The magnetic field of a molecular cloud core may play a role in the formation of circumstellar disks in the core. We present magnetic field morphologies in protostellar cores of 16 targets in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array large program “Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk),” which resolved their disks with 7 au resolutions. The 0.1 pc scale magnetic field morphologies were inferred from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope POL-2 observations. The mean orientations and angular dispersions of the magnetic fields in the dense cores are measured and compared with the radii of the 1.3 mm continuum disks and the dynamically determined protostellar masses from the eDisk program. We observe a significant correlation between the disk radii and the stellar masses. We do not find any statistically significant dependence of the disk radii on the projected misalignment angles between the rotational axes of the disks and the magnetic fields in the dense cores, nor on the angular dispersions of the magnetic fields within these cores. However, when considering the projection effect, we cannot rule out a positive correlation between disk radii and misalignment angles in three-dimensional space. Our results suggest that the morphologies of magnetic fields in dense cores do not play a dominant role in the disk formation process. Instead, the sizes of protostellar disks may be more strongly affected by the amount of mass that has been accreted onto star+disk systems, and possibly other parameters, for example, magnetic field strength, core rotation, and magnetic diffusivity.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025 -
Abstract We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the binary Class 0 protostellar system BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2 as part of the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) ALMA Large Program. We describe the12CO (
J = 2–1),13CO (J = 2–1), C18O (J = 2–1), H2CO (J = 32,1–22,0), and SiO (J = 5–4) molecular lines along with the 1.3 mm continuum at high spatial resolution (∼0.″08 or ∼5 au). Dust continuum emission is detected toward BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2, with a central compact component and extended continuum emission. The compact components are smooth and show no sign of substructures such as spirals, rings, or gaps. However, there is a brightness asymmetry along the minor axis of the presumed disk in IRS1, possibly indicative of an inclined geometrically and optically thick disk-like component. Using a position–velocity diagram analysis of the C18O line, clear Keplerian motions were not detected toward either source. If Keplerian rotationally supported disks are present, they are likely deeply embedded in their envelope. However, we can set upper limits of the central protostellar mass of 0.46M ⊙and 0.26M ⊙for BHR 71 IRS1 and BHR 71 IRS2, respectively. Outflows traced by12CO and SiO are detected in both sources. The outflows can be divided into two components, a wide-angle outflow and a jet. In IRS1, the jet exhibits a double helical structure, reflecting the removal of angular momentum from the system. In IRS2, the jet is very collimated and shows a chain of knots, suggesting episodic accretion events.Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025 -
Abstract We present a statistical characterization of circumstellar disk orientations toward 12 protostellar multiple systems in the Perseus molecular cloud using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array at Band 6 (1.3 mm) with a resolution of ∼25 mas (∼8 au). This exquisite resolution enabled us to resolve the compact inner-disk structures surrounding the components of each multiple system and to determine the projected 3D orientation of the disks (position angle and inclination) to high precision. We performed a statistical analysis on the relative alignment of disk pairs to determine whether the disks are preferentially aligned or randomly distributed. We considered three subsamples of the observations selected by the companion separations
a < 100 au,a > 500 au, anda < 10,000 au. We found for the compact (<100 au) subsample, the distribution of orientation angles is best described by an underlying distribution of preferentially aligned sources (within 30°) but does not rule out distributions with 40% misaligned sources. The wide companion (>500 au) subsample appears to be consistent with a distribution of 40%–80% preferentially aligned sources. Similarly, the full sample of systems with companions (a < 10,000 au) is most consistent with a fractional ratio of at most 80% preferentially aligned sources and rules out purely randomly aligned distributions. Thus, our results imply the compact sources (<100 au) and the wide companions (>500 au) are statistically different. -
