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  1. Sethuraman, Arun (Ed.)

    Carpenter ants in the genus Camponotus are large, conspicuous ants that are abundant and ecologically influential in many terrestrial ecosystems. The bicolored carpenter ant, Camponotus vicinus Mayr, is distributed across a wide range of elevations and latitudes in western North America, where it is a prominent scavenger and predator. Here, we present a high-quality genome assembly of C. vicinus from a sample collected in Sonoma County, California, near the type locality of the species. This genome assembly consists of 38 scaffolds spanning 302.74 Mb, with contig N50 of 15.9 Mb, scaffold N50 of 19.9 Mb, and BUSCO completeness of 99.2%. This genome sequence will be a valuable resource for exploring the evolutionary ecology of C. vicinus and carpenter ants generally. It also provides an important tool for clarifying cryptic diversity within the C. vicinus species complex, a genetically diverse set of populations, some of which are quite localized and of conservation interest.

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  2. Sethuraman, Arun (Ed.)

    Damselflies and dragonflies (Order: Odonata) play important roles in both aquatic and terrestrial food webs and can serve as sentinels of ecosystem health and predictors of population trends in other taxa. The habitat requirements and limited dispersal of lotic damselflies make them especially sensitive to habitat loss and fragmentation. As such, landscape genomic studies of these taxa can help focus conservation efforts on watersheds with high levels of genetic diversity, local adaptation, and even cryptic endemism. Here, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), we report the first reference genome for the American rubyspot damselfly, Hetaerina americana, a species associated with springs, streams and rivers throughout California. Following the CCGP assembly pipeline, we produced two de novo genome assemblies. The primary assembly includes 1,630,044,487 base pairs, with a contig N50 of 5.4 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 86.2 Mb, and a BUSCO completeness score of 97.6%. This is the seventh Odonata genome to be made publicly available and the first for the subfamily Hetaerininae. This reference genome fills an important phylogenetic gap in our understanding of Odonata genome evolution, and provides a genomic resource for a host of interesting ecological, evolutionary, and conservation questions for which the rubyspot damselfly genus Hetaerina is an important model system.

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  3. Abstract

    Spiny lizards (genus Sceloporus) have long served as important systems for studies of behavior, thermal physiology, dietary ecology, vector biology, speciation, and biogeography. The western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, is found across most of the major biogeographical regions in the western United States and northern Baja California, Mexico, inhabiting a wide range of habitats, from grassland to chaparral to open woodlands. As small ectotherms, Sceloporus lizards are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and S. occidentalis has also become an important system for studying the impacts of land use change and urbanization on small vertebrates. Here, we report a new reference genome assembly for S. occidentalis, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). Consistent with the reference genomics strategy of the CCGP, we used Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology to produce a de novo assembled genome. The assembly comprises a total of 608 scaffolds spanning 2,856 Mb, has a contig N50 of 18.9 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 98.4 Mb, and BUSCO completeness score of 98.1% based on the tetrapod gene set. This reference genome will be valuable for understanding ecological and evolutionary dynamics in S. occidentalis, the species status of the California endemic island fence lizard (S. becki), and the spectacular radiation of Sceloporus lizards.

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  4. Abstract

    As genomic-scale data sets become economically feasible for most organisms, a key question for conservation biology is whether the increased resolution offered by new genomic approaches justifies repeating earlier studies based on traditional markers, rather than investing those same time and monetary resources in less-known species. Genomic studies offer clear advantages when the objective is to identify adaptive loci that may be critical to conservation policy-makers. However, the answer is far less certain for the population and landscape studies based on neutral loci that dominate the conservation genetics research agenda. We used Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) to revisit earlier molecular studies of the IUCN Critically Endangered Magdalena River turtle (Podocnemis lewyana), documenting the conservation insights gained by increasing the number of neutral markers by several orders of magnitude. Earlier research indicated that P. lewyana has the lowest genetic diversity known for any chelonian, and little or no population differentiation among independent rivers. In contrast, the RADseq data revealed discrete population structure with isolation-by-distance within river segments and identified precise population breaks clearly delineating management units. It also confirmed that the species does not have extremely low heterozygosity and that effective population sizes are probably sufficient to maintain long-term evolutionary potential. Contrary to earlier inferences from more limited population genetic markers, our genomic data suggest that management strategies should shift from active genetic rescue to more passive protection without extreme interventions. We conclude with a list of examples of conservation studies in other vertebrates indicating that for many systems a genomic update is worth the investment.

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  5. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin that was first identified in pufferfish but has since been isolated from an array of taxa that host TTX-producing bacteria. However, determining its origin, ecosystem roles, and biomedical applications has challenged researchers for decades. Recognized as a poison and for its lethal effects on humans when ingested, TTX is primarily a powerful sodium channel inhibitor that targets voltage-gated sodium channels, including six of the nine mammalian isoforms. Although lethal doses for humans range from 1.5–2.0 mg TTX (blood level 9 ng/mL), when it is administered at levels far below LD50, TTX exhibits therapeutic properties, especially to treat cancer-related pain, neuropathic pain, and visceral pain. Furthermore, TTX can potentially treat a variety of medical ailments, including heroin and cocaine withdrawal symptoms, spinal cord injuries, brain trauma, and some kinds of tumors. Here, we (i) describe the perplexing evolution and ecology of tetrodotoxin, (ii) review its mechanisms and modes of action, and (iii) offer an overview of the numerous ways it may be applied as a therapeutic. There is much to be explored in these three areas, and we offer ideas for future research that combine evolutionary biology with therapeutics. The TTX system holds great promise as a therapeutic and understanding the origin and chemical ecology of TTX as a poison will only improve its general benefit to humanity. 
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  6. Living turtles are characterized by extraordinarily low species diversity given their age. The clade’s extensive fossil record indicates that climate and biogeography may have played important roles in determining their diversity. We investigated this hypothesis by collecting a molecular dataset for 591 individual turtles that, together, represent 80% of all turtle species, including representatives of all families and 98% of genera, and used it to jointly estimate phylogeny and divergence times. We found that the turtle tree is characterized by relatively constant diversification (speciation minus extinction) punctuated by a single threefold increase. We also found that this shift is temporally and geographically associated with newly emerged continental margins that appeared during the Eocene−Oligocene transition about 30 million years before present. In apparent contrast, the fossil record from this time period contains evidence for a major, but regional, extinction event. These seemingly discordant findings appear to be driven by a common global process: global cooling and drying at the time of the Eocene−Oligocene transition. This climatic shift led to aridification that drove extinctions in important fossil-bearing areas, while simultaneously exposing new continental margin habitat that subsequently allowed for a burst of speciation associated with these newly exploitable ecological opportunities.

