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Creators/Authors contains: "Sagebaum, Max"

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  1. Abstract

    Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers as well as other ice streams in West Antarctica have been changing dramatically over the past decades. Although changes in ocean conditions are likely the primary driver of these changes, it remains unclearwhereother processes could cause more mass loss. By employing Automatic Differentiation and two independent ice‐sheet models, we construct maps of the sensitivity of the volume above floatation to changes in ocean‐induced melt rates, ice rigidity, basal friction, and surface mass balance. We find that changes in basal melt close to the grounding lines and along shear margins have a larger impact on the glaciers' final volume. The glaciers are sensitive to changes in basal friction on regions close to the grounding lines, while changes in ice rigidity has a larger impact along the shear margins of Pine Island. The sensitivity to surface mass balance is uniform over grounded ice.

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