Abstract Young protostellar binary systems, with expected ages less than ∼105yr, are little modified since birth, providing key clues to binary formation and evolution. We present a first look at the young, Class 0 binary protostellar system R CrA IRAS 32 from the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks ALMA large program, which observed the system in the 1.3 mm continuum emission,12CO (2−1),13CO (2−1), C18O (2−1), SO (65−54), and nine other molecular lines that trace disks, envelopes, shocks, and outflows. With a continuum resolution of ∼0.″03 (∼5 au, at a distance of 150 pc), we characterize the newly discovered binary system with a separation of 207 au, their circumstellar disks, and a circumbinary disklike structure. The circumstellar disk radii are 26.9 ± 0.3 and 22.8 ± 0.3 au for sources A and B, respectively, and their circumstellar disk dust masses are estimated as 22.5 ± 1.1
M ⊕and 12.4 ± 0.6M ⊕, respectively. The circumstellar disks and the circumbinary structure have well-aligned position angles and inclinations, indicating formation in a smooth, ordered process such as disk fragmentation. In addition, the circumstellar disks have a near/far-side asymmetry in the continuum emission, suggesting that the dust has yet to settle into a thin layer near the midplane. Spectral analysis of CO isotopologues reveals outflows that originate from both of the sources and possibly from the circumbinary disklike structure. Furthermore, we detect Keplerian rotation in the13CO isotopologues toward both circumstellar disks and likely Keplerian rotation in the circumbinary structure; the latter suggests that it is probably a circumbinary disk.Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 24, 2025 -
Abstract High-resolution, millimeter observations of disks at the protoplanetary stage reveal substructures such as gaps, rings, arcs, spirals, and cavities. While many protoplanetary disks host such substructures, only a few at the younger protostellar stage have shown similar features. We present a detailed search for early disk substructures in Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array 1.3 and 0.87 mm observations of ten protostellar disks in the Ophiuchus star-forming region. Of this sample, four disks have identified substructure, two appear to be smooth disks, and four are considered ambiguous. The structured disks have wide Gaussian-like rings (
σ R /R disk∼ 0.26) with low contrasts (C < 0.2) above a smooth disk profile, in comparison to protoplanetary disks where rings tend to be narrow and have a wide variety of contrasts (σ R /R disk∼ 0.08 andC ranges from 0 to 1). The four protostellar disks with the identified substructures are among the brightest sources in the Ophiuchus sample, in agreement with trends observed for protoplanetary disks. These observations indicate that substructures in protostellar disks may be common in brighter disks. The presence of substructures at the earliest stages suggests an early start for dust grain growth and, subsequently, planet formation. The evolution of these protostellar substructures is hypothesized in two potential pathways: (1) the rings are the sites of early planet formation, and the later observed protoplanetary disk ring–gap pairs are secondary features, or (2) the rings evolve over the disk lifetime to become those observed at the protoplanetary disk stage. -
Abstract We report high-resolution ALMA observations toward a massive protostellar core C1-Sa (∼30 M ⊙ ) in the Dragon infrared dark cloud. At the resolution of 140 au, the core fragments into two kernels (C1-Sa1 and C1-Sa2) with a projected separation of ∼1400 au along the elongation of C1-Sa, consistent with a Jeans length scale of ∼1100 au. Radiative transfer modeling using RADEX indicates that the protostellar kernel C1-Sa1 has a temperature of ∼75 K and a mass of 0.55 M ⊙ . C1-Sa1 also likely drives two bipolar outflows, one being parallel to the plane of the sky. C1-Sa2 is not detected in line emission and does not show any outflow activity but exhibits ortho-H 2 D + and N 2 D + emission in its vicinity; thus it is likely still starless. Assuming a 20 K temperature, C1-Sa2 has a mass of 1.6 M ⊙ . At a higher resolution of 96 au, C1-Sa1 begins to show an irregular shape at the periphery, but no clear sign of multiple objects or disks. We suspect that C1-Sa1 hosts a tight binary with inclined disks and outflows. Currently, one member of the binary is actively accreting while the accretion in the other is significantly reduced. C1-Sa2 shows hints of fragmentation into two subkernels with similar masses, which requires further confirmation with higher sensitivity.more » « less
Abstract We performed radiative transfer calculations and observing simulations to reproduce the 1.3 mm dust-continuum and C18O (2–1) images in the Class I protostar R CrA IRS7B-a, observed with the ALMA Large Program “Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk).” We found that a dust disk model passively heated by the central protostar cannot reproduce the observed peak brightness temperature of the 1.3 mm continuum emission (∼195 K), regardless of the assumptions about the dust opacity. Our calculation suggests that viscous accretion heating in the disk is required to reproduce the observed high brightness temperature. The observed intensity profile of the 1.3 mm dust-continuum emission along the disk minor axis is skewed toward the far side of the disk. Our modeling reveals that this asymmetric intensity distribution requires flaring of the dust along the disk vertical direction with the scale height following
