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Creators/Authors contains: "Shukla, Darpan"

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  1. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a vital method in neurorehabilitation used to reanimate paralyzed muscles, enhance the size and strength of atrophied muscles, and reduce spasticity. FES often leads to increased muscle fatigue, necessitating careful monitoring of the patient’s response. Ultrasound (US) imaging has been utilized to provide valuable insights into FES-induced fatigue by assessing changes in muscle thickness, stiffness, and strain. Current commercial FES electrodes lack sufficient US transparency, hindering the observation of muscle activity beneath the skin where the electrodes are placed. US-compatible electrodes are essential for accurate imaging and optimal FES performance, especially given the spatial constraints of conventional US probes and the need to monitor muscle areas directly beneath the electrodes. This study introduces specially designed body-conforming US-compatible FES (US-FES) electrodes constructed with a silver nanowire/polydimethylsiloxane (AgNW/PDMS) composite. We compared the performance of our body-conforming US-FES electrode with a commercial hydrogel electrode. The findings revealed that our US-FES electrode exhibited comparable conductivity and performance to the commercial one. Furthermore, US compatibility was investigated through phantom and in vivo tests, showing significant compatibility even during FES, unlike the commercial electrode. The results indicated that US-FES electrodes hold significant promise for the real-time monitoring of muscle activity during FES in clinical rehabilitative applications.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 20, 2025
  3. Abstract

    This study describes the production of biodegradable and recyclable flexible electronic devices created by screen‐printing silver nanowires (AgNWs) onto regenerated cellulose films (RCFs). RCFs, derived from microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), are developed and further enhanced for flexibility with additives such as glycerol and poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). The resulting cellulose films display relatively high tensile strength (up to 120 MPa), low Young's Modulus (down to 1500 MPa), and 90% optical transparency. Ink with AgNWs and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a binder is screen‐printed on regenerated cellulose films. The printed AgNWs patterns exhibit high electrical conductivity, excellent electromechanical performance, and strong interfacial adhesion with RCFs. To demonstrate the application of printed AgNWs on RCFs for soft electronics, transparent conductive electrodes (TCEs) are fabricated. Grid and honeycomb structures are printed separately and evaluated in terms of sheet resistance and optical transparency. TCEs with ≈80% transparency and very low sheet resistance (0.045 Ω sq−1) are obtained. Furthermore, enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose substrate and the recovery for reuse of the AgNWs are demonstrated, showing the potential of integrating natural polymers and recyclable nanomaterials for eco‐friendly and sustainable soft flexible electronics.

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  4. Screen printing is a promising route towards high throughput printed electronics. Currently, the preparation of nanomaterial based conductive inks involves complex formulations with often toxic surfactants in the ink's composition, making them unsuitable as an eco-friendly printing technology. This work reports the development of a silver nanowire (AgNW) ink with a relatively low conductive particle loading of 7 wt%. The AgNW ink involves simple formulation and comprises a biodegradable binder and a green solvent with no toxic surfactants in the ink formulation, making it an eco-friendly printing process. The formulated ink is suitable for printing on a diverse range of substrates such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyimide (PI) tape, glass, and textiles. By tailoring the rheological behaviour of the ink and developing a one-step post-printing process, a minimum feature size of 50 μm and conductivity as high as 6.70 × 10 6 S m −1 was achieved. Use of a lower annealing temperature of 150 °C makes the process suitable for plastic substrates. A flexible textile heater and a wearable hydration sensor were fabricated using the reported AgNW ink to demonstrate its potential for wearable electronic applications. 
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  5. Abstract

    The dissemination of sensors is key to realizing a sustainable, ‘intelligent’ world, where everyday objects and environments are equipped with sensing capabilities to advance the sustainability and quality of our lives—e.g. via smart homes, smart cities, smart healthcare, smart logistics, Industry 4.0, and precision agriculture. The realization of the full potential of these applications critically depends on the availability of easy-to-make, low-cost sensor technologies. Sensors based on printable electronic materials offer the ideal platform: they can be fabricated through simple methods (e.g. printing and coating) and are compatible with high-throughput roll-to-roll processing. Moreover, printable electronic materials often allow the fabrication of sensors on flexible/stretchable/biodegradable substrates, thereby enabling the deployment of sensors in unconventional settings. Fulfilling the promise of printable electronic materials for sensing will require materials and device innovations to enhance their ability to transduce external stimuli—light, ionizing radiation, pressure, strain, force, temperature, gas, vapours, humidity, and other chemical and biological analytes. This Roadmap brings together the viewpoints of experts in various printable sensing materials—and devices thereof—to provide insights into the status and outlook of the field. Alongside recent materials and device innovations, the roadmap discusses the key outstanding challenges pertaining to each printable sensing technology. Finally, the Roadmap points to promising directions to overcome these challenges and thus enable ubiquitous sensing for a sustainable, ‘intelligent’ world.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 9, 2025