Garnet U‐Pb dating by laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry requires the development of matrix‐matched reference materials of variable chemistry and U mass fraction for accurate analysis. Additional calibration of existing primary reference materials is also justified based on the relatively poor calibration of some of the widely available primary reference materials that are currently utilised by the geoscience community. We present a micro sampling workflow combined with a refined ID‐TIMS methodology for the generation of high precision (~ 0.1%) U‐Pb dates from domains within garnet single crystals. Using this workflow, we calibrated two new natural andradite reference materials, the Jumbo andradite (And99; 110.34 ± 0.03 (0.04) [0.13] Ma,
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n = 7, MSWD = 1.21) and the Tiptop andradite (And87; 209.57 ± 0.11 (0.13) [0.26] Ma,n = 6, MSWD = 1.39). We also present additional calibration of the widely utilised Willsboro‐Lewis andradite primary reference material (And90; 1024.7 ± 9.5 (9.6) [9.6] Ma (2s ; overdispersed),n = 6). Wafers of the Jumbo and Tiptop andradite reference materials are available from the authors upon request.Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 4, 2025 -
Abstract The North American craton interior preserves a >1 Ga history of near surface processes that inform ongoing debates regarding timing and drivers of continental‐scale deformation and erosion associated with far‐field orogenesis. We tested various models of structural inversion on a major segment of the Midcontinent Rift along the Douglas Fault in northern Wisconsin, which accommodated ≳10 km of total vertical displacement. U‐Pb detrital zircon and vein calcite Δ47/U‐Pb thermochronometry from the hanging wall constrain the majority of uplift (≳8.5 km) and deformation to 1052–1036 Ma during the Ottawan phase of the Grenvillian orogeny. Combined U‐Pb zircon dates, Δ47/U‐Pb calcite thermochronometry, and field data that document syn‐ to early post‐depositional deformation in the footwall constrain a second stage of uplift (1–1.5 km) ca. 995–980 Ma during the Rigolet phase of the Grenvillian orogeny. A minor phase of Appalachian far‐field orogenesis is associated with minimal thrust reactivation. Our combined analyses identified the 995–980 Ma Bayfield Group as a Grenvillian foreland basin with an original thickness 0.5–2 km greater than currently preserved. By quantifying flexural loading and other subsidence mechanisms along the Douglas Fault, we identify dynamic subsidence as a mechanism that could be consistent with the development of late‐Grenvillian transcontinental fluvial systems. Minimal post‐Grenvillian erosion (0.5–2 km) in this part of the craton interior has preserved the Bayfield Group and equivalent successions, limiting the magnitude of regional erosion that can be attributed to Neoproterozoic glaciation.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
na (Ed.)
Abstract. Relating stratigraphic position to numerical time using age–depth models plays an important role in determining the rate and timing of geologic and environmental change throughout Earth history. Astrochronology uses the geologic record of astronomically derived oscillations in the rock record to measure the passage of time and has proven to be a valuable technique for developing age–depth models with high stratigraphic and temporal resolution. However, in the absence of anchoring dates, many astrochronologies float in numerical time. Anchoring these chronologies relies on radioisotope geochronology (e.g., U–Pb, 40Ar/39Ar), which produces high-precision (<±1 %), stratigraphically distributed point estimates of age. In this study, we present a new R package, astroBayes, for a Bayesian inversion of astrochronology and radioisotopic geochronology to derive age–depth models. Integrating both data types allows reduction in uncertainties related to interpolation between dated horizons and the resolution of subtle changes in sedimentation rate, especially when compared to existing Bayesian models that use a stochastic random walk to approximate sedimentation variability. The astroBayes inversion also incorporates prior information about sedimentation rate, superposition, and the presence or absence of major hiatuses. The resulting age–depth models preserve both the spatial resolution of floating astrochronologies and the accuracy as well as precision of modern radioisotopic geochronology. We test the astroBayes method using two synthetic datasets designed to mimic real-world stratigraphic sections. Model uncertainties are predominantly controlled by the precision of the radioisotopic dates and are relatively constant with depth while being significantly reduced relative to “dates-only” random walk models. Since the resulting age–depth models leverage both astrochronology and radioisotopic geochronology in a single statistical framework they can resolve ambiguities between the two chronometers. Finally, we present a case study of the Bridge Creek Limestone Member of the Greenhorn Formation where we refine the age of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, showing the strength of this approach when applied to deep-time chronostratigraphic questions.
