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  1. Abstract

    Ecosystem engineers can generate hotspots of ecological structure and function by facilitating the aggregation of both resources and consumers. However, nearly all examples of such engineered hotspots come from long‐lived foundation species, such as marine and freshwater mussels, intertidal cordgrasses, and alpine cushion plants, with less attention given to small‐bodied and short‐lived animals. Insects often have rapid life cycles and high population densities and are among the most diverse and ubiquitous animals on earth. Although these taxa have the potential to generate hotspots and heterogeneity comparable to that of foundation species, few studies have examined this possibility. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine the degree to which a stream insect ecosystem engineer, the net‐spinning caddisfly (Tricoptera:Hydropsychidae), creates hotspots by facilitating invertebrate community assembly. Our experiment used two treatments: (1) stream benthic habitat with patches of caddisfly engineers present and (2) a control treatment with no caddisflies present. We show that compared to controls, caddisflies increased local resource availability measured as particulate organic matter (POM) by 43%, ecosystem respiration (ER) by 70%, and invertebrate density, biomass, and richness by 96%, 244%, and 72%, respectively. These changes resulted in increased spatial variation of POM by 25%, invertebrate density by 76%, and ER by 29% compared to controls, indicating a strong effect of caddisflies on ecological heterogeneity. We found a positive relationship between invertebrate density and ammonium concentration in the caddisfly treatment, but no such relationship in the control, indicating that either caddisflies themselves or the invertebrate aggregations they create increased nutrient availability. When accounting for the amount of POM, caddisfly treatments increased invertebrate density by 48% and richness by 40% compared to controls, suggesting that caddisflies may also enhance the nutritional quality of resources for the invertebrate assemblage. The caddisfly treatment also increased the rate of ecosystem respiration as a function of increasing POM compared to the control. Our study demonstrates that insect ecosystem engineers can generate heterogeneity by concentrating local resources and consumers, with consequences for carbon and nutrient cycling.

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  2. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Erosion at Earth’s surface exposes underlying bedrock to climate-driven chemical and physical weathering, transforming it into a porous, ecosystem-sustaining substrate consisting of weathered bedrock, saprolite, and soil. Weathering in saprolite is typically quantified from bulk geochemistry assuming physical strain is negligible. However, modeling and measurements suggest that strain in saprolite may be common, and therefore anisovolumetric weathering may be widespread. To explore this possibility, we quantified the fraction of porosity produced by physical weathering, FPP, at three sites with differing climates in granitic bedrock of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. We found that strain produces more porosity than chemical mass loss at each site, indicative of strongly anisovolumetric weathering. To expand the scope of our study, we quantified FPP using available volumetric strain and mass loss data from granitic sites spanning a broader range of climates and erosion rates. FPP in each case is ≥0.12, indicative of widespread anisovolumetric weathering. Multiple regression shows that differences in precipitation and erosion rate explain 94% of the variance in FPP and that >98% of Earth’s land surface has conditions that promote anisovolumetric weathering in granitic saprolite. Our work indicates that anisovolumetric weathering is the norm, rather than the exception, and highlights the importance of climate and erosion as drivers of subsurface physical weathering. 
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  3. Abstract

    The size distributions of sediment delivered from hillslopes to rivers profoundly influence river morphodynamics, including river incision into bedrock and the quality of aquatic habitat. Yet little is known about the factors that influence size distributions of sediment produced by weathering on hillslopes. We present results of a field study of hillslope sediment size distributions at Inyo Creek, a steep catchment in granitic bedrock of the Sierra Nevada, USA. Particles sampled near the base of hillslopes, adjacent to the trunk stream, show a pronounced decrease in sediment size with decreasing sample elevation across all but the coarsest size classes. Measured size distributions become increasingly bimodal with decreasing elevation, exhibiting a coarse, bouldery mode that does not change with elevation and a more abundant finer mode that shifts from cobbles at the highest elevations to gravel at mid elevations and finally to sand at low elevations. We interpret these altitudinal variations in hillslope sediment size to reflect changes in physical, chemical, and biological weathering that can be explained by the catchment's strong altitudinal gradients in topography, climate, and vegetation cover. Because elevation and travel distance to the outlet are closely coupled, the altitudinal trends in sediment size produce a systematic decrease in sediment size along hillslopes parallel to the trunk stream. We refer to this phenomenon as ‘downvalley fining.’ Forward modeling shows that downvalley fining of hillslope sediment is necessary for downstream fining of the long‐term average flux of coarse sediment in mountain landscapes where hillslopes and channels are coupled and long‐term net sediment deposition is negligible. The model also shows that abrasion plays a secondary role in downstream fining of coarse sediment flux but plays a dominant role in partitioning between the bedload and suspended load. Patterns observed at Inyo Creek may be widespread in mountain ranges around the world. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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  4. Abstract

