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Creators/Authors contains: "Sun, Kai"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Charge density waves are emergent quantum states that spontaneously reduce crystal symmetry, drive metal-insulator transitions, and precede superconductivity. In low-dimensions, distinct quantum states arise, however, thermal fluctuations and external disorder destroy long-range order. Here we stabilize ordered two-dimensional (2D) charge density waves through endotaxial synthesis of confined monolayers of 1T-TaS2. Specifically, an ordered incommensurate charge density wave (oIC-CDW) is realized in 2D with dramatically enhanced amplitude and resistivity. By enhancing CDW order, the hexatic nature of charge density waves becomes observable. Upon heating via in-situ TEM, the CDW continuously melts in a reversible hexatic process wherein topological defects form in the charge density wave. From these results, new regimes of the CDW phase diagram for 1T-TaS2are derived and consistent with the predicted emergence of vestigial quantum order.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 31, 2025
  4. Marine biofouling is a complex and dynamic process that significantly increases the carbon emissions from the maritime industry by increasing drag losses. However, there are no existing non‐toxic marine paints that can achieve both effective fouling reduction and efficient fouling release. Inspired by antifouling strategies in nature, herein, a superoleophobic zwitterionic nanowire coating with a nanostructured hydration layer is introduced, which exhibits simultaneous fouling reduction and release performance. The zwitterionic nanowires demonstrate >25% improvement in fouling reduction compared to state‐of‐the‐art antifouling nanostructures, and four times higher fouling‐release compared to conventional zwitterionic coatings. Fouling release is successfully achieved under a wall shear force that is four orders of magnitude lower than regular water jet cleaning. The mechanism of this simultaneous fouling reduction and release behavior is explored, and it is found that a combination of 1) a mechanical biocidal effect from the nanowire geometry, and 2) low interfacial adhesion resulting from the nanostructured hydration layer, are the major contributing factors. These findings provide insights into the design of nanostructured coatings with simultaneous fouling reduction and release. The newly established synthesis procedure for the zwitterionic nanowires opens new pathways for implementation as antifouling coatings in the maritime industry and biomedical devices. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 4, 2025
  5. Cranford, Steve (Ed.)
    Electronic switches based on the migration of high-density point defects, or memristors, are poised to revolutionize post-digital electronics. Despite significant research, key mechanisms for filament formation and oxygen transport remain unresolved, hindering our ability to predict and design device properties. For example, experiments have achieved 10 orders of magnitude longer retention times than predicted by current models. Here, using electrical measurements, scanning probe microscopy, and first-principles calculations on tantalum oxide memristors, we reveal that the formation and stability of conductive filaments crucially depend on the thermodynamic stability of the amorphous oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor compounds, which undergo composition phase separation. Including the previously neglected effects of this amorphous phase separation reconciles unexplained discrepancies in retention and enables predictive design of key performance indicators such as retention stability. This result emphasizes non-ideal thermodynamic interactions as key design criteria in post-digital devices with defect densities substantially exceeding those of today’s covalent semiconductors. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 26, 2025