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ABSTRACT The northern clingfish (Gobiesox maeandricus) has a suction-based adhesive disc that can stick to incredibly rough surfaces, a challenge for stiff commercial suction cups. Both clingfish discs and bioinspired suction cups have stiff cores but flexible edges that can deform to overcome surface irregularities. Compliant surfaces are common in nature and technical settings, but performance data for fish and commercial cups are gathered from stiff surfaces. We quantified the interaction between substrate compliance, surface roughness and suction performance for the northern clingfish, commercial suction cups and three biomimetic suction cups with disc rims of varying compliance. We found that all cups stick better on stiffer substrates and worse on more compliant ones, as indicated by peak stress values. On compliant substrates, surface roughness had little effect on adhesion, even for commercial cups that normally fail on hard, rough surfaces. We propose that suction performance on compliant substrates can be explained in part by effective elastic modulus, the combined elastic modulus from a cup–substrate interaction. Of all the tested cups, the biomimetic cups performed the best on compliant surfaces, highlighting their potential to be used in medical and marine geotechnical fields. Lastly, we discuss the overmolding technique used to generate the bioinspired cups and how it is an important tool for studying biology.more » « less
Abstract The impact of preserved museum specimens is transforming and increasing by three-dimensional (3D) imaging that creates high-fidelity online digital specimens. Through examples from the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network, we describe how we created a digitization community dedicated to the shared vision of making 3D data of specimens available and the impact of these data on a broad audience of scientists, students, teachers, artists, and more. High-fidelity digital 3D models allow people from multiple communities to simultaneously access and use scientific specimens. Based on our multiyear, multi-institution project, we identify significant technological and social hurdles that remain for fully realizing the potential impact of digital 3D specimens.
Synopsis Skates are a diverse group of dorso-ventrally compressed cartilaginous fish found primarily in high-latitude seas. These slow-growing oviparous fish deposit their fertilized eggs into cases, which then rest on the seafloor. Developing skates remain in their cases for 1–4 years after they are deposited, meaning the abiotic characteristics of the deposition sites, such as current and substrate type, must interact with the capsule in a way to promote long residency. Egg cases are morphologically variable and can be identified to species. Both the gross morphology and the microstructures of the egg case interact with substrate to determine how well a case stays in place on a current-swept seafloor. Our study investigated the egg case hydrodynamics of eight North Pacific skate species to understand how their morphology affects their ability to stay in place. We used a flume to measure maximum current velocity, or “break-away velocity,” each egg case could withstand before being swept off the substrate and a tilt table to measure the coefficient of static friction between each case and the substrate. We also used the programing software R to calculate theoretical drag on the egg cases of each species. For all flume trials, we found the morphology of egg cases and their orientation to flow to be significantly correlated with break-away velocity. In certain species, the morphology of the egg case was correlated with flow rate required to dislodge a case from the substrate in addition to the drag experienced in both the theoretical and flume experiments. These results effectively measure how well the egg cases of different species remain stationary in a similar habitat. Parsing out attachment biases and discrepancies in flow regimes of egg cases allows us to identify where we are likely to find other elusive species nursery sites. These results will aid predictive models for locating new nursery habitats and protective policies for avoiding the destruction of these nursery sites.
ABSTRACT Small organisms use propulsive springs rather than muscles to repeatedly actuate high acceleration movements, even when constrained to tiny displacements and limited by inertial forces. Through integration of a large kinematic dataset, measurements of elastic recoil, energetic math modeling and dynamic math modeling, we tested how trap-jaw ants (Odontomachus brunneus) utilize multiple elastic structures to develop ultrafast and precise mandible rotations at small scales. We found that O. brunneus develops torque on each mandible using an intriguing configuration of two springs: their elastic head capsule recoils to push and the recoiling muscle–apodeme unit tugs on each mandible. Mandibles achieved precise, planar, circular trajectories up to 49,100 rad s−1 (470,000 rpm) when powered by spring propulsion. Once spring propulsion ended, the mandibles moved with unconstrained and oscillatory rotation. We term this mechanism a ‘dual spring force couple’, meaning that two springs deliver energy at two locations to develop torque. Dynamic modeling revealed that dual spring force couples reduce the need for joint constraints and thereby reduce dissipative joint losses, which is essential to the repeated use of ultrafast, small systems. Dual spring force couples enable multifunctionality: trap-jaw ants use the same mechanical system to produce ultrafast, planar strikes driven by propulsive springs and for generating slow, multi-degrees of freedom mandible manipulations using muscles, rather than springs, to directly actuate the movement. Dual spring force couples are found in other systems and are likely widespread in biology. These principles can be incorporated into microrobotics to improve multifunctionality, precision and longevity of ultrafast systems.more » « less
null (Ed.)Looking to nature for inspiration has led to many diverse technological advances. The spiral valve intestine of sharks has provided the opportunity to observe the efficiency of different valve systems. It is supposed that the spiral intestine present in sharks, skates and rays slows the transit rate of digesta through the gut and provides increased surface area for the absorption of nutrients. In this investigation, we use a novel technique—creating three-dimensional reconstructions from CT scans of spiral intestines—to describe the morphology of the spiral intestine of at least one species from 22 different shark families. We discuss the morphological data in an evolutionary, dietary and functional context. The evolutionary analyses suggest that the columnar morphology is the ancestral form of the spiral intestine. Dietary analyses reveal no correlation between diet type and spiral intestine morphology. Flow rate was slowed significantly more when the two funnel-shaped spiral intestines were subjected to flow in the posterior to anterior direction, indicating their success at producing unidirectional flow, similar to a Tesla valve. These data are available to generate additional three-dimensional morphometrics, create computational models of the intestine, as well as to further explore the function of the gastrointestinal tract of sharks in structural and physiological contexts.more » « less