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Creators/Authors contains: "Todd, Celia F."

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  1. We have synthesized inherently chiral cesium lead halide perovskite magic-sized clusters (PMSCs) and ligand-assisted metal halide molecular clusters (MHMCs) using the achiral ligands octanoic acid (OCA) and octylamine (OCAm). UV–vis electronic absorption was used to confirm characteristic absorption bands while circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was utilized to determine their chiroptical activity in the 412–419 and 395–405 nm regions, respectively. In contrast, the larger sized counterpart of PMSCs, namely, perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), do not show chirality. The inherent chirality of the clusters is tentatively attributed to a twisted chiral layered structure, defect-induced chiral structure, or twisted Pb–Br octahedra 
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