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Creators/Authors contains: "Tung, Ryan C."

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  1. Abstract

    In this work, a new theoretical model for contact resonance atomic force microscopy, which incorporates the elastic dynamics of a long sensing tip is presented. The model is based on the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory and includes coupling effects from the two-beam structure, also known as an ‘L-shaped’ beam in the literature. Here, high-accuracy prediction of the sample stiffness, using several vibration modes with a relative error smaller than 10% for practical working ranges, is demonstrated. A discussion on the model’s capability to predict the dynamic phenomena of eigenmode veering and crossing, as the force applied to the sample increases, is presented. The L-shaped beam model presented here is also applicable for structural applications such as: micro-electro-mechanical systems, energy harvesting, and unmanned aerial vehicle landing gear.

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  2. Abstract In this work, we present an experimental validation of a new contact resonance atomic force microscopy model developed for sensors with long, massive tips. A derivation of a new technique and graphical method for the identification of the unknown system parameters is presented. The technique and contact resonance model are experimentally validated. The agreement between our contact resonance experimental measurements and values obtained from nanoindentation show a minimal error of 1.4%–4.5% and demonstrate the validity of the new contact resonance model and system parameter identification technique. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    In this study, we propose a novel plate-like sensor which utilizes curvature-based stiffening effects for enhanced nanometrology. In the proposed concept, the stiffness and natural frequencies of the sensor can be arbitrarily adjusted by applying a transverse curvature via piezoelectric actuators, thereby enabling resonance amplification over a broad range of frequencies. The concept is validated using a macroscale experiment. Then, a microscale finite element analysis is used to study the effect of applied curvature on the microplate static stiffness and natural frequencies. We show that imposed transverse curvature is an effective way to tune the in-situ static stiffness and natural frequencies of the plate sensor system. These findings will form the basis of future curvature-based stiffening microscale studies for novel scenarios in atomic force microscopy. 
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