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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 19, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 15, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Quantifying the temperature sensitivity of methane (CH4) production is crucial for predicting how wetland ecosystems will respond to climate warming. Typically, the temperature sensitivity (often quantified as a Q10value) is derived from laboratory incubation studies and then used in biogeochemical models. However, studies report wide variation in incubation-inferred Q10values, with a large portion of this variation remaining unexplained. Here we applied observations in a thawing permafrost peatland (Stordalen Mire) and a well-tested process-rich model (ecosys) to interpret incubation observations and investigate controls on inferred CH4production temperature sensitivity. We developed a field-storage-incubation modeling approach to mimic the full incubation sequence, including field sampling at a particular time in the growing season, refrigerated storage, and laboratory incubation, followed by model evaluation. We found that CH4production rates during incubation are regulated by substrate availability and active microbial biomass of key microbial functional groups, which are affected by soil storage duration and temperature. Seasonal variation in substrate availability and active microbial biomass of key microbial functional groups led to strong time-of-sampling impacts on CH4production. CH4production is higher with less perturbation post-sampling, i.e. shorter storage duration and lower storage temperature. We found a wide range of inferred Q10values (1.2–3.5), which we attribute to incubation temperatures, incubation duration, storage duration, and sampling time. We also show that Q10values of CH4production are controlled by interacting biological, biochemical, and physical processes, which cause the inferred Q10values to differ substantially from those of the component processes. Terrestrial ecosystem models that use a constant Q10value to represent temperature responses may therefore predict biased soil carbon cycling under future climate scenarios.

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  4. Abstract

    Climate change is disproportionately warming northern peatlands, which may release large carbon stores via increased microbial activity. While there are many unknowns about such microbial responses, virus roles are especially poorly characterized with studies to date largely restricted to “bycatch” from bulk metagenomes. Here, we used optimized viral particle purification techniques on 20 samples along a highly contextualized peatland permafrost thaw gradient, extracted and sequenced viral particle DNA using two library kits to capture single-stranded (ssDNA) and double-stranded (dsDNA) virus genomes (40 total viromes), and explored their diversity and potential ecosystem impacts. Both kits recovered similar dsDNA virus numbers, but only one also captured thousands of ssDNA viruses. Combining these data, we explored population-level ecology using genomic representation from 9,560 viral operational taxonomic units (vOTUs); nearly a 4-fold expansion from permafrost-associated soils, and 97% of which were novel when compared against large datasets from soils, oceans, and the human gut.In silicopredictions identified putative hosts for 44% (4,149 dsDNA + 17 ssDNA) of the identified vOTUs spanning 2 eukaryotic, 12 archaeal, and 30 bacterial phyla. The recovered vOTUs encoded 1,684 putative auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) and other metabolic genes carried by ∼10% of detected vOTUs, of which 46% were related to carbon processing and 644 were novel. These AMGs grouped into five functional categories and 11 subcategories, and nearly half (47%) of the AMGs were involved in carbon utilization. Of these, 112 vOTUs encoded 123 glycoside hydrolases spanning 15 types involved in the degradation of polysaccharides (e.g., cellulose) to monosaccharides (e.g., galactose), or further monosaccharide degradation, which suggests virus involvement in myriad metabolisms including fermentation and central carbon metabolism. These findings expand the scope of viral roles in microbial carbon processing and suggest viruses may be critical for understanding the fate of soil organic carbon in peatlands.

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  5. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. Canopy stomatal conductance is commonly estimated fromeddy covariance measurements of the latent heat flux (LE) by inverting thePenman–Monteith equation. That method ignores eddy covariance measurementsof the sensible heat flux (H) and instead calculates H implicitly as theresidual of all other terms in the site energy budget. Here we show thatcanopy stomatal conductance is more accurately calculated from eddy covariance (EC)measurements of both H and LE using the flux–gradient equations that defineconductance and underlie the Penman–Monteith equation, especially when thesite energy budget fails to close due to pervasive biases in the eddy fluxesand/or the available energy. The flux–gradient formulation dispenses withunnecessary assumptions, is conceptually simpler, and is as or more accuratein all plausible scenarios. The inverted Penman–Monteith equation, on theother hand, contributes substantial biases and erroneous spatial andtemporal patterns to canopy stomatal conductance, skewing its relationshipswith drivers such as light and vapor pressure deficit. 
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  6. Both plant physiology and atmospheric chemistry are substantially altered by the emission of volatile isoprenoids (VI), such as isoprene and monoterpenes, from plant leaves. Yet, since gaining scientific attention in the 1950’s, empirical research on leaf VI has been largely confined to laboratory experiments and atmospheric observations. Here, we introduce a new field instrument designed to bridge the scales from leaf to atmosphere, by enabling precision VI detection in real time from plants in their natural ecological setting. With a field campaign in the Brazilian Amazon, we reveal an unexpected distribution of leaf emission capacities (EC) across the vertical axis of the forest canopy, with EC peaking in the mid-canopy instead of the sun-exposed canopy surface, and moderately high emissions occurring in understory specialist species. Compared to the simple interpretation that VI protect leaves from heat stress at the hot canopy surface, our results encourage a more nuanced view of the adaptive role of VI in plants. We infer that forest emissions to the atmosphere depend on the dynamic microenvironments imposed by canopy structure, and not simply on canopy surface conditions. We provide a new emissions inventory from 52 tropical tree species, revealing moderate consistency in EC within taxonomic groups. We highlight priorities in leaf volatiles research that require field-portable detection systems. Our self-contained, portable instrument provides real-time detection and live measurement feedback with precision and detection limits better than 0.5 nmol VI m –2 leaf s –1 . We call the instrument ‘PORCO’ based on the gas detection method: photoionization of organic compounds. We provide a thorough validation of PORCO and demonstrate its capacity to detect ecologically driven variation in leaf emission rates and thus accelerate a nascent field of science: the ecology and ecophysiology of plant volatiles. 
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  7. Canopy stomatal conductance (gsV) is commonly estimated from eddy covariance (EC) measurements of latent heat flux (LE) by inverting the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation. That method implicitly represents the sensible heat flux (H) as the residual of all other terms in the site energy budget – even though H is measured at least as accurately as LE at every EC site while the rest of the energy budget almost never is. We argue that gsV should instead be calculated from EC measurements of both H and LE, using the flux-gradient formulation that defines conductance and underlies the PM equation. The flux-gradient formulation dispenses with unnecessary assumptions, is conceptually simpler, and provides more accurate values of gsV for all plausible scenarios in which the measured energy budget fails to close, as is common at EC sites. The PM equation, on the other hand, contributes biases and erroneous spatial and temporal patterns to gsV, skewing its relationships with drivers such as light and vapor pressure deficit. To minimize the impact of the energy budget closure problem on the PM equation, it was previously proposed that the eddy fluxes should be corrected to close the long-term energy budget while preserving the Bowen ratio (B = H/LE). We show that such a flux correction does not fully remedy the PM equation but should produce accurate values of gsV when combined with the flux-gradient formulation. 
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