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Creators/Authors contains: "Schoenwaelder, C."

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  1. Material in HED regimes are at very high pressures and temperatures but can often still be modeled in the plasma-fluid approximation. Historically HED regimes were created using large laser/ion- beam drivers heating solid targets. Exciting data was obtained from these single shot experiments. In recent years there has been a shift to obtain HED related data from a large number of shots by using high-repetition-rate drivers. For high-repetition-rate experiments a series of droplet targets are often used to have a fresh target/droplet for each shot. However, one must make sure that target debris from the previous shot does not degrade the target for subsequent shots. This is a challenging CFD problem as one needs to model the initial dynamics of the heated droplet and the subsequent interaction with the following droplets. We use the CFD modeling code PISALE to study this complex problem. We discuss results for liquid hydrogen droplets heated by an x-ray free electron laser (XFEL). We first show 2D results for single heated droplet then 3D results for a heated droplet interacting with two unheated droplets. 
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  2. A compact high-flux, short-pulse neutron source would have applications from nuclear astrophysics to cancer therapy. Laser-driven neutron sources can achieve fluxes much higher than spallation and reactor neutron sources by reducing the volume and time in which the neutron-producing reactions occur by orders of magnitude. We report progress towards an efficient laser-driven neutron source in experiments with a cryogenic deuterium jet on the Texas Petawatt laser. Neutrons were produced both by laser-accelerated multi-MeV deuterons colliding with Be and mixed metallic catchers and by d ( d , n ) 3 He fusion reactions within the jet. We observed deuteron yields of 10 13 /shot in quasi-Maxwellian distributions carrying ∼ 8 − 10 % of the input laser energy. We obtained neutron yields greater than 10 10 /shot and found indications of a deuteron-deuteron fusion neutron source with high peak flux ( > 1 0 22 cm −2  s −1 ). The estimated fusion neutron yield in our experiment is one order of magnitude higher than any previous laser-induced dd fusion reaction. Though many technical challenges will have to be overcome to convert this proof-of-principle experiment into a consistent ultra-high flux neutron source, the neutron fluxes achieved here suggest laser-driven neutron sources can support laboratory study of the rapid neutron-capture process, which is otherwise thought to occur only in astrophysical sites such as core-collapse supernova, and binary neutron star mergers. 
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