Coronavirus genomes have evolutionary histories shaped extensively by recombination. Yet, how often recombination occurs at a cellular level, or the factors that regulate recombination rates, are poorly understood. Utilizing experimental co-infections with pairs of genetically distinct coronaviruses, we found that recombination is both frequent and rare during coinfection. Recombination occurred in every instance of co-infection yet resulted in relatively few recombinant RNAs. By integrating a discrete-time Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model, we found that rates of recombination are determined primarily by rates of cellular co-infection, rather than other possible barriers such as RNA compartmentalization. By staggering the order and timing of infection with each virus we also found that rates of co-infection are themselves heavily influenced by genetic and ecological mechanisms, including superinfection exclusion and the relative fitness of competing viruses. Our study highlights recombination as a potent yet regulated force: frequent enough to ensure a steady influx of genetic variation but also infrequent enough to maintain genomic integrity. As recombination is thought to be an important driver of host-switching and disease emergence, our study provides new insights into the factors that regulate coronavirus recombination and evolution more broadly.
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Blanco-Melo, Daniel (Ed.)Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 27, 2025
Abstract Extremophile organisms are known that can metabolize at temperatures down to − 25 °C (psychrophiles) and up to 122 °C (hyperthermophiles). Understanding viability under extreme conditions is relevant for human health, biotechnological applications, and our search for life elsewhere in the universe. Information about the stability and dynamics of proteins under environmental extremes is an important factor in this regard. Here we compare the dynamics of small Fe-S proteins – rubredoxins – from psychrophilic and hyperthermophilic microorganisms, using three different nuclear techniques as well as molecular dynamics calculations to quantify motion at the Fe site. The theory of ‘corresponding states’ posits that homologous proteins from different extremophiles have comparable flexibilities at the optimum growth temperatures of their respective organisms. Although ‘corresponding states’ would predict greater flexibility for rubredoxins that operate at low temperatures, we find that from 4 to 300 K, the dynamics of the Fe sites in these homologous proteins are essentially equivalent.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
Abstract Earth likely acquired much of its inventory of volatile elements during the main stage of its formation. Some of Earth’s proto-atmosphere must therefore have survived the giant impacts, collisions between planet-sized bodies, that dominate the latter phases of accretion. Here, we use a suite of 1D hydrodynamic simulations and impedance-match calculations to quantify the effect that preimpact surface conditions (such as atmospheric pressure and the presence of an ocean) have on the efficiency of atmospheric and ocean loss from protoplanets during giant impacts. We find that—in the absence of an ocean—lighter, hotter, and lower-pressure atmospheres are more easily lost. The presence of an ocean can significantly increase the efficiency of atmospheric loss compared to the no-ocean case, with a rapid transition between low- and high-loss regimes as the mass ratio of atmosphere to ocean decreases. However, contrary to previous thinking, the presence of an ocean can also reduce atmospheric loss if the ocean is not sufficiently massive, typically less than a few times the atmospheric mass. Volatile loss due to giant impacts is thus highly sensitive to the surface conditions on the colliding bodies. To allow our results to be combined with 3D impact simulations, we have developed scaling laws that relate loss to the ground velocity and surface conditions. Our results demonstrate that the final volatile budgets of planets are critically dependent on the exact timing and sequence of impacts experienced by their precursor planetary embryos, making atmospheric properties a highly stochastic outcome of accretion.
Listening to speech in noise can require substantial mental effort, even among younger normal-hearing adults. The task-evoked pupil response (TEPR) has been shown to track the increased effort exerted to recognize words or sentences in increasing noise. However, few studies have examined the trajectory of listening effort across longer, more natural, stretches of speech, or the extent to which expectations about upcoming listening difficulty modulate the TEPR. Seventeen younger normal-hearing adults listened to 60-s-long audiobook passages, repeated three times in a row, at two different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) while pupil size was recorded. There was a significant interaction between SNR, repetition, and baseline pupil size on sustained listening effort. At lower baseline pupil sizes, potentially reflecting lower attention mobilization, TEPRs were more sustained in the harder SNR condition, particularly when attention mobilization remained low by the third presentation. At intermediate baseline pupil sizes, differences between conditions were largely absent, suggesting these listeners had optimally mobilized their attention for both SNRs. Lastly, at higher baseline pupil sizes, potentially reflecting over-mobilization of attention, the effect of SNR was initially reversed for the second and third presentations: participants initially appeared to disengage in the harder SNR condition, resulting in reduced TEPRs that recovered in the second half of the story. Together, these findings suggest that the unfolding of listening effort over time depends critically on the extent to which individuals have successfully mobilized their attention in anticipation of difficult listening conditions.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available March 15, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 3, 2025
Abstract HD 21997 is host to a prototypical “hybrid” debris disk characterized by debris disk-like dust properties and a CO gas mass comparable to a protoplanetary disk. We use Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite time series photometry to demonstrate that HD 21997 is a high-frequency delta Scuti pulsator. If the mode identification can be unambiguously determined in future works, an asteroseismic age of HD 21997 may become feasible.