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Creators/Authors contains: "Roy, Subhajit"

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  1. We propose a symbolic execution method for programs that can draw random samples. In contrast to existing work, our method can verify randomized programs with unknown inputs and can prove probabilistic properties that universally quantify over all possible inputs. Our technique augments standard symbolic execution with a new class of probabilistic symbolic variables , which represent the results of random draws, and computes symbolic expressions representing the probability of taking individual paths. We implement our method on top of the KLEE symbolic execution engine alongside multiple optimizations and use it to prove properties about probabilities and expected values for a range of challenging case studies written in C++, including Freivalds’ algorithm, randomized quicksort, and a randomized property-testing algorithm for monotonicity. We evaluate our method against Psi, an exact probabilistic symbolic inference engine, and Storm, a probabilistic model checker, and show that our method significantly outperforms both tools. 
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  2. This paper addresses the problem of creating abstract transformers automatically. The method we present automates the construction of static analyzers in a fashion similar to the way yacc automates the construction of parsers. Our method treats the problem as a program-synthesis problem. The user provides specifications of (i) the concrete semantics of a given operation op , (ii) the abstract domain A to be used by the analyzer, and (iii) the semantics of a domain-specific language L in which the abstract transformer is to be expressed. As output, our method creates an abstract transformer for op in abstract domain A , expressed in L (an “ L -transformer for op over A ”). Moreover, the abstract transformer obtained is a most-precise L -transformer for op over A ; that is, there is no other L -transformer for op over A that is strictly more precise. We implemented our method in a tool called AMURTH. We used AMURTH to create sets of replacement abstract transformers for those used in two existing analyzers, and obtained essentially identical performance. However, when we compared the existing transformers with the transformers obtained using AMURTH, we discovered that four of the existing transformers were unsound, which demonstrates the risk of using manually created transformers. 
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  3. Shoham, Sharon ; Vizel, Yakir (Ed.)
    Morgan and McIver’s weakest pre-expectation framework is one of the most well-established methods for deductive verification of probabilistic programs. Roughly, the idea is to generalize binary state assertions to real-valued expectations, which can measure expected values of probabilistic program quantities. While loop-free programs can be analyzed by mechanically transforming expectations, verifying loops usually requires finding an invariant expectation, a difficult task. We propose a new view of invariant expectation synthesis as a regression problem: given an input state, predict the average value of the post-expectation in the output distribution. Guided by this perspective, we develop the first data-driven invariant synthesis method for probabilistic programs. Unlike prior work on probabilistic invariant inference, our approach can learn piecewise continuous invariants without relying on template expectations. We also develop a data-driven approach to learn sub-invariants from data, which can be used to upper- or lower-bound expected values. We implement our approaches and demonstrate their effectiveness on a variety of benchmarks from the probabilistic programming literature. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
  5. null (Ed.)
    Differential privacy is a formal, mathematical def- inition of data privacy that has gained traction in academia, industry, and government. The task of correctly constructing differentially private algorithms is non-trivial, and mistakes have been made in foundational algorithms. Currently, there is no automated support for converting an existing, non-private program into a differentially private version. In this paper, we propose a technique for automatically learning an accurate and differentially private version of a given non-private program. We show how to solve this difficult program synthesis problem via a combination of techniques: carefully picking representative example inputs, reducing the problem to continuous optimization, and mapping the results back to symbolic expressions. We demonstrate that our approach is able to learn foundational al- gorithms from the differential privacy literature and significantly outperforms natural program synthesis baselines. 
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  6. In spite of decades of research in bug detection tools, there is a surprising dearth of ground-truth corpora that can be used to evaluate the efficacy of such tools. Recently, systems such as LAVA and EvilCoder have been proposed to automatically inject bugs into software to quickly generate large bug corpora, but the bugs created so far differ from naturally occurring bugs in a number of ways. In this work, we propose a new automated bug injection system, Apocalypse, that uses formal techniques—symbolic execution, constraint-based program synthesis and model counting—to automatically inject fair (can potentially be discovered by current bug-detection tools), deep (requiring a long sequence of dependencies to be satisfied to fire), uncorrelated (each bug behaving independent of others), reproducible (a trigger input being available) and rare (can be triggered by only a few program inputs) bugs in large software code bases. In our evaluation, we inject bugs into thirty Coreutils programs as well as the TCAS test suite. We find that bugs synthesized by Apocalypse are highly realistic under a variety of metrics, that they do not favor a particular bug-finding strategy (unlike bugs produced by LAVA), and that they are more difficult to find than manually injected bugs, requiring up around 240× more tests to discover with a state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool. 
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