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  1. Despite continued interest in mixed-species groups, we still lack a unified understanding of how ecological and social processes work across scales to influence group formation. Recent work has revealed ecological correlates of mixed-species group formation, but the mechanisms by which concomitant social dynamics produce these patterns, if at all, is unknown. Here, we use camera trap data for six mammalian grazer species in Serengeti National Park. Building on previous work, we found that ecological variables, and especially forage quality, influenced the chances of species overlap over small spatio-temporal scales (i.e. on the scales of several metres and hours). Migratory species (gazelle, wildebeest and zebra) were more likely to have heterospecific partners available in sites with higher forage quality, but the opposite was true for resident species (buffalo, hartebeest and topi). These findings illuminate the circumstances under which mixed-species group formation is even possible. Next, we found that greater heterospecific availability was associated with an increased probability of mixed-species group formation in gazelle, hartebeest, wildebeest and zebra, but ecological variables did not further shape these patterns. Overall, our results are consistent with a model whereby ecological and social drivers of group formation are species-specific and operate on different spatio-temporal scales. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Mixed-species groups and aggregations: shaping ecological and behavioural patterns and processes’. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    >With the increasing ability to generate actionable insight from data, the field of data science has seen significant growth. As more teams develop data science solutions, the analytical code they develop will need to be enhanced in the future, by an existing or a new team member. Thus, the importance of being able to easily maintain and enhance the code required for an analysis will increase. However, to date, there has been minimal research on the maintainability of an analysis done by a data science team. To help address this gap, data science maintainability was explored by (1) creating a data science maintainability model, (2) creating a new tool, called MIDST (Modular Interactive Data Science Tool), that aims to improve data science maintainability, and then (3) conducting a mixed method experiment to evaluate MIDST. The new tool aims to improve the ability of a team member to update and rerun an existing data science analysis by providing a visual data flow view of the analysis within an integrated code and computational environment. Via an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative survey results, the experiment found that MIDST does help improve the maintainability of an analysis. Thus, this research demonstrates the importance of enhanced tools to help improve the maintainability of data science projects. 
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