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The spatial distribution of marine di-nitrogen (N2) fixation informs our understanding of the sensitivities of this process as well as the potential for this new nitrogen (N) source to drive export production, influencing the global carbon (C) cycle and climate. Using geochemically-derived δ15N budgets, we quantified rates of N2fixation and its importance for supporting export production at stations sampled near the southwest Pacific Tonga-Kermadec Arc. Recent observations indicate that shallow (<300 m) hydrothermal vents located along the arc provide significant dissolved iron to the euphotic zone, stimulating N2fixation. Here we compare measurements of water column δ15NNO3+NO2with sinking particulate δ15N collected by short-term sediment traps deployed at 170 m and 270 m at stations in close proximity to subsurface hydrothermal activity, and the δ15N of N2fixation. Results from the δ15N budgets yield high geochemically-based N2fixation rates (282 to 638 µmol N m-2d-1) at stations impacted by hydrothermal activity, supporting 64 to 92% of export production in late spring. These results are consistent with contemporaneous15N2uptake rate estimates and molecular work describing highmore » « less
Trichodesmium spp. and other diazotroph abundances associated with elevated N2fixation rates. Further, the δ15N of sinking particulate N collected at 1000 m over an annual cycle revealed sinking fluxes peaked in the summer and coincided with the lowest δ15N, while lower winter sinking fluxes had the highest δ15N, indicating isotopically distinct N sources supporting export seasonally, and aligning with observations from most other δ15N budgets in oligotrophic regions. Consequently, the significant regional N2fixation input to the late spring/summer Western Tropical South Pacific results in the accumulation of low-δ15NNO3+NO2in the upper thermocline that works to lower the elevated δ15NNO3+NO2generated in the oxygen deficient zones in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. -
Abstract Dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) concentration distributions in the global surface ocean inform our understanding of marine biogeochemical processes such as nitrogen fixation and primary production. The spatial distribution of DOP concentrations in the surface ocean reflect production by primary producers and consumption as an organic nutrient by phytoplankton including diazotrophs and other microbes, as well as other loss processes such as photolysis. Compared to dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen, however, relatively few marine DOP concentration measurements have been made, largely due to the lack of automated analysis techniques. Here we present a database of marine DOP concentration measurements (DOPv2021) that includes new (n = 730) and previously published (n = 3140) observations made over the last ~30 years (1990–2021), including 1751 observations in the upper 50 m. This dataset encompasses observations from all major ocean basins including the poorly represented Indian, South Pacific, and Southern Oceans and provides insight into spatial distributions of DOP in the ocean. It is also valuable for researchers who work on marine primary production and nitrogen fixation.more » « less
Moisander, Pia (Ed.)Abstract The availability of nitrogen (N) in ocean surface waters affects rates of photosynthesis and marine ecosystem structure. In spite of low dissolved inorganic N concentrations, export production in oligotrophic waters is comparable to more nutrient replete regions. Prior observations raise the possibility that di-nitrogen (N2) fixation supplies a significant fraction of N supporting export production in the Gulf of Mexico. In this study, geochemical tools were used to quantify the relative and absolute importance of both subsurface nitrate and N2 fixation as sources of new N fueling export production in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico in May 2017 and May 2018. Comparing the isotopic composition (“δ15N”) of nitrate with the δ15N of sinking particulate N collected during five sediment trap deployments each lasting two to four days indicates that N2 fixation is typically not detected and that the majority (≥80%) of export production is supported by subsurface nitrate. Moreover, no gradients in upper ocean dissolved organic N and suspended particulate N concentration and/or δ15N were found that would indicate significant N2 fixation fluxes accumulated in these pools, consistent with low Trichodesmium spp. abundance. Finally, comparing the δ15N of sinking particulate N captured within vs. below the euphotic zone indicates that during late spring regenerated N is low in δ15N compared to sinking N.more » « less
Abstract In contrast to its productive coastal margins, the open-ocean Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is notable for highly stratified surface waters with extremely low nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations. Field campaigns in 2017 and 2018 identified low rates of turbulent mixing, which combined with oligotrophic nutrient conditions, give very low estimates for diffusive flux of nitrate into the euphotic zone (< 1 µmol N m−2d−1). Estimates of local N2-fixation are similarly low. In comparison, measured export rates of sinking particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from the euphotic zone are 2 – 3 orders of magnitude higher (i.e. 462 – 1144 µmol N m−2d−1). We reconcile these disparate findings with regional scale dynamics inferred independently from remote-sensing products and a regional biogeochemical model and find that laterally-sourced organic matter is sufficient to support >90% of open-ocean nitrogen export in the GoM. Results show that lateral transport needs to be closely considered in studies of biogeochemical balances, particularly for basins enclosed by productive coasts.