study the spectra of a $z = 1.95$ lensed Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN Encore for its brightest image A, taken 39 d apart. We infer the spectral age with template matching using the supernova identification (snid ) software and find the spectra to be at $29.0 \pm 5.0$ and $37.4 \pm 2.8$ rest-frame days post-maximum, respectively, consistent with separation in the observer frame after accounting for time dilation. Since SNe Ia measure dark energy properties by providing relative distances between low- and high-z SNe, it is important to test for the evolution of spectroscopic properties. Comparing the spectra to composite low-z SN Ia spectra, we find strong evidence of the similarity between the local sample and SN Encore. The line velocities of common SN Ia spectral lines, Si ii 6355 $\mathring{\rm A}$ and Ca ii near-infrared triplet, are consistent with the distribution for the low-z sample as well as other lensed SNe Ia, e.g. iPTF16geu ($z = 0.409$) and SN H0pe ($z = 1.78$). The consistency between the low-z sample and lensed SNe at high-z suggests no obvious cosmic evolution demonstrating their use as high-z distance indicators, though this needs to be confirmed/refuted via a larger sample. We also find that the spectra of SN Encore match the predictions for explosion models very well. With future large samples of lensed SNe Ia, e.g. with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, spectra at such late phases will be important to distinguish between different explosion scenarios.

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  2. Abstract

    We present UV–optical–near-infrared observations and modeling of supernova (SN) 2024ggi, a type II supernova (SN II) located in NGC 3621 at 7.2 Mpc. Early-time (“flash”) spectroscopy of SN 2024ggi within +0.8 days of discovery shows emission lines of Hi, Hei, Ciii, and Niiiwith a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings (i.e., “IIn-like”) arising from the photoionized, optically thick, unshocked circumstellar material (CSM) that surrounded the progenitor star at shock breakout (SBO). By the next spectral epoch at +1.5 days, SN 2024ggi showed a rise in ionization as emission lines of Heii, Civ, Niv/v, and Ovbecame visible. This phenomenon is temporally consistent with a blueward shift in the UV–optical colors, both likely the result of SBO in an extended, dense CSM. The IIn-like features in SN 2024ggi persist on a timescale oftIIn= 3.8 ± 1.6 days, at which time a reduction in CSM density allows the detection of Doppler-broadened features from the fastest SN material. SN 2024ggi has peak UV–optical absolute magnitudes ofMw2= −18.7 mag andMg= −18.1 mag, respectively, that are consistent with the known population of CSM-interacting SNe II. Comparison of SN 2024ggi with a grid of radiation hydrodynamics and non–local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative-transfer simulations suggests a progenitor mass-loss rate ofṀ=102Myr−1(vw= 50 km s−1), confined to a distance ofr< 5 × 1014cm. Assuming a wind velocity ofvw= 50 km s−1, the progenitor star underwent an enhanced mass-loss episode in the last ∼3 yr before explosion.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 5, 2025
  3. Abstract

    We present a comprehensive analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2021foa, unique among the class of transitional supernovae for repeatedly changing its spectroscopic appearance from hydrogen-to-helium-to-hydrogen dominated (IIn-to-Ibn-to-IIn) within 50 days past peak brightness. The spectra exhibit multiple narrow (≈300–600 km s−1) absorption lines of hydrogen, helium, calcium, and iron together with broad helium emission lines with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of ∼6000 km s−1. For a steady, wind mass-loss regime, light-curve modeling results in an ejecta mass of ∼8Mand circumstellar material (CSM) mass below 1M, and an ejecta velocity consistent with the FWHM of the broad helium lines. We obtain a mass-loss rate of ≈2Myr−1. This mass-loss rate is 3 orders of magnitude larger than derived for normal Type II supernovae. We estimate that the bulk of the CSM of SN 2021foa must have been expelled within half a year, about 12 yr ago. Our analysis suggests that SN 2021foa had a helium-rich ejecta that swept up a dense shell of hydrogen-rich CSM shortly after explosion. At about 60 days past peak brightness, the photosphere recedes through the dense ejecta-CSM region, occulting much of the redshifted emission of the hydrogen and helium lines, which results in an observed blueshift (∼−3000 km s−1). Strong mass-loss activity prior to explosion, such as those seen in SN 2009ip-like objects and SN 2021foa as precursor emission, are the likely origin of a complex, multiple-shell CSM close to the progenitor star.