Abstract High-precision U-Pb zircon ages on SE Newfoundland tuffs now bracket the Avalonian Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary. Upper Lower Cambrian Brigus Formation tuffs yield depositional ages of 507.91 ± 0.07 Ma (
Callavia broeggeri Zone) and 507.67 ± 0.08 Ma and 507.21 ± 0.13 Ma (Morocconus-Condylopyge eli Assemblage interval). Lower Middle Cambrian Chamberlain’s Brook Formation tuffs have depositional ages of 506.34 ± 0.21 Ma (Kiskinella cristata Zone) and 506.25 ± 0.07 Ma (Eccaparadoxides bennetti Zone). The composite unconformity separating the Brigus and Chamberlain’s Brook formations is constrained between these ages. An Avalonian Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary between 507.2 ± 0.1 and 506.3 ± 0.2 Ma is consistent with maximum depositional age constraints from southwest Laurentia, which indicate an age for the base of the Miaolingian Series, as locally interpreted, of ≤ 506.6 ± 0.3 Ma. The Miaolingian Series’ base is interpreted as correlative within ≤ 0.3 ± 0.3 Ma between Cambrian palaeocontinents, although its exact synchrony is questionable due to taxonomic problems with a possibleOryctocephalus indicus -plexus, invariable dysoxic lithofacies control ofO. indicus and diachronous occurrence ofO. indicus in temporally distinct δ13C chemozones in South China and SW Laurentia. The lowest occurrence ofO. indicus assemblages is linked to onlap (epeirogenic or eustatic) of dysoxic facies. A united Avalonia is shown by late Early Cambrian volcanics in SW New Brunswick; Cape Breton Island; SE Newfoundland; and the Wrekin area, England. The new U-Pb ages revise Avalonian geological evolution as they show rapid epeirogenic changes through depositional sequences 4a–6. -
The geologically rapid appearance of fossils of modern animal phyla within Cambrian strata is a defining characteristic of the history of life on Earth. However, temporal calibration of the base of the Cambrian Period remains uncertain within millions of years, which has resulted in mounting challenges to the concept of a discrete Cambrian explosion. We present precise zircon U–Pb dates for the lower Wood Canyon Formation, Nevada. These data demonstrate the base of the Cambrian Period, as defined by both ichnofossil biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy, was younger than 533 Mya, at least 6 My later than currently recognized. This new geochronology condenses previous age models for the Nemakit–Daldynian (early Cambrian) and, integrated with global records, demonstrates an explosive tempo to the early radiation of modern animal phyla.more » « less
Abstract The end-Triassic extinction (ETE) event represents one of the ‘big five’ episodes of mass extinction. The leading hypothesis for the cause of the ETE is the intrusion of voluminous magmas of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) into carbon-rich sediments of two South American sedimentary basins, around 201.5 Ma. The timing of dikes and sills emplacement, however, must be considered in light of age models from CAMP rocks occurring in North America. In this work, we present new high-precision ages for critical samples in NE Brazil (201.579 ± 0.057 Ma) and Canada (201.464 ± 0.017 Ma), in order to evaluate how the South and North American magmatic events compare at the 100-ka level, and to the ETE timing. We also discuss inter-laboratory reproducibility of high-precision CAMP ages, including the230Th disequilibrium corrections that are made to zircon U–Pb dates. Our findings in this newly discovered extension of the CAMP large igneous province in NE Brazil support the hypothesis that the CAMP may be responsible for the ETE through the triggering of greenhouse gas release from magma-evaporite interactions (contact metamorphism) in the South American basins.
The Wilkins Peak Member (WPM) of the Green River Formation in Wyoming, USA, comprises alternating lacustrine and alluvial strata that preserve a record of terrestrial climate during the early Eocene climatic optimum. We use a Bayesian framework to develop age-depth models for three sites, based on new 40Ar/39Ar sanidine and 206Pb/238U zircon ages from seven tuffs. The new models provide two- to ten-fold increases in temporal resolution compared to previous radioisotopic age models, confirming eccentricity-scale pacing of WPM facies, and permitting their direct comparison to astronomical solutions. Starting at ca. 51 Ma, the median ages for basin-wide flooding surfaces atop six successive alluvial marker beds coincide with short eccentricity maxima in the astronomical solutions. These eccentricity maxima have been associated with hyperthermal events recorded in marine strata during the early Eocene. WPM strata older than ca. 51 Ma do not exhibit a clear relationship to the eccentricity solutions, but accumulated 31%−35% more rapidly, suggesting that the influence of astronomical forcing on sedimentation was modulated by basin tectonics. Additional high-precision radioisotopic ages are needed to reduce the uncertainty of the Bayesian model, but this approach shows promise for unambiguous evaluation of the phase relationship between alluvial marker beds and theoretical eccentricity solutions.more » « less
Abstract The Steptoean Positive Isotopic Carbon Excursion (SPICE) is a prominent +4–5‰ shift in the Cambrian δ13C record used for global chronostratigraphic correlation. The onset of this excursion is traditionally placed at the base of the Pterocephaliid trilobite biomere (base of the Furongian Series). Recent studies have documented local controls on the expression of the SPICE and emphasize the need for chronostratigraphic standards for these complex biogeochemical signals. We build upon prior work in western Laurentia by integrating δ13C and biostratigraphy with high-precision isotope dilution U-Pb detrital zircon maximum depositional ages that are coincident with the onset, peak, and falling limb of the SPICE. Our study provides the first useful numerical age constraint for the onset of the SPICE and the Laurentian trilobite biozones and requires revision of the late Cambrian geologic time scale boundaries by several million years.more » « less