Many technologically useful magnetic oxides are ferrimagnetic insulators, which consist of chemically distinct cations. Here, we examine the spin dynamics of different magnetic cations in ferrimagnetic NiZnAl-ferrite (Ni0.65Zn0.35Al0.8Fe1.2O4) under continuous microwave excitation. Specifically, we employ time-resolved x-ray ferromagnetic resonance to separately probe Fe2+/3+ and Ni2+ cations on different sublattice sites. Our results show that the precessing cation moments retain a rigid, collinear configuration to within ≈2°. Moreover, the effective spin relaxation is identical to within <10% for all magnetic cations in the ferrite. Thus, we validate the oft-assumed “ferromagnetic-like” dynamics in the resonantly driven ferrimagnetic oxide: the magnetic moments from different cations precess as a coherent, collective magnetization, despite the high contents of nonmagnetic Zn2+ and Al3+ diluting the exchange interactions.
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Abstract We present the first theoretical and experimental evidence of time-resolved dynamic x-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD) measurements of GHz magnetic precessions driven by ferromagnetic resonance in both metallic and insulating thin films. Our findings show a dynamic XMLD in both ferromagnetic Ni80Fe20and ferrimagnetic Ni0.65Zn0.35Al0.8Fe1.2O4for different measurement geometries and linear polarizations. A detailed analysis of the observed signals reveals the importance of separating different harmonic components in the dynamic signal in order to identify the XMLD response without the influence of competing contributions. In particular, RF magnetic resonance elicits a large dynamic XMLD response at the fundamental frequency under experimental geometries with oblique x-ray polarization. The geometric range and experimental sensitivity can be improved by isolating the 2
ω Fourier component of the dynamic response. These results illustrate the potential of dynamic XMLD and represent a milestone accomplishment toward the study of GHz spin dynamics in systems beyond ferromagnetic order. -
Abstract Neutrinos from very nearby supernovae, such as Betelgeuse, are expected to generate more than ten million events over 10 s in Super-Kamokande (SK). At such large event rates, the buffers of the SK analog-to-digital conversion board (QBEE) will overflow, causing random loss of data that are critical for understanding the dynamics of the supernova explosion mechanism. In order to solve this problem, two new data-acquisition (DAQ) modules were developed to aid in the observation of very nearby supernovae. The first of these, the SN module, is designed to save only the number of hit photomultiplier tubes during a supernova burst and the second, the Veto module, prescales the high-rate neutrino events to prevent the QBEE from overflowing based on information from the SN module. In the event of a very nearby supernova, these modules allow SK to reconstruct the time evolution of the neutrino event rate from beginning to end using both QBEE and SN module data. This paper presents the development and testing of these modules together with an analysis of supernova-like data generated with a flashing laser diode. We demonstrate that the Veto module successfully prevents DAQ overflows for Betelgeuse-like supernovae as well as the long-term stability of the new modules. During normal running the Veto module is found to issue DAQ vetos a few times per month resulting in a total dead-time less than 1 ms, and does not influence ordinary operations. Additionally, using simulation data we find that supernovae closer than 800 pc will trigger the Veto module, resulting in a prescaling of the observed neutrino data.