Reliable maps of species distributions are fundamental for biodiversity research and conservation. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) range maps are widely recognized as authoritative representations of species’ geographic limits, yet they might not always align with actual occurrence data. In recent area of habitat (AOH) maps, areas that are not habitat have been removed from IUCN ranges to reduce commission errors, but their concordance with actual species occurrence also remains untested. We tested concordance between occurrences recorded in camera trap surveys and predicted occurrences from the IUCN and AOH maps for 510 medium‐ to large‐bodied mammalian species in 80 camera trap sampling areas. Across all areas, cameras detected only 39% of species expected to occur based on IUCN ranges and AOH maps; 85% of the IUCN only mismatches occurred within 200 km of range edges. Only 4% of species occurrences were detected by cameras outside IUCN ranges. The probability of mismatches between cameras and the IUCN range was significantly higher for smaller‐bodied mammals and habitat specialists in the Neotropics and Indomalaya and in areas with shorter canopy forests. Our findings suggest that range and AOH maps rarely underrepresent areas where species occur, but they may more often overrepresent ranges by including areas where a species may be absent, particularly at range edges. We suggest that combining range maps with data from ground‐based biodiversity sensors, such as camera traps, provides a richer knowledge base for conservation mapping and planning.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025 -
Success of stream restoration can be difficult to define because many interacting abiotic and biotic factors across spatio‐temporal scales can have measurable effects. Consequently, failure in habitat restoration to achieve targeted biological goals may reflect interactions of habitat restoration with unaccounted risks that have yet to be addressed on the landscape. This is particularly true within invaded landscapes, where habitat restoration can benefit non‐native competitors as much as the native fishes for which restoration is designed. We tested for interacting effects of a reach scale habitat restoration effort and non‐native trout competition on habitat use by a brook trout (
Salvelinus fontinalis ) metapopulation within a productive main stem corridor of the Shavers Fork watershed, West Virginia. We used a joint species occupancy model within a BACI sampling design to show that brook trout occupancy of main stem habitat was highest post‐restoration within restored sampling reaches, but this benefit to native brook trout was conditional on brown trout (Salmo trutta ) not being present within the main stem habitat. Collectively these results indicate that habitat restoration was only beneficial for native brook trout when non‐native trout were absent from the restored sampling area. Proactive approaches to restoration will be integral for supporting resilient ecosystems in response to future anthropogenic threats (e.g. climate change), and we have shown that such actions will only be successful if non‐native competitors do not also benefit from the restoration actions. -
Abstract Multispecies occupancy models estimate dependence among multiple species of interest from patterns of co‐occurrence, but problems associated with separation and boundary estimates can lead to unreasonably large estimates of parameters and associated standard errors when species are rarely observed at the same site or when data are sparse. In this paper, we overcome these issues by implementing a penalized likelihood, which introduces a small bias in parameter estimates in exchange for a potentially large reduction in variance. We compare parameter estimates obtained from both penalized and unpenalized multispecies occupancy models fit to simulated data that exhibit various degrees of separation and to a real‐word data set of bird surveys with little apparent overlap between potentially interacting species. Our simulation results demonstrate that penalized multispecies occupancy models did not exhibit boundary estimates and produced lower bias, lower mean squared error, and improved inference relative to unpenalized models. When applied to real‐world data, our penalized multispecies occupancy model constrained boundary estimates and allowed for meaningful inference related to the interactions of two species of conservation concern. To facilitate the use of our penalized multispecies occupancy model, the techniques demonstrated in this paper have been integrated into the
unmarked package in R programing language. -
Abstract Interspecific interactions can provoke temporal and spatial avoidance, ultimately affecting population densities and spatial distribution patterns. The ability (or inability) of species to coexist has consequences for diversity and ultimately ecosystem stability. Urbanization is predicted to change species interactions but its relative impact is not well known. Urbanization gradients offer the opportunity to evaluate the effect of humans on species interactions by comparing community dynamics across levels of disturbance.
We used camera traps deployed by citizen scientists to survey mammals along urbanization gradients of two cities (Washington, DC and Raleigh, NC, USA). We used a multispecies occupancy model with four competing predator species to test whether forest fragmentation, interspecific interactions, humans or prey had the greatest influence on carnivore distribution.
Our study produced 6,413 carnivore detections from 1,260 sites in two cities, sampling both private and public lands. All species used all levels of the urbanization gradient to a similar extent, but co‐occurrence of urban‐adapted foxes with less urban‐adapted bobcats and coyotes was dependent on the availability of green space, especially as urbanization increased. This suggests green space allows less urban‐adapted species to occupy suburban areas, but focuses their movements through remaining forest patches, leading to more species interactions.
Synthesis and applications . Species interactions, forest fragmentation and human‐related covariates were important determinants of carnivore occupancy across a gradient of urbanization with the relative importance of forest fragmentation being highest. We found evidence of both positive and negative interactions across the gradient with some dependent on available green space, suggesting that fragmentation leads to higher levels of spatial interaction. Where green space is adequate, there appears to be sufficient opportunity for coexistence between carnivore species in an urban landscape.