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Flat-band materials such as the kagome metals or moiré superlattices are of intense current interest. Flat bands can result from the electron motion on numerous (special) lattices and usually exhibit topological properties. Their reduced bandwidth proportionally enhances the effect of Coulomb interaction, even when the absolute magnitude of the latter is relatively small. Seemingly unrelated to these materials is the large family of strongly correlated electron systems, which include the heavy-fermion compounds, and cuprate and pnictide superconductors. In addition to itinerant electrons from large, strongly overlapping orbitals, they frequently contain electrons from more localized orbitals, which are subject to a large Coulomb interaction. The question then arises as to what commonality in the physical properties and microscopic physics, if any, exists between these two broad categories of materials. A rapidly increasing body of strikingly similar phenomena across the different platforms — from electronic localization–delocalization transitions to strange-metal behaviour and unconventional superconductivity — suggests that similar underlying principles could be at play. Indeed, it has recently been suggested that flat-band physics can be understood in terms of Kondo physics. Inversely, the concept of electronic topology from lattice symmetry, which is fundamental in flat-band systems, is enriching the field of strongly correlated electron systems, in which correlation-driven topological phases are increasingly being investigated. In this Perspective article, we elucidate this connection, survey the new opportunities for cross-fertilization across platforms and assess the prospect for new insights that may be gained into correlation physics and its intersection with electronic topology.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available February 20, 2025
- (Ed.)The cubic Laves phase compound CeRu2 with a Kagome substructure of Ru has been investigated to understand myriad fascinating phenomena resulting from competition among its various physical and geometric features. Such phenomena include flat bands, van Hove singularities, Dirac cones, reentrant superconductivity, magnetism, the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov state, valence fluctuations, time-irreversible anisotropic s-state superconductivity, etc. Extensive studies have thus been carried out since 1958 when the highly unusual coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism was proposed for the mixed compounds (Ce,Gd)Ru2. Activity has accelerated in recent years due to increasing interest in topological states in superconductors. However, there has been little investigation of the mutual influence of these fascinating states. Therefore, we systematically investigated the superconductivity and possible Fermi surface topological change in CeRu2 via magnetic, resistivity, and structural measurements under pressure up to ~168 GPa. An unusual phase diagram that suggests an intriguing interplay between the compound’s superconducting order and Fermi surface topological order has been constructed. A resurgence in its superconducting transition temperature was observed above 28 GPa. Our experiments have identified a structural transition above 76 GPa and a few tantalizing phase transitions driven by high pressure. Our high-pressure results further suggest that superconductivity and Fermi surface topology in CeRu2 are strongly intertwined,more » « less
Abstract Electronic correlation is of fundamental importance to high temperature superconductivity. While the low energy electronic states in cuprates are dominantly affected by correlation effects across the phase diagram, observation of correlation-driven changes in fermiology amongst the iron-based superconductors remains rare. Here we present experimental evidence for a correlation-driven reconstruction of the Fermi surface tuned independently by two orthogonal axes of temperature and Se/Te ratio in the iron chalcogenide family FeTe 1− x Se x . We demonstrate that this reconstruction is driven by the de-hybridization of a strongly renormalized d x y orbital with the remaining itinerant iron 3 d orbitals in the emergence of an orbital-selective Mott phase. Our observations are further supported by our theoretical calculations to be salient spectroscopic signatures of such a non-thermal evolution from a strongly correlated metallic phase into an orbital-selective Mott phase in d x y as Se concentration is reduced.more » « less