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Creators/Authors contains: "Rosenthal, Y."

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  1. Abstract

    Despite small direct changes to radiative forcing, solar sunspot cycles are observed in climate records because of climate system amplification that primarily affects wind and precipitation belts. We present a proxy record resolving the dominant sub‐millennial periodicities across the entire Holocene in the Southern Westerly Winds (SWW), whose migrations are linked to ocean‐atmosphere heat and carbon exchange. We use X‐ray fluorescence core scanning to examine a rapidly accumulating sediment record (6 m/kyr) recovered from the Chilean margin, yielding unprecedented <2‐year resolution for the Holocene. We show that variations in terrigenous inputs to the site are linked to precipitation, which is controlled by SWW latitudinal migrations. Superimposed on a long‐term decreasing trend throughout the Holocene, we detect significant centennial cycles in the terrestrial input consistent with solar periodicities. We then propose a mechanism by which southward (northward) SWW movement in response to increasing (decreasing) total solar irradiance cools (warms) Antarctic temperatures.

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  2. null (Ed.)
    International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 363 sought to document the regional expression and driving mechanisms of climate variability (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and productivity) in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) as it relates to the evolution of Neogene climate on millennial, orbital, and geological timescales. To achieve our objectives, we selected sites with a wide geographical distribution and variable oceanographic and depositional settings. Nine sites were cored during Expedition 363, recovering a total of 6956 m of sediment in 875–3421 m water depth with an average recovery of 101.3% during 39.6 days of on-site operations. Two moderate sedimentation rate (~3–10 cm/ky) sites are located off northwestern Australia at the southwestern maximum extent of the IPWP and span the late Miocene to present. Seven of the nine sites are situated at the heart of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), including two sites on the northern margin of Papua New Guinea with very high sedimentation rates (>60 cm/ky) spanning the past ~450 ky, two sites in the Manus Basin (north of Papua New Guinea) with moderate sedimentation rates (~4–14 cm/ky) recovering upper Pliocene to present sequences, and three sites with low sedimentation rates (~1–3 cm/ky) on the southern and northern Eauripik Rise spanning the early Miocene to present. The wide spatial distribution of the cores, variable accumulation rates, exceptional biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic age constraints, and mostly excellent or very good foraminifer preservation will allow us to trace the evolution of the IPWP through the Neogene at different temporal resolutions, meeting the primary objectives of Expedition 363. Specifically, the high–sedimentation rate cores off Papua New Guinea will allow us to better constrain mechanisms influencing millennial-scale variability in the WPWP, their links to high-latitude climate variability, and implications for temperature and precipitation in this region under variable mean-state climate conditions. Furthermore, the high accumulation rates offer the opportunity to study climate variability during previous warm periods at a resolution similar to that of existing studies of the Holocene. With excellent recovery, Expedition 363 sites are suitable for detailed paleoceanographic reconstructions at orbital and suborbital resolution from the middle Miocene to Pleistocene and thus will be used to refine the astronomical tuning, biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and isotope stratigraphy of hitherto poorly constrained intervals within the Neogene timescale (e.g., the late Miocene) and to reconstruct the history of the Asian-Australian monsoon and the Indonesian Throughflow on orbital and tectonic timescales. Results from high-resolution interstitial water sampling at selected sites will be used to reconstruct density profiles of the western equatorial Pacific deep water during the Last Glacial Maximum. Additional geochemical analyses of interstitial water samples in this tectonically active region will be used to investigate volcanogenic mineral and carbonate weathering and their possible implications for the evolution of Neogene climate. 
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  3. The magnesium to calcium ratio (Mg/Ca) of benthic foraminiferal calcite serves as an important tool for reconstructing past deep water temperature. Application of this proxy relies upon accurate calibrations and an understanding of the factors that may influence the Mg/Ca ratios of foraminifer tests. Core-top calibrations are a method of assessing the temperature sensitivity of deep-dwelling benthic taxa which are difficult to raise in culture. This study contributes a new set of Mg/Ca core-top measurements for the infaunal species Uvigerina peregrina derived from a suite of sediment cores in the Southwest Pacific spanning water depths of 600 to 4400 m. Results agreed with previous calibrations for samples shallower than 2000 m, but unexpectedly high Mg/Ca values were found between the depths of 2400 and 3300 m, necessitating further investigation into potential