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  4. Abstract

    We present multiwavelength data of SN 2020acct, a double-peaked stripped-envelope supernova (SN) in NGC 2981 at ∼150 Mpc. The two peaks are temporally distinct, with maxima separated by 58 rest-frame days and a factor of 20 reduction in flux between. The first is luminous (Mr = −18.00 ± 0.02 mag) and blue (g − r = 0.27 ± 0.03 mag) and displays spectroscopic signatures of interaction with hydrogen-free circumstellar material. The second peak is fainter (Mr = −17.29 ± 0.03 mag) and has some spectroscopic similarities to an evolved stripped-envelope SN, with strong forbidden [Ca ii] and [O ii] features. No other known double-peaked SN exhibits a light curve similar to that of SN 2020acct. We find the likelihood of two individual SNe occurring in the same star-forming region within that time to be highly improbable, while an implausibly fine-tuned configuration would be required to produce two SNe from a single binary system. We find that the peculiar properties of SN 2020acct match models of pulsational pair instability (PPI), in which the initial peak is produced by collisions of shells of ejected material, shortly followed by core collapse. Pulsations from a star with a 72Mhelium core provide an excellent match to the double-peaked light curve. The local galactic environment has a metallicity of 0.4Z, a level where massive single stars are not expected to retain enough mass to encounter the PPI. However, late binary mergers or a low-metallicity pocket may allow the required core mass. We measure the rate of SN 2020acct–like events to be <3.3 × 10−8Mpc−3yr−1atz= 0.07, or <0.1% of the total core-collapse SN rate.

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  5. Abstract

    We present JWST NIRCam (F356W and F444W filters) and MIRI (F770W) images and NIRSpec Integral Field Unit (IFU) spectroscopy of the young Galactic supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) to probe the physical conditions for molecular CO formation and destruction in supernova ejecta. We obtained the data as part of a JWST survey of Cas A. The NIRCam and MIRI images map the spatial distributions of synchrotron radiation, Ar-rich ejecta, and CO on both large and small scales, revealing remarkably complex structures. The CO emission is stronger at the outer layers than the Ar ejecta, which indicates the re-formation of CO molecules behind the reverse shock. NIRSpec-IFU spectra (3–5.5μm) were obtained toward two representative knots in the NE and S fields that show very different nucleosynthesis characteristics. Both regions are dominated by the bright fundamental rovibrational band of CO in the two R and P branches, with strong [Arvi] and relatively weaker, variable strength ejecta lines of [Siix], [Caiv], [Cav], and [Mgiv]. The NIRSpec-IFU data resolve individual ejecta knots and filaments spatially and in velocity space. The fundamental CO band in the JWST spectra reveals unique shapes of CO, showing a few tens of sinusoidal patterns of rovibrational lines with pseudocontinuum underneath, which is attributed to the high-velocity widths of CO lines. Our results with LTE modeling of CO emission indicate a temperature of ∼1080 K and provide unique insight into the correlations between dust, molecules, and highly ionized ejecta in supernovae and have strong ramifications for modeling dust formation that is led by CO cooling in the early Universe.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 24, 2025

    JWST/NIRCam obtained high angular resolution (0.05–0.1 arcsec), deep near-infrared 1–5 $\mu$m imaging of Supernova (SN) 1987A taken 35 yr after the explosion. In the NIRCam images, we identify: (1) faint H2 crescents, which are emissions located between the ejecta and the equatorial ring, (2) a bar, which is a substructure of the ejecta, and (3) the bright 3–5 $\mu$m continuum emission exterior to the equatorial ring. The emission of the remnant in the NIRCam 1–2.3 $\mu$m images is mostly due to line emission, which is mostly emitted in the ejecta and in the hotspots within the equatorial ring. In contrast, the NIRCam 3–5 $\mu$m images are dominated by continuum emission. In the ejecta, the continuum is due to dust, obscuring the centre of the ejecta. In contrast, in the ring and exterior to the ring, synchrotron emission contributes a substantial fraction to the continuum. Dust emission contributes to the continuum at outer spots and diffuse emission exterior to the ring, but little within the ring. This shows that dust cooling and destruction time-scales are shorter than the synchrotron cooling time-scale, and the time-scale of hydrogen recombination in the ring is even longer than the synchrotron cooling time-scale. With the advent of high sensitivity and high angular resolution images provided by JWST/NIRCam, our observations of SN 1987A demonstrate that NIRCam opens up a window to study particle-acceleration and shock physics in unprecedented details, probed by near-infrared synchrotron emission, building a precise picture of how an SN evolves.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 27, 2025
  7. Abstract