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  7. Sea turtles represent an ancient lineage of marine vertebrates that evolved from terrestrial ancestors over 100 Mya. The genomic basis of the unique physiological and ecological traits enabling these species to thrive in diverse marine habitats remains largely unknown. Additionally, many populations have drastically declined due to anthropogenic activities over the past two centuries, and their recovery is a high global conservation priority. We generated and analyzed high-quality reference genomes for the leatherback ( Dermochelys coriacea ) and green ( Chelonia mydas ) turtles, representing the two extant sea turtle families. These genomes are highly syntenic and homologous, but localized regions of noncollinearity were associated with higher copy numbers of immune, zinc-finger, and olfactory receptor (OR) genes in green turtles, with ORs related to waterborne odorants greatly expanded in green turtles. Our findings suggest that divergent evolution of these key gene families may underlie immunological and sensory adaptations assisting navigation, occupancy of neritic versus pelagic environments, and diet specialization. Reduced collinearity was especially prevalent in microchromosomes, with greater gene content, heterozygosity, and genetic distances between species, supporting their critical role in vertebrate evolutionary adaptation. Finally, diversity and demographic histories starkly contrasted between species, indicating that leatherback turtles have had a low yet stable effective population size, exhibit extremely low diversity compared with other reptiles, and harbor a higher genetic load compared with green turtles, reinforcing concern over their persistence under future climate scenarios. These genomes provide invaluable resources for advancing our understanding of evolution and conservation best practices in an imperiled vertebrate lineage. 
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  8. Abstract

    Climate change-induced extinctions are estimated to eliminate one in six known species by the end of the century. One major factor that will contribute to these extinctions is extreme climatic events. Here, we show the ecological impacts of recent record warm air temperatures and simultaneous peak drought conditions in California. From 2008–2016, the southern populations of a wide-ranging endemic amphibian (the California newt,Taricha torosa) showed a 20% reduction to mean body condition and significant losses to variation in body condition linked with extreme climate deviations. However, body condition in northern populations remained relatively unaffected during this period. Range-wide population estimates of change to body condition under future climate change scenarios within the next 50 years suggest that northern populations will mirror the loss of body condition recently observed in southern populations. This change is predicated on latter 21stcentury climate deviations that resemble recent conditions in Southern California. Thus, the ecological consequences of climate change have already occurred across the warmer, drier regions of Southern California, and our results suggest that predicted climate vulnerable regions in the more mesic northern range likely will not provide climate refuge for numerous amphibian communities.

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  9. The North American tiger salamander species complex, including its best-known species, the Mexican axolotl, has long been a source of biological fascination. The complex exhibits a wide range of variation in developmental life history strategies, including populations and individuals that undergo metamorphosis; those able to forego metamorphosis and retain a larval, aquatic lifestyle (i.e., paedomorphosis); and those that do both. The evolution of a paedomorphic life history state is thought to lead to increased population genetic differentiation and ultimately reproductive isolation and speciation, but the degree to which it has shaped population- and species-level divergence is poorly understood. Using a large multilocus dataset from hundreds of samples across North America, we identified genetic clusters across the geographic range of the tiger salamander complex. These clusters often contain a mixture of paedomorphic and metamorphic taxa, indicating that geographic isolation has played a larger role in lineage divergence than paedomorphosis in this system. This conclusion is bolstered by geography-informed analyses indicating no effect of life history strategy on population genetic differentiation and by model-based population genetic analyses demonstrating gene flow between adjacent metamorphic and paedomorphic populations. This fine-scale genetic perspective on life history variation establishes a framework for understanding how plasticity, local adaptation, and gene flow contribute to lineage divergence. Many members of the tiger salamander complex are endangered, and the Mexican axolotl is an important model system in regenerative and biomedical research. Our results chart a course for more informed use of these taxa in experimental, ecological, and conservation research.

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  10. Abstract

    Genomic data are increasingly used for high resolution population genetic studies including those at the forefront of biological conservation. A key methodological challenge is determining sequence similarity clustering thresholds for RADseq data when no reference genome is available. These thresholds define the maximum permitted divergence among allelic variants and the minimum divergence among putative paralogues and are central to downstream population genomic analyses. Here we develop a novel set of metrics to determine sequence similarity thresholds that maximize the correct separation of paralogous regions and minimize oversplitting naturally occurring allelic variation within loci. These metrics empirically identify the threshold value at which true alleles at opposite ends of several major axes of genetic variation begin to incorrectly separate into distinct clusters, allowing researchers to choose thresholds just below this value. We test our approach on a recently published data set for the protected foothill yellow‐legged frog (Rana boylii). The metrics recover a consistent pattern of roughly 96% similarity as a threshold above which genetic divergence and data missingness become increasingly correlated. We provide scripts for assessing different clustering thresholds and discuss how this approach can be applied across a wide range of empirical data sets.

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