non-temperature influences. Specimens of different morphotypes were analyzed separately, but variations between hispid and costate samples failed to account for the high-Mg anomaly observed. Lack of correlation between Mg/Ca and the contaminant indicators Mn/Ca, Al/Ca, Fe/Ca, and Ti/Ca suggests contaminant phases are not the source of excess Mg. Laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of chamber cross-sections revealed that the high-Mg signature is located within the interior of test walls, rather than contained in an external coating or contaminant phase. The high- Mg anomaly observed in mid-depth New Zealand waters is likely related to a secondary, non-temperature control on Mg incorporation. Samples with excess Mg are those most strongly influenced by carbon-rich (high dissolved inorganic carbon, high alkalinity) waters flowing south from the northern Pacific, suggesting that inorganic carbonate chemistry plays a role. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 363 sought to document the regional expression and driving mechanisms of climate variability (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and productivity) in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) as it relates to the evolution of Neogene climate on millennial, orbital, and geological timescales. To achieve our objectives, we selected sites with wide geographical distribution and variable oceanographic and depositional settings. Nine sites were cored during Expedition 363, recovering a total of 6956 m of sediment in 875–3421 m water depth with an average recovery of 101.3% during 39.6 days of on-site operations. Two sites are located off northwestern Australia at the southern extent of the WPWP and span the late Miocene to present. Seven sites are situated at the heart of the WPWP, including two sites on the northern margin of Papua New Guinea (PNG) with very high sedimentation rates spanning the past ~450 ky, two sites in the Manus Basin north of PNG with moderate sedimentation rates recovering upper Pliocene to present sequences, and three low sedimentation rate sites on the southern and northern parts of the Eauripik Rise spanning the early Miocene to present. The wide spatial distribution of the cores, variable accumulation rates, exceptional biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic age constraints, and mostly excellent foraminifer preservation will allow us to trace the evolution of the WPWP through the Neogene at different temporal resolutions, meeting the primary objectives of Expedition 363. Specifically, the high sedimentation–rate cores off PNG will allow us to better constrain mechanisms influencing millennial-scale variability in the WPWP, their links to high-latitude climate variability, and implications for temperature and precipitation variations in this region under variable climate conditions. Furthermore, these high accumulation rates offer the opportunity to study climate variability during previous warm periods at a resolution similar to existing studies of the Holocene. With excellent recovery, Expedition 363 sites are suitable for detailed paleoceanographic reconstructions at orbital and suborbital resolution from the middle Miocene to Pleistocene, and thus will be used to refine the astronomical tuning, magneto-, isotope, and biostratigraphy of hitherto poorly constrained intervals within the Neogene timescale (e.g., the late Miocene) and to reconstruct the history of the East Asian and Australian monsoon and the Indonesian Throughflow on orbital and tectonic timescales. Results from high-resolution interstitial water sampling at selected sites will be used to reconstruct density profiles of the western equatorial Pacific deep water during the Last Glacial Maximum. Additional geochemical analyses of interstitial water samples in this tectonically active region will be used to investigate volcanogenic mineral and carbonate weathering and their possible implications for the evolution of Neogene climate. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    Expedition 363 seeks to document the regional expression of climate variability (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and productivity) in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) as it relates to global and regional climate change from the middle Miocene to Late Pleistocene on millennial, orbital, and secular timescales. The WPWP is the largest reservoir of warm surface water on Earth and thus is a major source of heat and moisture to the atmosphere. Variations in sea-surface temperature and the extent of the WPWP influence the location and strength of convection and thus impact oceanic and atmospheric circulation, heat transport, and tropical hydrology. Given its documented importance for modern climatology, changes in the WPWP are assumed to have also played a key role in the past. The proposed drill sites are strategically located at the heart of the WPWP (northern Papua New Guinea and south of Guam) and around its western edge (western margin of Australia to the south and southern Philippine Islands to the north) to capture the most salient features of the WPWP. Combining marginal and open ocean sites will allow us to study these time intervals at different temporal resolutions. The coring program prioritizes seven primary sites and nine alternate sites in 880–3427 m water depth. This depth range will allow the reconstruction of intermediate and deepwater properties through time. 
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