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Due to their N -substitution, peptoids are generally regarded as resistant to biological degradation, such as enzymatic and hydrolytic mechanisms. This stability is an especially attractive feature for therapeutic development and is a selling point of many previous biological studies. However, another key mode of degradation remains to be fully explored, namely oxidative degradation mediated by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). ROS and RNS are biologically relevant in numerous contexts where biomaterials may be present. Thus, improving understanding of peptoid oxidative susceptibility is crucial to exploit their full potential in the biomaterials field, where an oxidatively-labile but enzymatically stable molecule can offer attractive properties. Toward this end, we demonstrate a fundamental characterization of sequence-defined peptoid chains in the presence of chemically generated ROS, as compared to ROS-susceptible peptides such as proline and lysine oligomers. Lysine oligomers showed the fastest degradation rates to ROS and the enzyme trypsin. Peptoids degraded in metal catalyzed oxidation conditions at rates on par with poly(prolines), while maintaining resistance to enzymatic degradation. Furthermore, lysine-containing peptide–peptoid hybrid molecules showed tunability in both ROS-mediated and enzyme-mediated degradation, with rates intermediate to lysine and peptoid oligomers. When lysine-mimetic side-chains were incorporated into a peptoid backbone, the rate of degradation matched that of the lysine peptide oligomers, but remained resistant to enzymatic degradation. These results expand understanding of peptoid degradation to oxidative and enzymatic mechanisms, and demonstrate the potential for peptoid incorporation into materials where selectivity towards oxidative degradation is necessary, or directed enzymatic susceptibility is desired.more » « less
null (Ed.)Purpose To develop a novel model composed solely of Col I and Col III with the lower and upper limits set to include the ratios of Col I and Col III at 3:1 and 9:1 in which the structural and mechanical behavior of the resident CM can be studied. Further, the progression of fibrosis due to change in ratios of Col I:Col III was tested. Methods Collagen gels with varying Col I:Col III ratios to represent a healthy (3:1) and diseased myocardial tissue were prepared by manually casting them in wells. Absorbance assay was performed to confirm the gelation of the gels. Rheometric analysis was performed on each of the collagen gels prepared to determine the varying stiffnesses and rheological parameters of the gels made with varying ratios of Col I:Col III. Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) was performed to observe the 3D characterization of the collagen samples. Scanning Electron microscopy was used for acquiring cross sectional images of the lyophilized collagen gels. AC16 CM (human) cell lines were cultured in the prepared gels to study cell morphology and behavior as a result of the varying collagen ratios. Cellular proliferation was studied by performing a Cell Trace Violet Assay and the applied force on each cell was measured by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on CM from each sample. Results Second harmonic generation microscopy used to image Col I, displayed a decrease in acquired image intensity with an increase in the non-second harmonic Col III in 3:1 gels. SEM showed a fiber-rich structure in the 3:1 gels with well-distributed pores unlike the 9:1 gels or the 1:0 controls. Rheological analysis showed a decrease in substrate stiffness with an increase of Col III, in comparison with other cases. CM cultured within 3:1 gels exhibited an elongated rod-like morphology with an average end-to-end length of 86 ± 28.8 µm characteristic of healthy CM, accompanied by higher cell growth in comparison with other cases. Finite element analysis used to estimate the forces exerted on CM cultured in the 3:1 gels, showed that the forces were well dispersed, and not concentrated within the center of cells, in comparison with other cases. Conclusion This study model can be adopted to simulate various biomechanical environments in which cells crosstalk with the Collagen-matrix in diseased pathologies to generate insights on strategies for prevention of fibrosis.more » « less
null (Ed.)Hydrogels are a class of biomaterials used for a wide range of biomedical applications, including as a three-dimensional (3D) scaffold for cell culture that mimics the extracellular matrix (ECM) of native tissues. To understand the role of the ECM in the modulation of cardiac cell function, alginate was used to fabricate crosslinked gels with stiffness values that resembled embryonic (2.66 ± 0.84 kPa), physiologic (8.98 ± 1.29 kPa) and fibrotic (18.27 ± 3.17 kPa) cardiac tissues. The average pore diameter and hydrogel swelling were seen to decrease with increasing substrate stiffness. Cardiomyocytes cultured within soft embryonic gels demonstrated enhanced cell spreading, elongation, and network formation, while a progressive increase in gel stiffness diminished these behaviors. Cell viability decreased with increasing hydrogel stiffness. Furthermore, cells in fibrotic gels showed enhanced protein expression of the characteristic cardiac stress biomarker, Troponin-I, while reduced protein expression of the cardiac gap junction protein, Connexin-43, in comparison to cells within embryonic gels. The results from this study demonstrate the role that 3D substrate stiffness has on cardiac tissue formation and its implications in the development of complex matrix remodeling-based conditions, such as myocardial fibrosis.more » « less