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  1. We found different spectral power fluctuations in the left and right sensorimotor cortices during table tennis serves, returns, and rallies. Our findings contribute to the basic science understanding of hemispheric specialization in a real-world context.

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  2. Traditional human electroencephalography (EEG) experiments that study visuomotor processing use controlled laboratory conditions with limited ecological validity. In the real world, the brain integrates complex, dynamic, multimodal visuomotor cues to guide the execution of movement. The parietal and occipital cortices are especially important in the online control of goal-directed actions. Table tennis is a whole-body, responsive activity requiring rapid visuomotor integration that presents a myriad of unanswered neurocognitive questions about brain function during real-world movement. The aim of this study was to quantify the electrocortical dynamics of the parieto-occipital cortices while playing a sport with high-density electroencephalography. We included analysis of power spectral densities (PSDs), event-related spectral perturbations, intertrial phase coherences (ITPCs), event-related potentials (ERPs), and event-related phase coherences of parieto-occipital source-localized clusters while participants played table tennis with a ball machine and a human. We found significant spectral power fluctuations in the parieto-occipital cortices tied to hit events. Ball machine trials exhibited more fluctuations in θ power around hit events, an increase in intertrial phase coherence and deflection in the event-related potential, and higher event-related phase coherence between parieto-occipital clusters as compared with trials with a human. Our results suggest that sport training with a machine elicits fundamentally different brain dynamics than training with a human.

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  3. Researchers can improve the ecological validity of brain research by studying humans moving in real-world settings. Recent work shows that dual-layer EEG can improve the fidelity of electrocortical recordings during gait, but it is unclear whether these positive results extrapolate to non-locomotor paradigms. For our study, we recorded brain activity with dual-layer EEG while participants played table tennis, a whole-body, responsive sport that could help investigate visuomotor feedback, object interception, and performance monitoring. We characterized artifacts with time-frequency analyses and correlated scalp and reference noise data to determine how well different sensors captured artifacts. As expected, individual scalp channels correlated more with noise-matched channel time series than with head and body acceleration. We then compared artifact removal methods with and without the use of the dual-layer noise electrodes. Independent Component Analysis separated channels into components, and we counted the number of high-quality brain components based on the fit of a dipole model and using an automated labeling algorithm. We found that using noise electrodes for data processing provided cleaner brain components. These results advance technological approaches for recording high fidelity brain dynamics in human behaviors requiring whole body movement, which will be useful for brain science research. 
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