    We present the James Webb Space Telescope(JWST) discovery of SN 2023adsy, a transient object located in a host galaxy JADES-GS+53.13485−27.82088 with a host spectroscopic redshift of 2.903 ± 0.007. The transient was identified in deep (JWST)/NIRCam imaging from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) program. Photometric and spectroscopic follow-up with NIRCam and NIRSpec, respectively, confirm the redshift and yield UV-NIR light-curve, NIR color, and spectroscopic information all consistent with a Type Ia classification. Despite its classification as a likely SN Ia, SN 2023adsy is both fairly red (c∼ 0.9) despite a host galaxy with low extinction and has a high Caiivelocity (19,000 ± 2000 km s−1) compared to the general population of SNe Ia. While these characteristics are consistent with some Ca-rich SNe Ia, particularly SN 2016hnk, SN 2023adsy is intrinsically brighter than the low-zCa-rich population. Although such an object is too red for any low-zcosmological sample, we apply a fiducial standardization approach to SN 2023adsy and find that the SN 2023adsy luminosity distance measurement is in excellent agreement (≲1σ) with ΛCDM. Therefore unlike low-zCa-rich SNe Ia, SN 2023adsy is standardizable and gives no indication that SN Ia standardized luminosities change significantly with redshift. A larger sample of distant SNe Ia is required to determine if SN Ia population characteristics at highztruly diverge from their low-zcounterparts and to confirm that standardized luminosities nevertheless remain constant with redshift.

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  8. Abstract

    We present pre- and postexplosion observations of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2019mhm located in NGC 6753. Based on optical spectroscopy and photometry, we show that SN 2019mhm exhibits broad lines of hydrogen with a velocity of −8500 ± 200 km s−1and a 111 ± 2 day extended plateau in its luminosity, typical of the Type II-P subclass. We also fit its late-time bolometric light curve and infer that it initially produced a56Ni mass of 1.3 × 10−2± 5.5 × 10−4M. Using imaging from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on the Hubble Space Telescope obtained 19 yr before explosion, we aligned to a postexplosion Wide Field Camera 3 image and demonstrate that there is no detected counterpart to the SN to a limit of >24.53 mag in F814W, corresponding to an absolute magnitude limit ofMF814W< −7.7 mag. Comparing to massive-star evolutionary tracks, we determine that the progenitor star had a maximum zero-age main-sequence mass <17.5M, consistent with other SN II-P progenitor stars. SN 2019mhm can be added to the growing population of SNe II-P with both direct constraints on the brightness of their progenitor stars and well-observed SN properties.

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  9. Abstract

    We present ultraviolet/optical/near-infrared observations and modeling of Type II supernovae (SNe II) whose early time (δt< 2 days) spectra show transient, narrow emission lines from shock ionization of confined (r< 1015cm) circumstellar material (CSM). The observed electron-scattering broadened line profiles (i.e., IIn-like) of Hi, Hei/ii, Civ, and Niii/iv/vfrom the CSM persist on a characteristic timescale (tIIn) that marks a transition to a lower-density CSM and the emergence of Doppler-broadened features from the fast-moving SN ejecta. Our sample, the largest to date, consists of 39 SNe with early time IIn-like features in addition to 35 “comparison” SNe with no evidence of early time IIn-like features, all with ultraviolet observations. The total sample includes 50 unpublished objects with a total of 474 previously unpublished spectra and 50 multiband light curves, collected primarily through the Young Supernova Experiment and Global Supernova Project collaborations. For all sample objects, we find a significant correlation between peak ultraviolet brightness and bothtIInand the rise time, as well as evidence for enhanced peak luminosities in SNe II with IIn-like features. We quantify mass-loss rates and CSM density for the sample through the matching of peak multiband absolute magnitudes, rise times,tIIn, and optical SN spectra with a grid of radiation hydrodynamics and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative-transfer simulations. For our grid of models, all with the same underlying explosion, there is a trend between the duration of the electron-scattering broadened line profiles and inferred mass-loss rate:tIIn3.8[Ṁ/(0.01Myr−1)] days.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 31, 2025

    Near-infrared (NIR) observations of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained between 150 and 500 d past maximum light reveal the existence of an extended plateau. Here, we present observations of the underluminous, 1991bg-like SN 2021qvv. Early, ground-based optical and NIR observations show that SN 2021qvv is similar to SN 2006mr, making it one of the dimmest, fastest evolving 1991bg-like SNe to date. Late-time (170–250 d) Hubble Space Telescope observations of SN 2021qvv reveal no sign of a plateau. An extrapolation of these observations backwards to earlier-phase NIR observations of SN 2006mr suggests the complete absence of an NIR plateau, at least out to 250 d. This absence may be due to a higher ionization state of the ejecta, as predicted by certain sub-Chandrasekhar-mass detonation models, or to the lower temperatures of the ejecta of 1991bg-like SNe, relative to normal SNe Ia, which might preclude their becoming fluorescent and shifting ultraviolet light into the NIR. This suggestion can be tested by acquiring NIR imaging of a sample of 1991bg-like SNe that covers the entire range from slowly evolving to fast-evolving events (0.2 ≲ sBV ≲ 0.6). A detection of the NIR plateau in slower evolving, hotter 1991bg-like SNe would provide further evidence that these SNe exist along a continuum with normal SNe Ia. Theoretical progenitor and explosion scenarios would then have to match the observed properties of both SN Ia subtypes.

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