h /r ∼r 0.3as a function of radius. These results are in sharp contrast to those of Class II disks, which show geometrically flat dust distributions and lower dust temperatures. From our modeling of the C18O (2–1) emission, the outermost radius of the gas disk is estimated to be ∼80 au, which is larger than that of the dust disk (∼62 au), to reproduce the observed distribution of the C18O (2–1) emission in IRS 7B-a. Our modeling unveils a hot and thick dust disk plus a larger gas disk around one of the eDisk targets, which could be applicable to other protostellar sources in contrast to more evolved sources.Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025 -
Abstract We present 870
μ m polarimetric observations toward 61 protostars in the Orion molecular clouds with ∼400 au (1″) resolution using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We successfully detect dust polarization and outflow emission in 56 protostars; in 16 of them the polarization is likely produced by self-scattering. Self-scattering signatures are seen in several Class 0 sources, suggesting that grain growth appears to be significant in disks at earlier protostellar phases. For the rest of the protostars, the dust polarization traces the magnetic field, whose morphology can be approximately classified into three categories: standard-hourglass, rotated-hourglass (with its axis perpendicular to outflow), and spiral-like morphology. A total of 40.0% (±3.0%) of the protostars exhibit a mean magnetic field direction approximately perpendicular to the outflow on several × 102–103au scales. However, in the remaining sample, this relative orientation appears to be random, probably due to the complex set of morphologies observed. Furthermore, we classify the protostars into three types based on the C17O (3–2) velocity envelope’s gradient: perpendicular to outflow, nonperpendicular to outflow, and unresolved gradient (≲1.0 km s−1arcsec−1). In protostars with a velocity gradient perpendicular to outflow, the magnetic field lines are preferentially perpendicular to outflow, with most of them exhibiting a rotated hourglass morphology, suggesting that the magnetic field has been overwhelmed by gravity and angular momentum. Spiral-like magnetic fields are associated with envelopes having large velocity gradients, indicating that the rotation motions are strong enough to twist the field lines. All of the protostars with a standard-hourglass field morphology show no significant velocity gradient due to the strong magnetic braking.Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 28, 2025 -
Abstract We present the first results from the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Large Program toward Oph IRS43, a binary system of solar mass protostars. The 1.3 mm dust continuum observations resolve a compact disk, ∼6 au radius, around the northern component and show that the disk around the southern component is even smaller, ≲3 au. CO,13CO, and C18O maps reveal a large cavity in a low-mass envelope that shows kinematic signatures of rotation and infall extending out to ∼2000 au. An expanding CO bubble centered on the extrapolated location of the source ∼130 yr ago suggests a recent outburst. Despite the small size of the disks, the overall picture is of a remarkably large and dynamically active region.
Abstract Protostellar disks are an ubiquitous part of the star formation process and the future sites of planet formation. As part of the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks large program, we present high angular resolution dust continuum (∼40 mas) and molecular line (∼150 mas) observations of the Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398–3359. The dust continuum is small, compact, and centrally peaked, while more extended dust structures are found in the outflow directions. We perform a 2D Gaussian fitting and find the deconvolved size and 2
σ radius of the dust disk to be 4.5 × 2.8 au and 3.8 au, respectively. We estimate the gas+dust disk mass assuming optically thin continuum emission to be 0.6M J–1.8M J, indicating a very low mass disk. The CO isotopologues trace components of the outflows and inner envelope, while SO traces a compact, rotating disk-like component. Using several rotation curve fittings on the position–velocity diagram of the SO emission, the lower limits of the protostellar mass and gas disk radius are 0.022M ⊙and 31.2 au, respectively, from our Modified 2 single power-law fitting. A conservative upper limit of the protostellar mass is inferred to be 0.1M ⊙. The protostellar mass accretion rate and the specific angular momentum at the protostellar disk edge are found to be in the range of (1.3–6.1) × 10−6M ⊙yr−1and (1.2–3.8) × 10−4km s−1pc, respectively, with an age estimated between 0.4 × 104yr and 7.5 × 104yr. At this young age with no clear substructures in the disk, planet formation would likely not yet have started. This study highlights the importance of high-resolution observations and systematic fitting procedures when deriving dynamical properties of deeply embedded Class 0 protostars.