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Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 15, 2024
Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 15, 2024
Sural, Shamik ; Lu, Haibing (Ed.)
Modern network infrastructures are in a constant state of transformation, in large part due to the exponential growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The unique properties of IoT-connected networks, such as heterogeneity and non-standardized protocol, have created critical security holes and network mismanagement. In this paper we propose a new measurement tool, Intrinsic Dimensionality (ID), to aid in analyzing and classifying network traffic. A proxy for dataset complexity, ID can be used to understand the network as a whole, aiding in tasks such as network management and provisioning. We use ID to evaluate several modern network datasets empirically. Showing that, for network and device-level data, generated using IoT methodologies, the ID of the data fits into a low dimensional representation. Additionally we explore network data complexity at the sample level using Local Intrinsic Dimensionality (LID) and propose a novel unsupervised intrusion detection technique, the Weighted Hamming LID Estimator. We show that the algortihm performs better on IoT network datasets than the Autoencoder, KNN, and Isolation Forests. Finally, we propose the use of synthetic data as an additional tool for both network data measurement as well as intrusion detection. Synthetically generated data can aid in building a more robust network dataset, while also helping in downstream tasks such as machine learning based intrusion detection models. We explore the effects of synthetic data on ID measurements, as well as its role in intrusion detection systems.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 10, 2024 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 30, 2024
With the spread of the SARS-CoV-2, enormous amounts of information about the pandemic are disseminated through social media platforms such as Twitter. Social media posts often leverage the trust readers have in prestigious news agencies and cite news articles as a way of gaining credibility. Nevertheless, it is not always the case that the cited article supports the claim made in the social media post. We present a cross-genre ad hoc pipeline to identify whether the information in a Twitter post (i.e., a “Tweet”) is indeed supported by the cited news article. Our approach is empirically based on a corpus of over 46.86 million Tweets and is divided into two tasks: (i) development of models to detect Tweets containing claim and worth to be fact-checked and (ii) verifying whether the claims made in a Tweet are supported by the newswire article it cites. Unlike previous studies that detect unsubstantiated information by post hoc analysis of the patterns of propagation, we seek to identify reliable support (or the lack of it) before the misinformation begins to spread. We discover that nearly half of the Tweets (43.4%) are not factual and hence not worth checking – a significant filter, given the sheer volume of social media posts on a platform such as Twitter. Moreover, we find that among the Tweets that contain a seemingly factual claim while citing a news article as supporting evidence, at least 1% are not actually supported by the cited news, and are hence misleading.more » « less
The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing society by connect- ing people and devices seamlessly and providing enhanced user experience and functionalities. However, the unique properties of IoT networks, such as heterogeneity and non-standardized protocol, have created critical security holes and network mismanagement. We propose a new measurement tool for IoT network data to aid in analyzing and classifying such network traffic. We use evidence from both security and machine learning research, which suggests that the complexity of a dataset can be used as a metric to determine the trustworthiness of data. We test the complexity of IoT networks using Intrinsic Dimensionality (ID), a theoretical complexity mea- surement based on the observation that a few variables can often describe high dimensional datasets. We use ID to evaluate four mod- ern IoT network datasets empirically, showing that, for network and device-level data generated using IoT methodologies, the ID of the data fits into a low dimensional representation; this makes such data amenable to the use of machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection.more » « less