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  1. Research has shown that trigger-action programming (TAP) is an intuitive way to automate smart home IoT devices, but can also lead to undesirable behaviors. For instance, if two TAP rules have the same trigger condition, but one locks a door while the other unlocks it, the user may believe the door is locked when it is not. Researchers have developed tools to identify buggy or undesirable TAP programs, but little work investigates the usability of the different user-interaction approaches implemented by the various tools. This paper describes an exploratory study of the usability and utility of techniques proposed by TAP security analysis tools. We surveyed 447 Prolific users to evaluate their ability to write declarative policies, identify undesirable patterns in TAP rules (anti-patterns), and correct TAP program errors, as well as to understand whether proposed tools align with users’ needs. We find considerable variation in participants’ success rates writing policies and identifying anti-patterns. For some scenarios over 90% of participants wrote an appropriate policy, while for others nobody was successful. We also find that participants did not necessarily perceive the TAP anti-patterns flagged by tools as undesirable. Our work provides insight into real smart-home users’ goals, highlights the importance of more rigorous evaluation of users’ needs and usability issues when designing TAP security tools, and provides guidance to future tool development and TAP research. 
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  2. Healthcare applications on Voice Personal Assistant System (e.g., Amazon Alexa), have shown a great promise to deliver personalized health services via a conversational interface. However, concerns are also raised about privacy, safety, and service quality. In this paper, we propose VerHealth, to systematically assess health-related applications on Alexa for how well they comply with existing privacy and safety policies. VerHealth contains a static module and a dynamic module based on machine learning that can trigger and detect violation behaviors hidden deep in the interaction threads. We use VerHealth to analyze 813 health-related applications on Alexa by sending over 855,000 probing questions and analyzing 863,000 responses. We also consult with three medical school students (domain experts) to confirm and assess the potential violations. We show that violations are quite common, e.g., 86.36% of them miss disclaimers when providing medical information; 30.23% of them store user physical or mental health data without approval. Domain experts believe that the applications' medical suggestions are often factually-correct but are of poor relevance, and applications should have asked more questions before providing suggestions for over half of the cases. Finally, we use our results to discuss possible directions for improvements. 
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  3. Permission-based access control enables users to manage and control their sensitive data for third-party applications. In an ideal scenario, third-party application includes enough details to illustrate the usage of such data, while the reality is that many descriptions of third-party applications are vague about their security or privacy activities. As a result, users are left with insufficient details when granting sensitive data to these applications. Prior works, such as WHYPER and AutoCog, have addressed the aforementioned problem via a so-called permission correlation system. Such a system correlates third-party applications' description with their requested permissions and determines an application as overprivileged if a mismatch is found. However, although prior works are successful on their own platforms, such as Android eco-system, they are not directly applicable to new platforms, such as Chrome extensions and IFTTT, without extensive data labeling and parameter tuning. In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate a novel system, called TKPERM, which transfers knowledges of permission correlation systems across platforms. Our key idea is that these varied platforms with different use cases---like smartphones, IoTs, and desktop browsers---are all user-facing and thus allow the knowledges to be transferrable across platforms. Particularly, we adopt a greedy selection algorithm that picks the best source domains to transfer to the target permission on a new platform. TKPERM achieves 90.02% overall F1 score after transfer, which is 12.62% higher than the one of a model trained directly on the target domain without transfer. Particularly, TKPERM has 91.83% F1 score on IFTTT, 89.13% F1 score on Chrome-Extension, and 89.1% F1 score on SmartThings. TKPERM also successfully identified many real-world overprivileged applications, such as a gaming hub requesting location permissions without legitimate use. 
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