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Creators/Authors contains: "VOLLBRECHT, Cecilia"

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  1. We describe recent work towards a fully-integrated single-photon source based on the use of single atoms captured from a grating magneto-optical trap (GMOT). Single Rb atoms from a ber-coupled GMOT will be loaded into an optical dipole trap formed by light from an integrated polarization-maintaining (PM) ber. Trapped single atoms will be excited to the 2P1/2 state using resonant light. The resulting single-photon fluorescence will be collected through the same PM ber as is used for trapping, and routed to further experiments. We describe progress towards an intermediate imple- mentation incorporating integrated optical bers and free space light sources. The completed, fully-integrated single-photon source will have numerous applications in quantum communications and quantum information processing, and particularly in improvement of the performance of quantum key distribution systems. 
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