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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 26, 2025
  2. Core Ideas A subsurface drainage‐fed bioreactor was retrofitted with a supplemental surface water pumping system. Design criteria of the pumping system are presented along with challenges and future recommendations. Pumped bioreactor systems show promise for the treatment of alternative nitrate‐laden sources of water. Pumped bioreactors have the potential to remove nitrate beyond the typical drainage season. 
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  3. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can develop in deep-pit swine manure storage when bacteria are selectively pressured by unmetabolized antibiotics. Subsequent manure application on row crops is then a source of AMR into soil and downstream runoff water. Therefore, understanding the patterns of diverse antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in manure among different farms is important for both interpreting the results of the detection of these genes from previous studies and for the use of these genes as bioindicators of manure borne antibiotic resistance in the environment. Previous studies of manure-associated ARGs are based on limited samples of manures. To better understand the distribution of ARGs between manures, we characterized manures from 48 geographically independent swine farms across Iowa. The objectives of this study were to characterize the distribution of ARGs among these manures and to evaluate what factors in manure management may influence the presence of ARGs in manures. Our analysis included quantification of two commonly found ARGs in swine manure, ermB and tetM . Additionally, we characterized a broader suite of 31 ARGs which allowed for simultaneous assays of the presence or absence of multiple genes. We found the company integrator had a significant effect on both ermB ( P=0.0007 ) and tetM gene concentrations ( P=0.0425 ). Our broad analysis on ARG profiles found that the tet(36) gene was broadly present in swine manures, followed by the detection of tetT , tetM , erm(35) , ermF , ermB , str , aadD , and intl3 in samples from 14 farms. Finally, we provide a comparison of methods to detect ARGs in manures, specifically comparing conventional and high-throughput qPCR and discuss their role in ARG environmental monitoring efforts. Results of this study provide insight into commonalities of ARG presence in manure holding pits and provide supporting evidence that company integrator decisions may impact ARG concentrations. 
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  4. The application of animal manures to cropland is an important nutrient recycling strategy in many parts of the world. Commonly, aggregated manure wastes contain chemical stressors including veterinary antimicrobials, heavy metals, and antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) that can stimulate the development and proliferation of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). While the presence of antimicrobials in manure is well-documented, the co-occurrence of other potentially impactful chemical stressors in swine manure remains underreported. This study quantifies and analyzes correlations between antimicrobials, metals, and certain ARGs present in manure samples from swine farms in Iowa, United States. Relationships between chemical stressors and different stages of swine production or feed composition are also investigated. Results revealed substantial levels of tetracyclines [up to 1,260 µg g −1 dry weight (d.w.) of manure for oxytetracycline] detected in all samples. Tiamulin, two ionophores (monensin and lasalocid), and one macrolide (tilmicosin) were detected at maximum class concentrations of 9.4, 0.547, and 0.472 µg g −1 d.w., respectively. The median relative abundances of ermB and tetM were 0.13 and 0.17 copies g −1 wet weight (w.w.) manure (normalized to 16S gene), respectively. Additionally, high levels of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) were detected in all samples, with maximum concentrations of 887, 1,900, and 2,100 µg g −1 d.w., respectively. Notably, uranium (U) was detected in 11 samples, at concentrations up to 0.77 µg g −1 . A global analysis of AMR-stressor relationships using Spearman’s rank correlation indicates Cu, and Ba are the most positively and significantly correlated with cytotoxic anhydrotetracycline (ATC) and/or anhydrochlortetracycline (ACTC) concentrations in all tested facilities (Cu-ATC: ρ = 0.67, p = 0.0093; Cu-ACTC: ρ = 0.75, p = 0.0022; Ba-ATC: ρ = 0.84, p = 0.0002). Interestingly, ermB and tetM genes were strongly, positively correlated to each other ( ρ = 0.92, p < 0.0001), suggesting possible co-selection, despite the absence of correlation between ARGs and tetracycline concentrations. This study demonstrates the complexity of interactions between antimicrobials, metals, and ARGs in multiple manure storage pits prior to cropland application. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    This paper summarizes the findings of an extensive review of literature that was conducted to understand the historical state of the food, energy, and water nexus in the Lake Atitlan basin and to recommend incentive-based, long-term sustainable policies to become a significant driver to Guatemala’s tourism industry and GDP growth. The SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was implemented in the basin to work towards the goal of simulating nutrient loading. A key conclusion of this review study is for the local population to have advocacy for the “zero wastewater discharge to Lake Atitlan” initiative to bring long-term benefits to lake water quality. One of the recommended policy decisions is to seek external financing from international agencies like the World Bank at low-cost interest (IDA Loans) to implement waste management systems and pay this external debt by putting a small but affordable tax on tourists visiting the lake. Once a culture of zero municipal effluent discharge to Lake Atitlan is adopted by the local population, the livelihood of residents will become sustainable and the standard of living will increase because of improved water and air quality, making Lake Atitlan a haven of tourism for Guatemala and lifting its economy. 
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  6. Sustainable provision of food, energy and clean water requires understanding of the interdependencies among systems as well as the motivations and incentives of farmers and rural policy makers. Agriculture lies at the heart of interactions among food, energy and water systems. It is an increasingly energy intensive enterprise, but is also a growing source of energy. Agriculture places large demands on water supplies while poor practices can degrade water quality. Each of these interactions creates opportunities for modeling driven by sensor-based and qualitative data collection to improve the effectiveness of system operation and control in the short term as well as investments and planning for the long term. The large volume and complexity of the data collected creates challenges for decision support and stakeholder communication. The DataFEWSion National Research Traineeship program aims to build a community of researchers that explores, develops and implements effective data-driven decision-making to efficiently produce food, transform primary energy sources into energy carriers, and enhance water quality. The initial cohort includes PhD students in agricultural and biosystems, chemical, and industrial engineering as well as statistics and crop production and physiology. The project aims to prepare trainees for multiple career paths such as research scientist, bioeconomy entrepreneur, agribusiness leader, policy maker, agriculture analytics specialist, and professor. The traineeship has four key components. First, trainees will complete a new graduate certificate to build competencies in fundamental understanding of interactions among food production, water quality and bioenergy; data acquisition, visualization, and analytics; complex systems modeling for decision support; and the economics, policy and sociology of the FEW nexus. Second, they will conduct interdisciplinary research on (a) technologies and practices to increase agriculture’s contributions to energy supply while reducing its negative impacts on water quality and human health; (b) data science to increase crop productivity within the constraints of sustainable intensification; or (c) decision sciences to manage tradeoffs and promote best practices among diverse stakeholders. Third, they will participate in a new graduate learning community to consist of a two-year series of workshops that focus in alternate years on the context of the Midwest agricultural FEW nexus and professional development; and fourth, they will have small-group experiences to promote collaboration and peer review. Each trainee will create and curate a portfolio that combines artifacts from coursework and research with reflections on the broader impacts of their work. Trainee recruitment emphasizes women and underrepresented groups. 
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