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Abstract Metastatic prostate cancer colonizes the bone to pave the way for bone metastasis, leading to skeletal complications associated with poor prognosis and morbidity. This study demonstrates the feasibility of Raman imaging to differentiate between cancer cells at different stages of tumorigenesis using a nanoclay-based three-dimensional (3D) bone mimetic in vitro model that mimics prostate cancer bone metastasis. A comprehensive study comparing the classification of as received prostate cancer cells in a two-dimensional (2D) model and cancer cells in a 3D bone mimetic environment was performed over various time intervals using principal component analysis (PCA). Our results showed distinctive spectral differences in Raman imaging between prostate cancer cells and the cells cultured in 3D bone mimetic scaffolds, particularly at 1002, 1261, 1444, and 1654 cm −1 , which primarily contain proteins and lipids signals. Raman maps capture sub-cellular responses with the progression of tumor cells into metastasis. Raman feature extraction via cluster analysis allows for the identification of specific cellular constituents in the images. For the first time, this work demonstrates a promising potential of Raman imaging, PCA, and cluster analysis to discriminate between cancer cells at different stages of metastatic tumorigenesis.more » « less
During metamorphosis, the wings of a butterfly sprout hundreds of thousands of scales with intricate microstructures and nano-structures that determine the wings’ optical appearance, wetting characteristics, thermodynamic properties, and aerodynamic behavior. Although the functional characteristics of scales are well known and prove desirable in various applications, the dynamic processes and temporal coordination required to sculpt the scales’ many structural features remain poorly understood. Current knowledge of scale growth is primarily gained from ex vivo studies of fixed scale cells at discrete time points; to fully understand scale formation, it is critical to characterize the time-dependent morphological changes throughout their development. Here, we report the continuous, in vivo, label-free imaging of growing scale cells of Vanessa cardui using speckle-correlation reflection phase microscopy. By capturing time-resolved volumetric tissue data together with nanoscale surface height information, we establish a morphological timeline of wing scale formation and gain quantitative insights into the underlying processes involved in scale cell patterning and growth. We identify early differences in the patterning of cover and ground scales on the young wing and quantify geometrical parameters of growing scale features, which suggest that surface growth is critical to structure formation. Our quantitative, time-resolved in vivo imaging of butterfly scale development provides the foundation for decoding the processes and biomechanical principles involved in the formation of functional structures in biological materials.more » « less
Abstract The first ever demonstration of temporal focusing with short wave infrared (SWIR) excitation and emission is demonstrated, achieving a penetration depth of 500
µ m in brain tissue. This is substantially deeper than the highest previously-reported values for temporal focusing imaging in brain tissue, and demonstrates the value of these optimized wavelengths for neurobiological applications.