    Ecosystem engineers transform habitats in ways that facilitate a diversity of species; however, few investigations have isolated short‐term effects of engineers from the longer‐term legacy effects of their engineered structures. We investigated how initial presence of net‐spinning caddisflies (Hydropsychidae) and their structures that provide and modify habitat differentially influence benthic community colonization in a headwater stream by conducting an in situ experiment that included three treatments: (1) initial engineering organism with its habitat modification structure occupied (hereafter caddisfly); (2) initial habitat modification structure alone (hereafter silk); and (3) a control with the initial absence of both engineer and habitat modification structure (hereafter control). Total invertebrate colonization density and biomass was higher in caddisfly and silk treatments compared to controls (~25% and 35%, respectively). However, finer‐scale patterns of taxonomy revealed that density for one of the taxa, Chironomidae, was ~19% higher in caddisfly compared to silk treatments. Additionally, conspecific biomass was higher by an average of 50% in silk treatments compared to controls; however, no differences inHydropsychesp. biomass were detected between caddisfly treatments and controls, indicating initially abandoned silk structures elevated conspecific biomass. These findings suggest that the positive effects of the habitat modification structures that were occupied for the entirety of the experiment may outweigh any potential negative impacts from the engineer, which is known to be territorial. Importantly, these results reveal that the initial presence of the engineer itself may be important in maintaining the ecological significance of habitat modifications. Furthermore, the habitat modifications that were initially abandoned (silk) had similar positive effects on conspecific biomass compared to caddisfly treatments, suggesting legacy effects of these engineering structures may have pertinent intraspecific feedbacks of the same magnitude to that of occupied habitat modifications. Elucidating how engineers and their habitat modifications differentially facilitate organisms will allow for a clearer mechanistic understanding of the extent to which animal engineers and their actions influence aspects of community organization such as colonization.

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  5. Abstract

    Environmental flow releases are an effective tool to meet multiple management objectives, including maintaining river conveyance, restoring naturally functioning riparian plant communities, and controlling invasive species. In this context, predicting plant mortality during floods remains a key area of uncertainty for both river managers and ecologists, particularly with respect to how flood hydraulics and sediment dynamics interact with the plants’ own traits to influence their vulnerability to scour and burial.

    To understand these processes better, we conducted flume experiments to quantify different plant species’ vulnerability to flooding across a range of plant sizes, patch densities, and sediment condition (equilibrium transport versus sediment deficit), using sand‐bed rivers in the U.S. southwest as our reference system. We ran 10 experimental floods in a 0.6 m wide flume using live seedlings of cottonwood and tamarisk, which have contrasting morphologies.

    Sediment supply, plant morphology, and patch composition all had significant impacts on plant vulnerability during floods. Floods under sediment deficit conditions, which typically occur downstream of dams, resulted in bed degradation and a 35% greater risk of plant loss compared to equilibrium sediment conditions. Plants in sparse patches dislodged five times more frequently than in dense patches. Tamarisk plants and patches had greater frontal area, larger basal diameter, longer roots, and lower crown position compared to cottonwood across all seedling heights. These traits were associated with a 75% reduction in tamarisk seedlings’ vulnerability to scour compared to cottonwood.

    Synthesis and applications. Tamarisk's greater survivability helps to explain its vigorous establishment and persistence on regulated rivers where flood magnitudes have been reduced. Furthermore, its documented influence on hydraulics, sediment deposition, and scour patterns in flumes is amplified at larger scales in strongly altered river channels where it has broadly invaded. Efforts to remove riparian vegetation using flow releases to maintain open floodways and/or control the spread of non‐native species will need to consider the target plants’ size, density, and species‐specific traits, in addition to the balance of sediment transport capacity and supply in the river system.

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