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Creators/Authors contains: "Taniguchi, T."

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  1. Quasicrystals are characterized by atomic arrangements possessing long-range order without periodicity. Van der Waals (vdW) bilayers provide a unique opportunity to controllably vary atomic alignment between two layers from a periodic moir´e crystal to an aperiodic quasicrystal. Here, we reveal a remarkable consequence of the unique atomic arrangement in a dodecagonal WSe2 quasicrystal: the K and Q valleys in separate layers are brought arbitrarily close in momentum space via higher-order Umklapp scatterings. A modest perpendicular electric field is sufficient to induce strong interlayer K − Q hybridization, manifested as a new hybrid excitonic doublet. Concurrently, we observe the disappearance of the trion resonance and attribute it to quasicrystal potential driven localization. Our findings highlight the remarkable attribute of incommensurate systems to bring any pair of momenta into close proximity, thereby introducing a novel aspect to valley engineering. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 5, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 25, 2025
  3. Abstract We revisit and extend the standard bosonic interpretation of interlayer excitons (ILX) in the moiré potential of twisted heterostructures of transition-metal dichalcogenides. In our experiments, we probe a high quality MoSe 2 /WSe 2 van der Waals bilayer heterostructure via density-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy and reveal strongly developed, unconventional spectral shifts of the emergent moiré exciton resonances. The observation of saturating blueshifts of successive exciton resonances allow us to explain their physics in terms of a model utilizing fermionic saturable absorbers. This approach is strongly inspired by established quantum-dot models, which underlines the close analogy of ILX trapped in pockets of the moiré potential, and quantum emitters with discrete eigenstates. 
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  4. Optically active defects in 2D materials, such as hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), are an attractive class of single-photon emitters with high brightness, room-temperature operation, site-specific engineering of emitter arrays, and tunability with external strain and electric fields. In this work, we demonstrate a novel approach to precisely align and embed hBN and TMDs within background-free silicon nitride microring resonators. Through the Purcell effect, high-purity hBN emitters exhibit a cavity-enhanced spectral coupling efficiency up to 46% at room temperature, which exceeds the theoretical limit for cavity-free waveguide-emitter coupling and previous demonstrations by nearly an order-of-magnitude. The devices are fabricated with a CMOS-compatible process and exhibit no degradation of the 2D material optical properties, robustness to thermal annealing, and 100 nm positioning accuracy of quantum emitters within single-mode waveguides, opening a path for scalable quantum photonic chips with on-demand single-photon sources. 
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  5. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals lattice reconstruction in a moire material. 
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