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Creators/Authors contains: "Vanderlinde, K."

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    We present an extension to a Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect (SZE) selected cluster catalogue based on observations from the South Pole Telescope (SPT); this catalogue extends to lower signal to noise than the previous SPT–SZ catalogue and therefore includes lower mass clusters. Optically derived redshifts, centres, richnesses, and morphological parameters together with catalogue contamination and completeness statistics are extracted using the multicomponent matched filter (MCMF) algorithm applied to the S/N > 4 SPT–SZ candidate list and the Dark Energy Survey (DES) photometric galaxy catalogue. The main catalogue contains 811 sources above S/N = 4, has 91  per cent purity, and is 95 per cent complete with respect to the original SZE selection. It contains in total 50 per cent more clusters and twice as many clusters above z = 0.8 in comparison to the original SPT-SZ sample. The MCMF algorithm allows us to define subsamples of the desired purity with traceable impact on catalogue completeness. As an example, we provide two subsamples with S/N > 4.25 and S/N > 4.5 for which the sample contamination and cleaning-induced incompleteness are both as low as the expected Poisson noise for samples of their size. The subsample with S/N > 4.5 has 98 per cent purity and 96 per cent completeness and is part of our new combined SPT cluster and DES weak-lensing cosmological analysis. We measure the number of false detections in the SPT-SZ candidate list as function of S/N, finding that it follows that expected from assuming Gaussian noise, but with a lower amplitude compared to previous estimates from simulations.

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  2. Abstract The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)/FRB experiment has detected thousands of fast radio bursts (FRBs) due to its sensitivity and wide field of view; however, its low angular resolution prevents it from localizing events to their host galaxies. Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), triggered by FRB detections from CHIME/FRB will solve the challenge of localization for non-repeating events. Using a refurbished 10 m radio dish at the Algonquin Radio Observatory located in Ontario Canada, we developed a testbed for a VLBI experiment with a theoretical λ / D ≲ 30 mas. We provide an overview of the 10 m system and describe its refurbishment, the data acquisition, and a procedure for fringe fitting that simultaneously estimates the geometric delay used for localization and the dispersive delay from the ionosphere. Using single pulses from the Crab pulsar, we validate the system and localization procedure, and analyze the clock stability between sites, which is critical for coherently delay referencing an FRB event. We find a localization of ∼200 mas is possible with the performance of the current system (single-baseline). Furthermore, for sources with insufficient signal or restricted wideband to simultaneously measure both geometric and ionospheric delays, we show that the differential ionospheric contribution between the two sites must be measured to a precision of 1 × 10 −8 pc cm −3 to provide a reasonable localization from a detection in the 400–800 MHz band. Finally we show detection of an FRB observed simultaneously in the CHIME and the Algonquin 10 m telescope, the first non-repeating FRB in this long baseline. This project serves as a testbed for the forthcoming CHIME/FRB Outriggers project. 
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