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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  2. Abstract

    The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria such asEscherichia coliis an asymmetric bilayer with the glycolipid lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet and glycerophospholipids in the inner. Nearly all integral OM proteins (OMPs) have a characteristic β-barrel fold and are assembled in the OM by the BAM complex, which contains one essential β-barrel protein (BamA), one essential lipoprotein (BamD), and three non-essential lipoproteins (BamBCE). A gain-of-function mutation inbamAenables survival in the absence of BamD, showing that the essential function of this protein is regulatory. Here, we demonstrate that the global reduction in OMPs caused by BamD loss weakens the OM, altering cell shape and causing OM rupture in spent medium. To fill the void created by OMP loss, phospholipids (PLs) flip into the outer leaflet. Under these conditions, mechanisms that remove PLs from the outer leaflet create tension between the OM leaflets, which contributes to membrane rupture. Rupture is prevented by suppressor mutations that release the tension by halting PL removal from the outer leaflet. However, these suppressors do not restore OM stiffness or normal cell shape, revealing a possible connection between OM stiffness and cell shape.

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  3. ABSTRACT Global transposon mutagenesis is a valuable tool for identifying genes required for cell viability. Here we present a global analysis of the orientation of viable Tn 5 -Puro r (Tn 5 -puromycin resistance) insertions into the near-minimal bacterial genome of JCVI-syn2.0. Sixteen of the 478 protein-coding genes show a noticeable asymmetry in the orientation of disrupting insertions of Tn 5 -Puro r . Ten of these are located in operons, upstream of essential or quasi-essential genes. Inserts transcribed in the same direction as the downstream gene are favored, permitting read-through transcription of the essential or quasi-essential gene. Some of these genes were classified as quasi-essential solely because of polar effects on the expression of downstream genes. Three genes showing asymmetry in Tn 5 -Puro r insertion orientation prefer the orientation that avoids collisions between read-through transcription of Tn 5 -Puro r and transcription of an adjacent gene. One gene (JCVISYN2_0132 [abbreviated here as “_0132”]) shows a strong preference for Tn 5 -Puro r insertions transcribed upstream, away from the downstream nonessential gene _0133. This suggested that expression of _0133 due to read-through from Tn 5 -Puro r is lethal when _0132 function is disrupted by transposon insertion. This led to the identification of genes _0133 and _0132 as a toxin-antitoxin pair. The three remaining genes show read-through transcription of Tn 5 -Puro r directed downstream and away from sizable upstream intergenic regions (199 bp to 363 bp), for unknown reasons. In summary, polar effects of transposon insertion can, in a few cases, affect the classification of genes as essential, quasi-essential, or nonessential and sometimes can give clues to gene function. IMPORTANCE In studies of the minimal genetic requirements for life, we used global transposon mutagenesis to identify genes needed for a minimal bacterial genome. Transposon insertion can disrupt the function of a gene but can also have polar effects on the expression of adjacent genes. In the Tn 5 -Puro r construct used in our studies, read-through transcription from Tn 5 -Puro r can drive expression of downstream genes. This results in a preference for Tn 5 -Puro r insertions transcribed toward a downstream essential or quasi-essential gene within the same operon. Such polar effects can have an impact on the classification of genes as essential, quasi-essential, or nonessential, but this has been observed in only a few cases. Also, polar effects of Tn 5 -Puro r insertion can sometimes give clues to gene function. 
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