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  1. 1) Urbanization may lead to changes in local richness (alpha diversity) or in community composition (beta diversity), although the direction of change can be challenging to predict. For instance, introduced species may offset the loss of native specialist taxa, leading to no change in alpha diversity in urban areas, but decreased beta diversity (i.e., more homogenous community structure). Alternatively, because urban areas can have low connectivity and high environmental heterogeneity between sites, they may support distinct communities from one another over small geographic distances. 2) Wetlands and ponds provide critical ecosystem services and support diverse communities, making them important systems in which to understand consequences of urbanization. To determine how urban development shapes pond community structure, we surveyed 68 ponds around Madison, Wisconsin, USA, which were classified as urban, greenspace, or rural based on surrounding land use. We evaluated the influence of local abiotic factors, presence of nonnative fishes, and landscape characteristics on alpha diversity of aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates, and vertebrates. We also analyzed whether surrounding land cover was associated with changes in community composition and/or the presence of specific taxa. 3) We found a 23% decrease in mean richness (alpha diversity) from rural to urban pond sites, and a 15% decrease in richness from rural to urban greenspace pond sites. Among landscape factors, observed pond richness was negatively correlated with adjacent developed land and mowed lawns, as well as greater distances to other waterbodies. Among pond level factors, habitat complexity was associated with increased richness, while the presence of invasive fish was associated with decreased richness. 4) Beta diversity was relatively high for all ponds due to turnover in composition between sites. Urban ponds supported more introduced species, lacked a subset of native species found in rural ponds, and had slightly higher beta diversity than greenspace and rural ponds. 5) Synthesis and Applications: Integrating ponds into connected greenspaces comprised of native vegetation (rather than mowed grass), preventing nonnative fish introductions, and promoting habitat complexity may mitigate negative effects of urbanization on aquatic richness. The high beta diversity of distinct pond communities emphasizes their importance to biodiversity support in urban environments, despite being small in size and rarely incorporated into urban conservation planning. 
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  2. 1) Urbanization may lead to changes in local richness (alpha diversity) or in community composition (beta diversity), although the direction of change can be challenging to predict. For instance, introduced species may offset the loss of native specialist taxa, leading to no change in alpha diversity in urban areas, but decreased beta diversity (i.e., more homogenous community structure). Alternatively, because urban areas can have low connectivity and high environmental heterogeneity between sites, they may support distinct communities from one another over small geographic distances. 2) Wetlands and ponds provide critical ecosystem services and support diverse communities, making them important systems in which to understand consequences of urbanization. To determine how urban development shapes pond community structure, we surveyed 68 ponds around Madison, Wisconsin, USA, which were classified as urban, greenspace, or rural based on surrounding land use. We evaluated the influence of local abiotic factors, presence of nonnative fishes, and landscape characteristics on alpha diversity of aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates, and vertebrates. We also analyzed whether surrounding land cover was associated with changes in community composition and/or the presence of specific taxa. 3) We found a 23% decrease in mean richness (alpha diversity) from rural to urban pond sites, and a 15% decrease in richness from rural to urban greenspace pond sites. Among landscape factors, observed pond richness was negatively correlated with adjacent developed land and mowed lawns, as well as greater distances to other waterbodies. Among pond level factors, habitat complexity was associated with increased richness, while the presence of invasive fish was associated with decreased richness. 4) Beta diversity was relatively high for all ponds due to turnover in composition between sites. Urban ponds supported more introduced species, lacked a subset of native species found in rural ponds, and had slightly higher beta diversity than greenspace and rural ponds. 5) Synthesis and Applications: Integrating ponds into connected greenspaces comprised of native vegetation (rather than mowed grass), preventing nonnative fish introductions, and promoting habitat complexity may mitigate negative effects of urbanization on aquatic richness. The high beta diversity of distinct pond communities emphasizes their importance to biodiversity support in urban environments, despite being small in size and rarely incorporated into urban conservation planning. 
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  3. Abstract

    Urbanization can influence local richness (alpha diversity) and community composition (beta diversity) in numerous ways. For instance, reduced connectivity and land cover change may lead to the loss of native specialist taxa, decreasing alpha diversity. Alternatively, if urbanization facilitates nonnative species introductions and generalist taxa, alpha diversity may remain unchanged or increase, while beta diversity could decline due to the homogenization of community structure. Wetlands and ponds provide critical ecosystem services and support diverse communities, making them important systems in which to understand the consequences of urbanization. To determine how urban development shapes pond community structure, we surveyed 68 ponds around Madison, Wisconsin, USA, which were classified as urban, greenspace, or rural based on surrounding land use. We evaluated how landscape and local pond factors were correlated with the alpha diversity of aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic vertebrates. We also analyzed whether surrounding land use was associated with changes in community composition and the presence of specific taxa. We found a 23% decrease in mean richness (alpha diversity) from rural to urban pond sites and a 15% decrease from rural to greenspace pond sites. Among landscape factors, adjacent developed land, mowed lawn cover, and greater distances to other waterbodies were negatively correlated with observed pond richness. Among pond level factors, habitat complexity was associated with increased richness, while nonnative fishes were associated with decreased richness. Beta diversity was relatively high for all ponds due to turnover in composition between sites. Urban ponds supported more nonnative species, lacked a subset of native species found in rural ponds, and had slightly higher beta diversity than greenspace and rural ponds. Our results suggest that integrating ponds into connected greenspaces, maintaining riparian vegetation, preventing nonnative fish introductions, and promoting habitat complexity may mitigate the negative effects of urbanization on aquatic richness. While ponds are small in size and rarely incorporated into urban conservation planning, the high beta diversity of distinct pond communities emphasizes their importance for supporting urban biodiversity.

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  4. Abstract

    Non‐native freshwater snails can play important roles as consumers, hosts, and prey. Despite their potential ecological importance, global patterns in non‐native snail taxonomy, geography, and ecology have not been documented. Our objectives were to use a semi‐quantitative systematic review to describe non‐native freshwater snail global diversity, distribution, mechanisms of introduction, and interactions with natural enemies, including parasites and predators.

    Based on 506 relevant publications, we recorded 95 non‐native freshwater snail species from 16 families. Six taxonomic families, and pulmonate snails as a group, were over‐represented relative to the number of species expected by chance. Eight snail species represented 63% of the research records. A few snail taxa (15%) were widespread global invaders, reported from four or more continents, while most invasions were limited to a single continent. Australia and the Pacific Islands were the largest ‘sink’ for non‐native snails, with the greatest difference in the number of non‐native taxa relative to native taxa that had spread to other continents.

    Aquarium hobby sales were implicated as the most common mechanism of introduction (41% of species), followed by “hitchhiking” on aquatic vegetation, human consumption, use for biocontrol, transportation in canals, commercial shipping, and outdoor recreation. A search of internet sales posts indicated that four of the six over‐represented snail families were readily available for purchase online.

    Non‐native snails hosted parasites of wildlife, livestock, and human health importance, yet on average had 80% lower parasite richness in their non‐native compared to native range. At least 65 taxa were documented as consumers of non‐native snails, including native predators of conservation concern. These findings suggest that non‐native snails often are released from parasitism, but may commonly experience biotic resistance from predators.

    Our synthesis emphasizes the relatively high diversity of non‐native snails, but the disproportionate role of a few taxonomic groups in driving ecological, economic, and public health challenges. Moving forward, it will be important to limit new snail introductions through policy, education, and monitoring, particularly as the effective control of established snail invasions remains challenging in most ecosystems.

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