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Creators/Authors contains: "Tejeda, Heliodoro"

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  1. Abstract

    AI assistance is readily available to humans in a variety of decision-making applications. In order to fully understand the efficacy of such joint decision-making, it is important to first understand the human’s reliance on AI. However, there is a disconnect between how joint decision-making is studied and how it is practiced in the real world. More often than not, researchers ask humans to provide independent decisions before they are shown AI assistance. This is done to make explicit the influence of AI assistance on the human’s decision. We develop a cognitive model that allows us to infer thelatentreliance strategy of humans on AI assistance without asking the human to make an independent decision. We validate the model’s predictions through two behavioral experiments. The first experiment follows aconcurrentparadigm where humans are shown AI assistance alongside the decision problem. The second experiment follows asequentialparadigm where humans provide an independent judgment on a decision problem before AI assistance is made available. The model’s predicted reliance strategies closely track the strategies employed by humans in the two experimental paradigms. Our model provides a principled way to infer reliance on AI-assistance and may be used to expand the scope of investigation on human-AI collaboration.

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  2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning models are being increasingly deployed in real-world applications. In many of these applications, there is strong motivation to develop hybrid systems in which humans and AI algorithms can work together, leveraging their complementary strengths and weaknesses. We develop a Bayesian framework for combining the predictions and different types of confidence scores from humans and machines. The framework allows us to investigate the factors that influence complementarity, where a hybrid combination of human and machine predictions leads to better performance than combinations of human or machine predictions alone. We apply this framework to a large-scale dataset where humans and a variety of convolutional neural networks perform the same challenging image classification task. We show empirically and theoretically that complementarity can be achieved even if the human and machine classifiers perform at different accuracy levels as long as these accuracy differences fall within a bound determined by the latent correlation between human and machine classifier confidence scores. In addition, we demonstrate that hybrid human–machine performance can be improved by differentiating between the errors that humans and machine classifiers make across different class labels. Finally, our results show that eliciting and including human confidence ratings improve hybrid performance in the Bayesian combination model. Our approach is applicable to a wide variety of classification problems involving human and machine algorithms. 
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