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null (Ed.)Ramanujan filter banks (RFB) have in the past been used to identify periodicities in data. These are analysis filter banks with no synthesis counterpart for perfect reconstruction of the original signal, so they have not been useful for denoising periodic signals. This paper proposes to use a hybrid analysissynthesis framework for denoising discrete-time periodic signals. The synthesis occurs via a pruned dictionary designed based on the output energies of the RFB analysis filters. A unique property of the framework is that the denoised output signal is guaranteed to be periodic unlike any of the other methods. For a large range of input noise levels, the proposed approach achieves a stable and high SNR gain outperforming many traditional denoising techniques.more » « less
null (Ed.)A new method to design the filter for convolutional beamspace (CBS), called Capon-CBS, is proposed. The idea is to design the filter to be a sliding Capon beamformer. Such design takes input statistics into account, so it can do a better job of suppressing the sources that fall in the stopband. Capon-CBS can offer higher probability of resolution and smaller mean square error for DOA estimation, as demonstrated in the simulations. Moreover, like traditional CBS, Capon-CBS also has the advantage of low computational complexitymore » « less
null (Ed.)It has recently been shown that periodicity in discrete-time data can be analyzed using Ramanujan sums and associated dictionaries. This paper explores the role of dictionary learning methods in the context of period estimation and periodic signal representation using dictionaries. It is shown that a wellknown dictionary learning algorithm, namely K-SVD, is able to learn Ramanujan and Farey periodicity dictionaries from the noisy, sparse coefficient data generated from them without imposing any periodicity structure in the learning stage. This similarity between the learned dictionary and the underlying original periodicity dictionary reaffirms the power of the KSVD in predicting the right dictionary from data without explicit application-specific constraints. The paper also examines how the choice of different parameter values affect the similarity of the learned dictionary to the underlying dictionary. Two versions of K-SVD along with different initializations are analyzed for their effect on representation and denoising error for the data.more » « less
null (Ed.)Filter banks on graphs are shown to be useful for analyzing data defined over networks, as they decompose a graph signal into components with low variation and high variation. Based on recent node-asynchronous implementation of graph filters, this study proposes an asynchronous implementation of filter banks on graphs. In the proposed algorithm nodes follow a randomized collect-compute-broadcast scheme: if a node is in the passive stage it collects the data sent by its incoming neighbors and stores only the most recent data. When a node gets into the active stage at a random time instance, it does the necessary filtering computations locally, and broadcasts a state vector to its outgoing neighbors. When the underlying filters (of the filter bank) are rational functions with the same denominator, the proposed filter bank implementation does not require additional communication between the neighboring nodes. However, computations done by a node increase linearly with the number of filters in the bank. It is also proven that the proposed asynchronous implementation converges to the desired output of the filter bank in the mean-squared sense under mild stability conditions. The convergence is verified also with numerical experiments.more » « less
null (Ed.)The convolutional beamspace (CBS) method for DOA estimation using dictionary-based sparse signal recovery is introduced. Beamspace methods enjoy lower computational complexity, increased parallelism of subband processing, and improved DOA resolution. But unlike classical beamspace methods, CBS allows root-MUSIC and ESPRIT to be performed directly for ULAs without additional preparation since the Vandermonde structure for ULAs are preserved in the CBS output. Due to the same reason, it is shown in this paper that sparse signal representation problems can also be directly formulated on the CBS output. Significant reduction in computational complexity and higher probability of resolution are obtained by using CBS. It is also shown how the regularization parameter involved in the method should be chosenmore » « less
null (Ed.)In recent years the convergence behavior of random node asynchronous graph communications have been studied for the case of undirected graphs. This paper extends these results to the case of graphs having arbitrary directed edges possibly with a nondiagonalizable adjacency matrix. Assuming that the graph operator has eigenvalue 1 and the input signal satisfies a certain condition (which ensures the existence of fixed points), this study presents the necessary and sufficient condition for the mean-squared convergence of the graph signal. The presented condition depends on the graph operator as well as the update probabilities, and the convergence of the randomized asynchronous updates may be achieved even when the underlying operator is not stable in the synchronous setting. As an application, the node-asynchronous updates are combined with polynomial filtering in order to obtain a spectral clustering for directed networks. The convergence is also verified with numerical simulations.more » « less
null (Ed.)One-bit quantization has attracted attention in massive MIMO, radar, and array processing, due to its simplicity, low cost, and capability of parameter estimation. Specifically, the shape of the covariance of the unquantized data can be estimated from the arcsine law and onebit data, if the unquantized data is Gaussian. However, in practice, the Gaussian assumption is not satisfied due to outliers. It is known from the literature that outliers can be modeled by complex elliptically symmetric (CES) distributions with heavy tails. This paper shows that the arcsine law remains applicable to CES distributions. Therefore, the normalized scatter matrix of the unquantized data can be readily estimated from one-bit samples derived from CES distributions. The proposed estimator is not only computationally fast but also robust to CES distributions with heavy tails. These attributes will be demonstrated through numerical examples, in terms of computational time and the estimation error. An application in DOA estimation with MUSIC spectrum is also presented.more » « less
null (Ed.)A new type of beamspace for array processing is introduced called convolutional beamspace. It enjoys the advantages of traditional beamspace such as lower computational complexity, increased parallelism of subband processing, and improved resolution threshold for DOA estimation. But unlike traditional beamspace methods, it allows root-MUSIC and ESPRIT to be performed directly for ULAs without any overhead of preparation, as the Vandermonde structure and the shift-invariance are preserved under the transformation. The method produces more accurate DOA estimates than traditional beamspace methods, and for correlated sources it produces better estimates than element-space methods.more » « less
This study considers a randomized asynchronous form of the discrete time-invariant state-space models, in which only a random subset of the state variables is updated in each iteration. When the system has a single input in the form of a complex exponential, it is shown that the output signal still behaves like an exponential in a statistical sense. The study presents the necessary and sufficient condition that ensures the stability of a randomized asynchronous system, which does not necessarily require the stability of the state transition matrix.more » « less