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Creators/Authors contains: "Scalapino, Douglas J."

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  1. Typical Wannier-function downfolding starts with a mean-field or density functional set of bands to construct the Wannier functions. Here we carry out a controlled approach, using DMRG-computed natural orbital bands, to downfold the three-band Hubbard model to an effective single band model. A sharp drop-off in the natural orbital occupancy at the edge of the first band provides a clear justification for a single-band model. Constructing Wannier functions from the first band, we compute all possible two-particle terms and retain those with significant magnitude. The resulting single-band model includes two-site density-assisted hopping terms with tn∼0.6t. These terms lead to a reduction of the ratio U/teff, and are important in capturing the doping-asymmetric carrier mobility, as well as in enhancing the pairing in a single-band model for the hole-doped cuprates. 
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  2. We report results of large-scale ground-state density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations on t-t-J cylinders with circumferences 6 and 8. We determine a rough phase diagram that appears to approximate the two-dimensional (2D) system. While for many properties, positive and negativetvalues (t/t=±0.2) appear to correspond to electron- and hole-doped cuprate systems, respectively, the behavior of superconductivity itself shows an inconsistency between the model and the materials. Thet<0(hole-doped) region shows antiferromagnetism limited to very low doping, stripes more generally, and the familiar Fermi surface of the hole-doped cuprates. However, we findt<0strongly suppresses superconductivity. Thet>0(electron-doped) region shows the expected circular Fermi pocket of holes around the(π,π)point and a broad low-doped region of coexisting antiferromagnetism and d-wave pairing with a triplet p component at wavevector(π,π)induced by the antiferromagnetism and d-wave pairing. The pairing for the electron low-doped system witht>0is strong and unambiguous in the DMRG simulations. At larger doping another broad region with stripes in addition to weaker d-wave pairing and striped p-wave pairing appears. In a small doping region nearx=0.08fort0.2, we find an unconventional type of stripe involving unpaired holes located predominantly on chains spaced three lattice spacings apart. The undoped two-leg ladder regions in between mimic the short-ranged spin correlations seen in two-leg Heisenberg ladders.

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