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Francois Morel (Ed.)Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major reservoir that links global carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. DOM is also important for marine sulfur biogeochemistry as the largest water column reservoir of organic sulfur. Dissolved organic sulfur (DOS) can originate from phytoplankton-derived biomolecules in the surface ocean or from abiotically “sulfurized” organic matter diffusing from sulfidic sediments. These sources differ in 34S/32S isotope ratios (δ34S values), with phytoplankton-produced DOS tracking marine sulfate (21‰) and sulfurized DOS mirroring sedimentary porewater sulfide (∼0 to –10‰). We measured the δ34S values of solid-phase extracted (SPE) DOM from marine water columns and porewater from sulfidic sediments. Marine DOM_SPE δ34S values ranged from 14.9‰ to 19.9‰ and C:S ratios from 153 to 303, with lower δ34S values corresponding to higher C:S ratios. Marine DOM_SPE samples showed consistent trends with depth: δ34S values decreased, C:S ratios increased, and δ13C values were constant. Porewater DOM_SPE was 34S-depleted (∼-0.6‰) and sulfur-rich (C:S ∼37) compared with water column samples. We interpret these trends as reflecting at most 20% (and on average ∼8%) contribution of abiotic sulfurized sources to marine DOS_SPE and conclude that sulfurized porewater is not a main component of oceanic DOS and DOM. We hypothesize that heterogeneity in δ34S values and C:S ratios reflects the combination of sulfurized porewater inputs and preferential microbial scavenging of sulfur relative to carbon without isotope fractionation. Our findings strengthen links between oceanic sulfur and carbon cycling, supporting a realization that organic sulfur, not just sulfate, is important to marine biogeochemistry.more » « less
null (Ed.)The hydrogen-isotopic compositions ( 2 H/ 1 H ratios) of lipids in microbial heterotrophs are known to vary enormously, by at least 40% (400‰) relative. This is particularly surprising, given that most C-bound H in their lipids appear to derive from the growth medium water, rather than from organic substrates, implying that the isotopic fractionation between lipids and water is itself highly variable. Changes in the lipid/water fractionation are also strongly correlated with the type of energy metabolism operating in the host. Because lipids are well preserved in the geologic record, there is thus significant potential for using lipid 2 H/ 1 H ratios to decipher the metabolism of uncultured microorganisms in both modern and ancient ecosystems. But despite over a decade of research, the precise mechanisms underlying this isotopic variability remain unclear. Differences in the kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) accompanying NADP + reduction by dehydrogenases and transhydrogenases have been hypothesized as a plausible mechanism. However, this relationship has been difficult to prove because multiple oxidoreductases affect the NADPH pool simultaneously. Here, we cultured five diverse aerobic heterotrophs, plus five Escherichia coli mutants, and used metabolic flux analysis to show that 2 H/ 1 H fractionations are highly correlated with fluxes through NADP + -reducing and NADPH-balancing reactions. Mass-balance calculations indicate that the full range of 2 H/ 1 H variability in the investigated organisms can be quantitatively explained by varying fluxes, i.e., with constant KIEs for each involved oxidoreductase across all species. This proves that lipid 2 H/ 1 H ratios of heterotrophic microbes are quantitatively related to central metabolism and provides a foundation for interpreting 2 H/ 1 H ratios of environmental lipids and sedimentary hydrocarbons.more » « less
Rationale Sulfur isotope analysis of organic sulfur‐containing molecules has previously been hindered by challenging preparatory chemistry and analytical requirements for large sample sizes. The natural‐abundance sulfur isotopic compositions of the sulfur‐containing amino acids, cysteine and methionine, have therefore not yet been investigated despite potential utility in biomedicine, ecology, oceanography, biogeochemistry, and other fields.
Methods Cysteine and methionine were subjected to hot acid hydrolysis followed by quantitative oxidation in performic acid to yield cysteic acid and methionine sulfone. These stable, oxidized products were then separated by reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and verified via offline liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The sulfur isotope ratios (δ34S values) of purified analytes were then measured via combustion elemental analyzer coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA/IRMS). The EA was equipped with a temperature‐ramped chromatographic column and programmable helium carrier flow rates.
Results On‐column focusing of SO2in the EA/IRMS system, combined with reduced He carrier flow during elution, greatly improved sensitivity, allowing precise (0.1–0.3‰ 1 s.d.) δ34S measurements of 1 to 10 μg sulfur. We validated that our method for purification of cysteine and methionine was negligibly fractionating using amino acid and protein standards. Proof‐of‐concept measurements of fish muscle tissue and bacteria demonstrated differences up to 4‰ between the δ34S values of cysteine and methionine that can be connected to biosynthetic pathways.
Conclusions We have developed a sensitive, precise method for measuring the natural‐abundance sulfur isotopic compositions of cysteine and methionine isolated from biological samples. This capability opens up diverse applications of sulfur isotopes in amino acids and proteins, from use as a tracer in organisms and the environment, to fundamental aspects of metabolism and biosynthesis.
Abstract The rapid turnover of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), likely the most relevant dissolved organic sulfur compound in the surface ocean, makes it pivotal to understand the cycling of organic sulfur. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate is mainly synthesized by phytoplankton, and it can be utilized as carbon and sulfur sources by marine bacteria or cleaved by bacteria or algae to produce the volatile compound dimethylsulfide (DMS), involved in the formation of sulfate aerosols. The fluxes between the consumption (i.e., demethylation) and cleavage pathways are thought to depend on community interactions and their sulfur demand. However, a quantitative assessment of the sulfur partitioning between each of these pathways is still missing. Here, we report for the first time the sulfur isotope fractionations by enzymes involved in DMSP degradation with different catalytic mechanisms, expressed heterologously in
Escherichia coli . We show that the residual DMSP from the demethylation pathway is 2.7‰ enriched inδ 34S relative to the initial DMSP, and that the fractionation factor (34ε ) of the cleavage pathways varies between −1 and −9‰. The incorporation of these fractionation factors into mass balance calculations constrains the biological fates of DMSP in seawater, supports the notion that demethylation dominates over cleavage in marine environments, and could be used as a proxy for the dominant pathways of degradation of DMSP by marine microbial communities.