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Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 1, 2026
Flocking behavior is observed in biological systems from the cellular to superorganismal length scales, and the mechanisms and purposes of this behavior are objects of intense interest. In this paper, we study the collective dynamics of bovine sperm cells in a viscoelastic fluid. These cells appear not to spontaneously flock, but transition into a long-lived flocking phase after being exposed to a transient ordering pulse of fluid flow. Surprisingly, this induced flocking phase has many qualitative similarities with the spontaneous polar flocking phases predicted by Toner-Tu theory, such as anisotropic giant number fluctuations and nontrivial transverse density correlations, despite the induced nature of the phase and the clearly important role of momentum conservation between the swimmers and the surrounding fluid in these experiments. We also find a self-organized global vortex state of the sperm cells, and map out an experimental phase diagram of states of collective motion as a function of cell density and motility statistics. We compare our experiments with a parameter-matched computational model of persistently turning active particles and find that the experimental order-disorder phase boundary as a function of cell density and persistence time can be approximately predicted from measures of single-cell properties. Our results may have implications for the evaluation of sample fertility by studying the collective phase behavior of dense groups of swimming sperm.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available July 18, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
We study particle-scale motion in sheared highly polydisperse amorphous materials, in which the largest particles are as much as ten times the size of the smallest. We find strikingly different behavior from the more commonly studied amorphous systems with low polydispersity. In particular, an analysis of the nonaffine motion of particles reveals qualitative differences between large and small particles: The smaller particles have dramatically more nonaffine motion, which is induced by the presence of the large particles. We characterize how the nonaffine motion changes from the low- to high-polydispersity regimes. We further demonstrate a quantitative way to distinguish between “large” and “small” particles in systems with broad distributions of particle sizes. A macroscopic consequence of the nonaffine motion is a decrease in the energy dissipation rate for highly polydisperse samples, which is due both to a geometric consequence of the changing jamming conditions for higher polydispersity and to the changing character of nonaffine motion.more » « less
Epithelia have distinct cellular architectures which are established in development, reestablished after wounding, and maintained during tissue homeostasis despite cell turnover and mechanical perturbations. In turn, cell shape also controls tissue function as a regulator of cell differentiation, proliferation, and motility. Here, we investigate cell shape changes in a model epithelial monolayer. After the onset of confluence, cells continue to proliferate and change shape over time, eventually leading to a final architecture characterized by arrested motion and more regular cell shapes. Such monolayer remodeling is robust, with qualitatively similar evolution in cell shape and dynamics observed across disparate perturbations. Here, we quantify differences in monolayer remodeling guided by the active vertex model to identify underlying order parameters controlling epithelial architecture. When monolayers are formed atop an extracellular matrix with varied stiffness, we find the cell density at which motion arrests varies significantly, but the cell shape remains constant, consistent with the onset of tissue rigidity. In contrast, pharmacological perturbations can significantly alter the cell shape at which tissue dynamics are arrested, consistent with varied amounts of active stress within the tissue. Across all experimental conditions, the final cell shape is well correlated to the cell proliferation rate, and cell cycle inhibition immediately arrests cell motility. Finally, we demonstrate cell cycle variation in junctional tension as a source of active stress within the monolayer. Thus, the architecture and mechanics of epithelial tissue can arise from an interplay between cell mechanics and stresses arising from cell cycle dynamics.